Loan Calculator

The application provides calculators to the user, to get an indicative estimate of:

Through the;

Calculation is done by the application and results are displayed to the user.

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Dashboard > Accounts > Loans > Overview > Loan Installment Calculator

Loan Installment Calculator

Repayment of a loan includes both the repayment of the principal amount of the loan, and the interest. These two components, together add up to the loan installment amount, which is typically an amount paid monthly to the lender (bank).

Loan installment calculator is a simple calculator which calculates the installment value of the loan for specific tenure and rate of interest. It helps users to understand the monthly outlay, if they were to take a loan.

Loan Eligibility Calculator

Loan eligibility calculator enables users to understand their loan eligibility, considering their average monthly income and expenditure. It computes the eligible loan amount and average installment per month, based on income, expenses, interest rate and tenure of the loan.

Loan Eligibility Amount calculation is performed by the application and results are displayed.

The eligibility is calculated on the basis of :


ClosedAs a corporate User, what are the loan accounts that I can view?

A Corporate User can view all the accounts that he has access to. This includes the accounts of his primary party as well as those of Linked parties.

ClosedCan I perform repayment of the Loan 24/7, on the Online Platform?

Financial Transactions, such as repayment of loan will be allowed within the business hours (or the working window of the transaction.
