Installer Execution

Describes the steps to perform to install Oracle Utilities Data Model.

Before you install Oracle Utilities Data Model, perform the necessary preinstallation tasks.


You must install Oracle Utilities Data Model on the localhost where the database server is located. You can determine the value of your localhost by issuing the following command where db_name is the name of your Oracle database:

tnsname db_name

Follow these steps to install Oracle Utilities Data Model:

  1. Log in using the user ID that you plan to use to run the installation. You should use the same user ID to install Oracle Utilities Data Model as used to install the Oracle Database and Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition.
  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the location of the database where you want to install Oracle Utilities Data Model.

    For example, suppose Oracle home is in the directory /loc/app/oracle/product/dbhome

    In a Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell, use these commands to set ORACLE_HOME:

    $ ORACLE_HOME=/loc/app/oracle/product/dbhome
    $ export ORACLE_HOME

    In a C shell, use this command to set ORACLE_HOME:

    % setenv ORACLE_HOME /loc/app/oracle/product/dbhome
  3. Start the installer from the directory that contains the Oracle Utilities Data Model installation files:
    cd directory-containing-OUDM_installation-files
  4. The Welcome page is displayed. Click Next.
  5. In the Select Installation Type page, select the type of Oracle Utilities Data Model installation that you want to perform:
    • If you want to install the Oracle Utilities Data Model component, select Utilities Data Model.

    • If you want to install the Oracle Utilities Data Model reports and sample data, select Sample Reports.

    Oracle Utilities Data Model supports English. The option provided to add support for one language in addition to English is not used at the time of this release.

    Click Next.

  6. In the Specify Home Details page, verify that the Name and Path correspond to the database in which you want to install Oracle Utilities Data Model. You can click Browse to navigate to any valid local data file path.

    Click Next.

  7. In the Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks page, if one or more items are flagged, manually verify that your environment meets the minimum requirements. For details about performing this manual verification, click the flagged item and review the details in the box at the bottom of the page.

    When the status of all items are checked as Succeeded, click Next.

  8. In the Specify Database Connection Information page, provide the following information:
    • Select the Net Service Name which is the alias used for a connect descriptor to connect to the Oracle Database where Oracle Utilities Data Model will be installed.


      A net service name is a simple name for a service that resolves to a connect descriptor. Net service names are populated from the OracleHome/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file.

    • Enter the Password for SYSTEM user of the Oracle Database where Oracle Utilities Data Model will be installed.

    Click Next.

  9. The Specify OUDM Schema Information page is displayed when you select to install the component, Utilities Data Model. In this dialog specify where all the data files that correspond to the Oracle Utilities Data Model tablespace should reside:
    • If you do not want to use the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature in Oracle Database, but instead want to explicitly specify a folder name, select File System and enter a folder name. You can click Browse to navigate to any valid local data file path.

      Click Next.

    • If you have stored your Oracle database files using the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature, and you also want store Oracle Utilities Data Model data files using ASM, select Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

      Click Next.

      In the Select ASM Disk Group page, select the disk group in which you want to install the Oracle Utilities Data Model data files.

      Click Next.

  10. The Select Tablespace for Tables page displays. In this dialog, in the dropdown lists, select the tablespaces for tables you created prior to running the installer.
  11. The Select Tablespace for Materialized Views page displays. In this dialog, in the dropdown lists, select the tablespaces you created prior to running the installer.
  12. The Select Tablespace for Indexes page displays. In this dialog, in the dropdown lists, select the tablespaces you created prior to running the installer.
  13. The Specify OUDM Sample Schema Information page displays when you select to install the Sample Reports. In this dialog you specify where all the data files that correspond to the Oracle Utilities Data Model sample schemas should reside:
    • If you do not want to use the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature in Oracle Database, but instead want to explicitly specify a folder name, select File System and enter a folder name. You can click Browse to navigate to any valid local data file path.

      Click Next.

    • If you have stored your Oracle database files using the Automatic Storage Management (ASM) feature, and you also want store Oracle Utilities Data Model data files using ASM, select Automatic Storage Management (ASM).

      Click Next.

      In the Select ASM Disk Group page, select the disk group in which you want to install the Oracle Utilities Data Model data files.

      Click Next. When you install the sample reports, the next page shows the installer Summary that summarizes the information that you specified.

    1. The Select Tablespace for Sample Schema page displays when you install the Sample Reports. In this dialog, select the tablespace you created prior to running the installer.
  14. In the Specify Calendar Date Range page, specify the calendar date range by providing values for Start Date and Number of Years. The installer uses this information to populate the calendar data. A recommended Number of Years value is 15 years. Specifying larger Number of Years values proportionally increases the time it takes to implement the partitioning portion of Oracle Utilities Data Model install activity. The start year specified with Start Date should be the lowest possible dates from your historical data load (lowest possible CDR date typically). There is no easy method to incrementally extend the time dimension, so your initial choice for Number of Years should be specified to meet your needs for a reasonably long time.

    Start Date must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD; for example, 2011-01-01 stands for January 1, 2011. Number of Years must be a whole number.


    These calendar dates have nothing to do with the number of years you will effectively keep the data. The calendar as such is totally independent of the Information Lifecycle Management process you may use.

    Click Next.

  15. In the Specify Partitions for reference and base tables page, specify the number of Second Level hash partitions for each entity, Organization, Customer, Party, Account, Agreement, MeterReading, InitialReading, FinalReading, ServiceQuantity, and Interval Partition Start Date. Specify a value for each field. If you enter an invalid value, then the installer shows a dialog displaying the valid values. For each value you specify, you should choose a value that is a power of 2 (for example: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on). Enter a date for the Interval Partition Start Date in the specified format (YYYY-MM-DD).

    Click Next.

  16. The installer summarizes the information that you specified. Check that this information is correct. If necessary, click Back to return to previous screens and make corrections. When you are satisfied with the information, click Install.
  17. The Oracle Utilities Data Model component or sample reports are installed. If there are any problems, messages are displayed. After the installation finishes, the end of installation screen appears. Click Exit to exit the installer.

After you exit the installer, perform any necessary post-installation tasks. Then install the additional components that you need to create an Oracle Utilities Data Model warehouse.