Customer can assign a specific name to a current or savings account. This is done as customer’s wish to remember accounts with a particular name instead of account numbers. Once a nickname is assigned to an account, it is displayed on various transactions instead of the standard account description. This option also allows customer to modify or delete the nickname whenever required.

To add nickname to account:

  1. Click Add Nickname, to add nickname to an account.
  2. In the ADD Nickname field , enter the nickname you want to use.
  1. Click Save Nickname to save your changes.
    Nicknames will be displayed on various transactions instead of the standard account description.

To edit / delete nickname to account:

Edit Nickname

  1. Click Edit Nickname, to modify nickname.
    And save your updates.
    Click Delete Nickname, to delete nickname.


ClosedWhat is advantage of assigning a nickname to an account?

You can personalize your account by giving it a nickname. This way you will be able to easily identify it when viewing account summary.

ClosedCan I assign a nickname to a joint account?

Yes, you can add nickname to any account of which you are the primary holder.