3.2.2 About the NARROW Data Set for Examples

Many of the examples of the exploratory data analysis functions use the NARROW data set.

NARROW is an ore.frame that has 9 columns and 1500 rows, as shown in the following example. Some of the columns are numeric, others are not.

Example 3-23 The NARROW Data Set

This example shows the class, dimensions, and names of the NARROW object.

R> class(NARROW)
R> dim(NARROW)
R> names(NARROW)

Listing for This Example

R> class(NARROW)
[1] "ore.frame"
[1] "OREbase"
R> dim(NARROW)[1] 1500    9
R> names(NARROW)
[1] "ID"             "GENDER"         "AGE"            "MARITAL_STATUS"
[9] "CLASS"