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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Service-Oriented Architecture Enabler Tool Guide
Release 16.0.21
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7 Web Service Standards and Conventions

This chapter includes standards and conventions for Web service naming and versioning.

Web Service Naming

The following standards and conventions apply to the naming of Web services.

The Web service name should be a business noun, concept or process.

Item Description
Recommendation The Web service name should be a business noun, a business concept, or a business process.
Rationale To be in alignment with other Web service standards.
Example Supplier Service

Avoid verbs when naming Web services.

Item Description
Recommendation The Web service name should be a business noun, a business concept, or a business process.
Rationale Verbs generally are at the operation level, not at the service level.
Example Avoid names such as CreateSupplierService.

The first 30 characters of the Web service name must be unique.

Item Description
Recommendation The first 30 characters of the Web service name must be unique.
Rationale Some systems truncate names at 30 characters.
Example N/A

The integration/services qualifier should be in the namespace.

Item Description
Recommendation The integration/services qualifier should be in the namespace.
Example http://www.oracle.com/retail/rms/integration/services/PayTermService.

The Web service namespace should contain the application short name.

Item Description
Recommendation The Web service namespace should contain the application short name.
Rationale Multiple applications may publish services with similar names. To categorize and identify which application is hosting what service, the service namespace should contain the application short name.
Example http://www.oracle.com/retail/rms/integration/services/PayTermService.

The Web service type should be document/literal wrapped.

Item Description
Recommendation The Web service type should be document/literal wrapped.
Rationale This is defined in the WSDL.
<soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
<operation name="createPayTermBO">
<ns21:PolicyReference xmlns:ns21="http://www.w3.org/ns/ws-policy" URI="#PayTermServicePortBinding_createPayTermBO_WSAT_Policy"/>
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>

The Web service must comply with Web Service Basic Profile 1.1.

Item Description
Recommendation The Web service must comply with Web Service Basic Profile 1.1.
Rationale The specification is called the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1. It consists of a set of non-proprietary Web services specifications, clarifications, refinements, interpretations, and amplifications of those specifications which promote interoperability.
Example N/A

The Web service operation naming pattern should be verb<TopLevelComplexType>(TopLevelComplexType variable).

Item Description
Recommendation The operation name pattern should be either of the following:
  • verb<TopLevelComplexType>( TopLevelComplexType variable)

  • verb<NonTopLevelComplexType>Using<TopLevelComplexType>( TopLevelComplexType variable).

  • Non top level Complex Type cannot be empty, that is in xml we cannot have something like <ExtOfReportLocDesc></ExtOfReportLocDesc> or <ExtOfReportLocDesc/>.

Rationale The operation name should reflect the Top Level Complex Type of the service's primary entity object to ensure the name is unambiguous.
Example createItemListBO

Web Service Versioning

Service versioning is in the namespace, including the application and the version identifier.

The service namespace is versioned.

Item Description
Recommendation The WSDL for the RBS will have the namespace versioned.
Rationale For breaking changes only, the WSDL for the RBS will have the namespace versioned.

http://www.oracle.com/retail/<retail app>/integration/services/<service name>/V<incremental change number>

Example http://www.oracle.com/retail/rms/integration/services/PayTermService/V2