C.3 Installing RStudio Desktop

RStudio Desktop is an IDE for standalone machines.

To install RStudio Desktop:

    1. Install R.

    2. Go to the RStudio website, navigate to the RStudio Desktop Download page, and download RStudio Desktop.

    3. Run the installer and follow the prompts.

    4. Click the desktop icon to initialize RStudio.

    5. To access the Oracle R Distribution 3.2.0 help within RStudio, modify as Administrator the file RStudio Home Directory\R\modules\SessionHelp.R. In the following example, RStudio is installed in the Program Files folder on the C drive:

      C:\Program Files\RStudio\R\modules\SessionHelp.R

      Update httpdPortIsFunction to the following:

      .rs.addFunction( "httpdPortIsFunction", function() {
         getRversion() >= "3.2"