7.3 Install OAAgraph and Supporting Client Packages

Prerequisites for and instructions on installing the OAAgraph and supporting client packages.

The OAAgraph package translates R function calls into analytic requests to a PGX server in Oracle Database 12c Release.2.

The prerequisites for installing the OAAgraph and the supporting client packages are:

  • A Linux or Microsoft Windows x86 system

  • Open Source R or Oracle R Distribution 3.3.0

  • Oracle R Enterprise 1.5.1 or Oracle R Enterprise 1.5

  • Oracle JDK 8 or later

    Ensure that the following are correct:

    • The JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the Oracle JDK 8 installation directory

    • The java binary on your PATH environment variable points to the correct executable

In the following steps, the command examples are for a Linux system.

To install the OAAgraph package and the client supporting packages, do the following:
  1. Download the OAAgraph-supporting.zip file.
  2. Extract the contents of the file.
    unzip OAAgraph-supporting.zip -d /tmp/supporting
  3. Install the supporting package.
    R CMD INSTALL /tmp/supporting/rJava_0.9-9-LGPL.tar.gz
  4. Install the OAAgraph package.

    On Linux:

    R CMD INSTALL pgx-2.4.2-oaa-client.tgz

    On Windows:

    R CMD INSTALL pgx-2.4.2-oaa-client.tgz --multiarch
  5. Configure the rJava library that is part of the supporting package.
    sudo -E R CMD javareconf