Contains the description of a gift list or wish list. A Wish list is a sub set of Gift List with the following details: customer_id, published_flag, public_flag and GiftListItemColDesc. For a wish list, the public_flag and published_flag will always be set to false. Unique identifier of the gift list. The unique identifier for the owning customer of this list, as provided by the customer system of record. The name of the list that describes its purpose, such as "My Wedding", or "Joe's Wishlist". Contains the event type. Gift lists (or registries) for a special event should specify this. A gift list that is created for a special event, can specify the date of that event here. Indicates whether the gift/wish list is published, i.e. whether the list is visible to and can be search for by other specific customers. See "public_flag". Absence of this element should indicate "true". Setting this value to true indicates that anyone can view the list. This is a broader visibility than "published_flag". Absence of this element should indicate "false". ID for the location where the gift list was created. Comments on the gift list. Instructions for the gift list. Contains the URL of the image associated with the gift list. Date the gift list was created. Date the gift list was most recently updated. Gift list expiration date. Id of user who created the gift list. Id of user who updated the gift list. The shipping addresses to where items purchased off of the list should be shipped to. Collection of gift list items or wish list items. This type can hold a string of max length of 40 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 254 characters. This type can hold a string of max length of 64 characters. Description is not available.