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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Support Tools Guide
Release 16.0.21
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4 RIB Diagnostics and Monitoring Tool (RDMT)

The RIB Diagnostic and Monitoring Tool (RDMT) is a collection of command line tools, written in UNIX shell script along with supporting Java classes packaged in jar files. There are various tools to address these areas:

RIB is a complex collection of distributed components, and there are a variety of GUI tools. RDMT augments the GUI tools and provides command line control and access to RIB functions at all levels. RDMT is written to be stand-alone and to provide examples and capabilities for integration into enterprise level OSS and management frameworks, such as Oracle Enterprise Manager, Tivoli, or HP OpenView.


  • Support for Oracle WLS RIB Version.

  • Support for local/remote installation.

  • Support for Oracle Streams AQ JMS as the JMS Provider.

  • Support for RIB Hospital databases.

  • Support for RAC Configured Databases.

  • Support for JMX control of all RIB Components

  • Support for message Pub/Sub.

All of the scripts are written to be examples of specific functionality, but have been integrated into a simple tool kit that is configuration driven and has a very simple character-based menu system provided to allow a single point of integration.

RDMT and User Roles and Responsibilities

The tools are written to provide capabilities and examples of functions for users with various roles and responsibilities.

The primary target role is the RIB administrator, who is responsible for the installation, configuration, and deployment of RIB components. The RIB administrator also performs ongoing RIB Software Life Cycle management and provides production operation support. This person has full permissions on all of the application server directories and has full read and execute permissions on the Oracle Application Server tools, such as opmnctl and the WLS instance sub directories.

Local or Remote Installations and Capabilities

RDMT can be installed by a user on the system that may or may not have the RIB/WLS environment. RDMT tools support local and remote WLS functions through JMX.

In remote installations, some scripts in the toolkit expect the installing user to have read permissions of the WebLogic home RIB WLS sub-directories or require execute permission of opmnctl. Therefore, these will return file or permissions errors.

Once the roles and responsibilities of the user have been understood and established, follow the installation instructions available in the Oracle Integration Bus Installation Guide.

RDMT Support jars

The following table provides information on the support RDMT jars:

Table 4-1 jar Files

.jar File Description


Support classes for jms.


Specific impl for AQ


Support classes for AQ admin


JMX client


Support tools

Sample XML Messages

The RDMT release packages a zip file of example xml messages for each message family and message type payload. The zip file is located in the RDMT subdirectory testmsgs.

Tools Overview

RDMT has been designed as a set of command line tools that can serve generally needed functions with examples for retailer specific uses, and to provide a ready to use, low impact application. In many situations, it is a requirement to have tools that consume low bandwidth to manage and triage the RIB. These tools provide alternatives to the GUI based tools. The other common requirement is for control and monitoring command line scripts that can be incorporated into enterprise operations scheduling frameworks, such as Autosys or Appworkx.

RDMT has been organized around a very simple character-based menu system that can be modified to suit the deployment roles and responsibilities and to provide some structure by functional area.

RDMT as an Application

This section describes RDMT as an application.


All of the tools have been organized into a simple application and accessible via the character-based menu system. All of the tools have been designed to execute relative to a based directory (rdmt). Within that base directory, all tools expect to find all of the support libraries and other scripts. To execute any tool, all that is needed is to set the base directory as an environmental variable, SCRIPTDIR.


RDMT can be installed either inside or outside rib-home or in a remote server. To install inside or outside rib-home, the installation script (configbuilder.sh) automatically fetches all necessary configuration parameters from rib-deployment-env.-info.xml from inside the specified rib-home/deployment-home/conf directory.

However, if RDMT is installed in a remote server, the installation script prompts for the RIB deployment environment specific values. All of the scripts have been designed to be configuration driven by property files. The setup process updates these files.


In some OL7 environments, the WebLogic xerces jar takes precedence over the xerces jar packaged with RIB. If this occurs, you will see errors like this when running configbuilder.sh:

org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'getWlsSecureCredential' in class

oracle.retail.rib.app.builder.security.credential.CredentialAccessManager threw exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:


Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Locale;)V at jmx1.vm[line 13, column 39]

The workaround for this issue is to rename the xerces jar in $RIB-HOME so it takes precedence:

  1. cd $RIB-HOME/integration-lib.

  2. cp xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar a-xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar.

  3. cd $RIB-HOME/tools-home/rdmt.

  4. sh configbuilder.sh.

If the issue persists, it is recommended that you copy RIB-HOME to a different (non-OL7) machine and install RDMT in that location.

Current Configuration

Because there are multiple configurations possible with the fully distributed RIB, all of the tools are designed to work against a set of property files that provide the values needed to execute. Collectively, these are called "current." In the menu system, there are functions that allow configuration of n-number of configurations. For example, there can be n-number of rib-<app>'s configured. Other functions set runtime configuration files to these "current" configurations. All tools then read these "current" values and perform tasks against them.


All of the tools are designed to produce logs and to use temporary files. The location of these logs is a configuration parameter and defaults to RDMTLOGS within the rdmt base directory.

RDMT RAC Support

RDMT supports RAC configured databases. The user needs to provide the entire database connection URL when prompted during the setup process.

The user needs to provide the same JDBC connection URL for AQ JMS or Hospital Databases as supplied in rib-deployment-env-info.xml during RIB installation. The user can provide either thin JDBC connection URL or long JDBC connection URL format (in case of RAC configured database) depending on the user's environment.

The user needs to provide only the database user name, password, and connection URL to configure for any AQ JMS/ Hospital database. The example below shows the configuration for a hospital database during the RDMT setup process.

Example 4-1

Enter RMS database Connection URL [needs_value]: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dbhost1)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dbhost2)(PORT = 1521))(LOAD_BALANCE = yes))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))
You entered: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dbhost1)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dbhost2)(PORT = 1521))(LOAD_BALANCE = yes))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]:

RDMT Main Menu

This is the main entry point into the RDMT tool kit application. Most selections invoke other submenus. But, for convenience, several tools included in other submenus, are directly accessed from this menu.

Surrounding text describes image023.jpg.

WLS/JMX Utilities

Script Used:



This menu option exposes the various tools that use JMX to interact with the WLS instance and to control or status the current rib-<app> and its components.

Surrounding text describes image024.png.

Table 4-2 WLS/JMX Utilities

Script Description


status of the currently active rib application


A wrapper to the jmx client support classes. This script directly invokes the interactive functions.


General wrapper for other tools to invoke specific jmx functions.


There are multiple configurations possible with the fully distributed J2EE RIB. This utility is used to manage the configuration files that allow the rdmt tools to access them. This option can also be used to switch/re-configure the previously configured WLS/JMX configuration.


RIB app logging tool


RIB app logging tool


RIB app logging tool


RIB app logging tool


Common script used by all jmx tools to interact with the jmx client jar. Many of the menu selections merely set the calling parameters to this tool.


Get the run state of the rib-app WLS instance and application for all configured.


For all configured rib-app scans the state of the instance, app and adapters.


Status of the currently active WLS instance.


This utility is used to switch the active configuration file that the rdmt tools use.


Test script for testing arbitrary jmx commands within the RDMT framework. This is not a menu selection since it requires user editing.

Table 4-3 WLS/JMX Utilities

Utility Description

start all adapters (jmx)

This utility option starts all adapters of a rib-<app>, where app refers to rms, rwms, sim, rpm, rfm, oms, or tafr. The adapters start only when the initial state is specified as running for the adapters in the rib-<app>-adapters.xml. If the initial state=stopped, an error is thrown: "Cannot start; initial state is set to stopped." If an adapter already is running, executing this option keeps the adapter in the previous state.

start adapter (jmx)

This utility option starts a single adapter of a rib-<app>, where app refers to rms, rwms, sim, rpm, rfm, oms, or tafr. It starts the adapter only when the initial state is specified as running for the adapter in the rib-<app>-adapters.xml. If the initial state=stopped, an error is thrown: "Cannot start; initial state is set to stopped." If the adapter already is running, executing this option keeps the adapter in the previous state itself.

startForced adapters (jmx)

This utility starts all adapters of a rib-<app>, where app refers to rms, rwms, sim, rpm, rfm, oms, or tafr. It starts all adapters irrespective of their initial state in rib-<app>-adapters.xml.

startForced adapter (jmx)

This utility option starts a single adapter of a rib-<app>, where app refers to rms, rwms, sim, rpm, rfm, oms, or tafr. It starts the adapter irrespective of its initial state in rib-<app>-adapters.xml.

JMS Tools

Script Used:



This menu option exposes the various JMS functionalities available in the tool kit. For convenience, some tools from other submenus are presented here as well.

Surrounding text describes image023.jpg.

Table 4-4 JMS Tools

Script Description


Common script used by all JMS tools to interact with the AQ JMS client jar. Many of the menu selections merely set the calling parameters to this tool.


Delete message(s) on a specified JMS topic for a specified subscriber.


Get a dump of message(s) on an AQ JMS topic for a specified subscriber.


Get a dump of properties of message(s) on an AQ JMS topic for a specified subscriber.


RDMT supports configuration of n-number of JMS Providers. This utility configures the values to support.

rdmt_jms_submenu is used to make one the current configuration.


Query the AQ JMS for all of the topics and the message count on each topic.


Query the AQ JMS for just the topics with message counts.


This utility provides direct access to the AQ JMS Java API utilities.

PUB/SUB Msg Tools

Script Used:



All of the tools is this menu are wrappers that expose functions in the Java utilities rib-jms-api.jar included in the tool kit library. These are general purpose pub/sub functions that are written to support the various JMS Providers for the RIB, such as AQ JMS.

In addition to these, we have a utility to test any TAFR's business implementation. By providing the necessary parameters which are prompted, the user can see the output of a particular TAFR either on the console or in the specified file. Surrounding text describes image-PUBSUBmsgtools.png.

Table 4-5 PUB/SUB Msg Tools

Script Description


Provides direct access to the Java API by prompting for all of the expected command line values it expects.


Provides direct access to the Java API by prompting for all of the expected command line values it expects.


Higher level wrapper that uses the configuration values to shortcut the values needed to call the JavaAPIs.


Higher level wrapper that uses the configuration values to shortcut the values needed to call the Java APIs.


Script that supports multi-message publication.


Script that supports multi-message publication.


Utility to wrapper the EJB Message Publish Java API.


Script that supports multi-message publication through EJB Message Publish Java API.


Script that supports multi-message publication through EJB Message Publish Java API.


Script that can be used to test any TAFR Business implementation.

RIB Health Tools

Script Used:



This option leads the user to the submenu through which the user can get the current RIB health status. Surrounding text describes image-ribhealthtools.png.

Table 4-6 RIB Health Tools

Script Description


See "RIB Health" in this chapter.


See "EJB Ping (RIB)" in this chapter.


See "EJB Ping (RIB)" in this chapter.


See "Scan RIB Logs / Scan RIB Logs (Delta)" in this chapter.


See "Scan RIB Logs / Scan RIB Logs (Delta)" in this chapter.


See "RIB Timings Utility" in this chapter.


This script scans a list of RMS MFQ tables using a JDBC connection. (see mfqtables.conf).


This script scans a list of RWMS Upload tables using a JDBC connection. (see uploadtables.conf).


See "RIB Configuration Report" in this chapter.

Hospital Scan Tools

Script Used:



This option leads the user to the RIB hospital for various applications submenu through which the user can get the current RIB hospital status.

Surrounding text describes image032.png.

Table 4-7 Hospital Scan Tools

Script Description


This script calls a Java class that uses JDBC to access the database(s) containing the Hospital tables.

It scans the Hospital RIB_MESSAGES table and reports the following:

  • how many messages (row count)

  • how many messages exceed the retry count

  • how many messages of a topic are present


This script calls a Java class to scan the RIB Hospital Message Failure table using a JDBC connection.

RIB Admin Tools

Script Used:



The ribadmin script was stand-alone in previous RIB releases. Those functions have since been moved into this menu item. The ribadmin.sh script is sourced to make the existing functions available to the menu items and the variables that the scripts expected have been mapped to rdmt configuration files.

Since many of the functions expect execute permissions on opmnctl as well as read/write permissions on the WLS directory tree, this menu and the tools are designed for the ribadmin role.

If RDMT is installed in the RIB App Builder rib-home and that is accessible and configured, then this menu exposes the rib-app-builder menu selection. A test is performed to verify the rib-home is configured, if not, then the selection will not appear.

Surrounding text describes image035.jpg.

Table 4-8 RIB Admin Tools

Script Description


This script contains most all of the functions that are exposed by this menu.

RIB App Builder Tools

Script Used:



This option leads the user to the RIB App Builder tools installed in the rib-home. For a description of the tools and usage, see Chapter 2, "Application Builder" in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Operations Guide.

Surrounding text describes image035.jpg.

Scan RIB Logs / Scan RIB Logs (Delta)

Scripts Used:

loglookoc4j.sh, scan_logs.sh, loglookoc4j_delta.sh, scan_logs_delta.sh


These scripts perform a log scan to look for a pattern ("Exception") in all of the log files in a directory of the currently active WLS instance. Since they perform file system scans, the RDMT tools must be installed on the host that contains these logs and must have read permissions on the directories and the files.

As the tool scans all of the logs it writes the matches to a single log file. This becomes the base file. A second script (delta) looks for the same pattern, but compares the matches against the base file, and outputs only new ones. The primary scripts are the scan_logs.sh and the scan_logs_delta.sh. The files created and used by these scripts are controlled by the rdmt.conf entries.

The location of these files should be sized to handle large text files, since it is possible for there to be many exceptions and these will contain the consolidated entries from potentially hundreds of logs. The location is the tmp files parameter set during RDMT installation and is defaulted to RDMTLOGS/tmp.

RIB Health

Script Used:



This utility is a general purpose script that invokes other tools and functions in the tool kit to take a snapshot in time of the run-time state of all of the configured rib-apps. Because this script uses specific jar files as well as other tools in the tool kit, it requires that SCRIPTDIR be set to the rdmt base directory.

It produces a rib_health report on the console as well as a time-stamped log written to the RDMTLOGS/tmp directory. Each execution of the script produces one of the logs, and then over-writes a log called lastrun as well. There is a menu selection that views the lastrun report.

RIB Configuration Report

Script Used:



After the RIB has been installed and configured on WLS, the user can verify installations and configurations using RDMT. A script is linked in the RDMT menu that scans the installations and configurations of rib applications deployed using the configuration settings in the RDMT configuration files.

It is recommended that after the installation is complete, you run the RIB Config Report utility from the RIB Health Menu option. This outputs the results of the scan on the console as well as in an output file under the specified TEMP FILES DIRECTORY. Each run produces a time-stamped log and updates a log called lastrun-config that is viewable from a menu selection.

This script was written to take a snapshot of the RIB environment and test for basic configuration issues. This utility does the following:

  • Displays all RIB apps and shows the status for each RIB WLS instance and application.

  • Performs JMX related functions such as scanning configurations for each jmxX.conf file and displays the status of the adapters, exceptions from scanning the logs, and so on.

  • Performs checks using JMS configuration.

  • Performs checks using Hospital configurations.

RIB Timings Utility

Script Used:



RIB can log a set of timing entries whenever it creates, transform, routes, filters, or subscribes to messages on the RIB. This utility only works when the RDMT is installed on the host system where the logs are generated and the RDMT user has permissions to read the log directories.

The timingsutil.sh script is a wrapper to the RIBTimings Java class. This script runs the RibTimings post processor on an adapter's timing file. It prompts for the adapter name then it analyzes the timings logs for that particular adapter. The output is to the screen as well as a file of CSV format in the RDMT temp files directory; RDMTLOGS/tmp/<adapter>.csv. which contains the detailed analysis of timings logs.

This csv file can be directly viewed by Excel. To use this function, the adapter timing log parameters must be set to DEBUG.

JMS Publish Utility

Script Used:





This utility was developed to publish a message to a JMS topic. The pubmsgutil.sh is a wrapper script to RibJmsPublisherTester. It calls the JMS API and publishes the message on to the topic.


"java com.retek.rib.jms.RibJmsPublisherTester-j <JMS provider>-x <JMS URL>-u <JMS username>
-p <JMS password>
-t <topicName>-n <xmlFileName>-wm <should messages be wrapped in RIBMessage envelop>-f <messageFamily>-m <messageType>-ri <routingInfo>-tv <threadValue>-nt   <<number of times - optional (default value is 1)>>

EJB Publish Utility

Script Used:





This utility was developed to wrapper the EJB Message Publish Java API. The ejbpub_util.sh is a wrapper script to RibMessagePublisherClient. It calls the specified EJB service and publishes the message on to the AQ JMS. It uses the platform service to publish the message. The user needs to specify the necessary parameters.


java com.oracle.rib.rdmt.util.RibMessagePublisherClient
 -host <<host|1>>
 -port <<RMI port -- required>
 -app  <<App name -- required>>
 -fa   <<family -- required>>
 -ty   <<type -- required>>
 -us   <<user | optional>>
 -pw   <<password | optional>>
 -fi   <<file -- required>>

TAFR Msg Utility

Script Used:





This utility is developed to test any TAFR Business implementation. This helps to check the output of a particular TAFR by providing the necessary prompted arguments. It prompts the user for the TAFR name, the location of the input sample file, adapter id, and the output file name to direct the output (optional). If the output file name is not specified, the default output is routed to stdout. Once provided the valid arguments, the user can see the output of that particular TAFR.

Sample Output:

 This utility was developed to test any TAFR Business implementation.
 These are designed to help diagnose/validate the TAFR implementation.
 Usage: java TestAnyTafrBOImpl
        <tafr name -- required>
        <file path -- required>
        <true|false print message data -- required>
        <adapter-id -- required>
        <file name -- optional | default output routed to stdout>
Do you wish to continue ?
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]:
Existing parameter values:
StoresToStoresPhys /u00/rib-home/tools-home/rdmt/testmsgs/PODesc.xml true
Do you wish to execute using existing values?
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]: n
Enter TAFR Name [StoresToStoresPhys]:
You entered: StoresToStoresPhys
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]:
Enter the Input message file and path
You entered: /u00/rib-home/tools-home/rdmt/testmsgs/storedel.xml
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]:
Print Message Data? [ true | false]  [true]:
You entered: true
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]:
Enter Adapter ID [StoresToStoresPhys_tafr_1]:
You entered: StoresToStoresPhys_tafr_1
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]:
Enter the Output file name and path if required (default output routed to stdout)
You entered:
Enter to Continue? y/n/q [y]:
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Trying to load rib-system.properties from
rib-system.properties loaded from
Trying to load rib-tafr.properties from
rib-tafr.properties loaded from
*********************RIBMESSAGES TRANSFORMED DATA*************************
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RibMessages xmlns="http://www.oracle.com/retail/integration/rib/RibMessages"
    <publishTime>2006-01-23 11:45:46.052 CST</publishTime>
*********************PAYLOAD DATA*************************
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        1) etStoresPhys

Configure Multi Channels

Script Used:



This utility is developed to make multi channel configuration easy. Using this utility user can configure multichannel for the desired flow id, also configuration changes can be reverted back in case needed.

Script reads rdmt.conf file to get rib-home and log file location. After rib-home is located, script reads rib-deployment-env-info.xml to know the applications in scope. Also script reads rib-integration-flow.xml present in rib-home/application-assembly-home/rib-func-artifacts/rib-func-artifact.war.Script makes list of adapters to be multi channel configured. Script also takes into consideration adapters from flows with ref-id to one or more adapter of given flow.

After the script gets all the desired inputs from user and confirmation to proceed, script will update xml and properties files for the applications which are in scope.


This utility is available in rdmt main menu option 17. On running this utility, you are prompted to enter the message-flow-id. Second input to the utility will be number of channels to configure. After the utility is run with all the desired inputs, a user friendly message is displayed on screen. In case this configuration already exists for the given flow and number of channels, the following message appears on the screen - multi channel configuration is already existing. Else, the following message appears - configuration completed. The following is a sample output:

Selection: 17

RIB-HOME = /u00/dev01/16/Rib1600ForAll16xxApps/rib-home
Applications in scope are : [rib-oms, rib-rms, rib-sim, rib-tafr]
Log file location: /u00/dev01/16/Rib1600ForAll16xxApps/rib-home/tools-home/rdmt/RDMTLOGS/MultiChannelConfig.log
Enter "return" to terminate this process and return to main menu.
Enabling multi channels needs two inputs from the user. First one is, "message-flow id" number from "rib-integration-flows" file. This file will be available at deployment of "rib-func-artifact-<version>.war".
Enter "message-flow id" number:1

You are about to enable multi channels to the following adapters of applications in scope:

The second input,the user to enter is number of the channels required for the above entered "message-flow id" number.Enter count of multi channels:2The adapter files named "rib-<app>-adapters.xml" and property files named "rib-<app>-adapters-resources.properties" ofapplications in scope will be edited to enable multi channels. Please take a backup copy of those files.Do you want to continue? [Y/(N)]:YMulti channels configuration completed. Time Taken = 1.516 Seconds.

Tool Usage Examples

The following are sets of steps for resolving tool usage concerns.

Ensure RIB is Correctly Installed

Complete the following steps:

  1. Using the RDMT Menu system, select the RIB Health SubMenu.

  2. Execute RIB Config Report option. This produces the basic report on installation.

    This step scans the installations and configurations of rib applications deployed in WLS. It finally produces a RIB WLS configuration report on the console as well as writes it into a file under the RDMT Temp directory, which contain the status of all the RIB configurations necessary to detect/diagnose any RIB related issues.

  3. If you find any discrepancies, refer to the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide and follow the steps mentioned there.

Determine Whether the Local WLS is Running

Complete the following steps:

  1. Using the RDMT Menu system, select the WLS/JMX Utilities SubMenu.

  2. Execute Get WLS Instance State option. It displays the current WLS status.

  3. If it is not running, start the local WLS instance. See the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide for how to start it.

Determine Where an Issue is Occurring

Complete the following steps:

  1. Select RDMT Main Menu.

  2. Execute the Scan RIB Logs option. It performs a log scan to look for a /pattern/ ("Exception") in all of the log files in a directory of the currently active WLS instance.

  3. Select JMS Topic Scan. Look for topics with messages stuck.

Determine Whether the Adapter Status is Up or Down

Complete the following steps:

  1. Select WLS/JMX Utilities Menu.

  2. Execute Status ALL Adapters option. It displays the status of all the adapters, namely the publishers, subscribers, hospital and TAFR for the currently active WLS instance.

  3. If anything is down, use the Start ALL adapters option and start the same.

Perform a Config/Switch for a New WLS Instance

Complete the following steps:

  1. Select WLS/JMX Utilities Menu.

  2. Execute WLS/JMX Config Utility option.

  3. Provide the desired parameters and configure an instance.

  4. You can switch to the desired instance using the same option.

Determine the Subscriber for a Particular JMS Topic

Complete the following steps:

  1. Select RDMT Main Menu.

  2. Select JMS Utilities Menu.

  3. Execute the JMS Topics Subscribe List option.

  4. Provide the topic name for which the subscriber name is needed. It provides the same.