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Use the Reports Homepage to create and display reports and charts about your business data. The Reports Homepage shows a catalog of the available reports. It provides a starting point for running, printing, and saving reports. If your role includes the Manage Custom Reports privilege, you can also create custom reports from this page and make them available to the employees at your company.

To change your visibility in relation to different records or different books, use the Book selector. For more information about visibility in relation to records and what records are available to you, see About Visibility to Records in Analytics.

NOTE: Changes made to your Default Language, Currency, and Country fields on the Personal Profile pages are not reflected in all reports and analytics until you sign out and sign in again. Also, depending on your company's default language, you might see certain items in reports in a language other than your personal, default language. Even though any change made to your time zone is not reflected in reports, a different set of values is initialized for the session variables that depend on your time zone value when you log in next time.

NOTE: The changes that you make to your Personal Profile page take effect after you sign out and sign in again. The changes made to the company-level settings (such as Default Language, Currency, and so on) do not take effect until a full extract, transform, and load (ETL) is performed. To request a full ETL, contact Customer Care.

Note for first-time users: Some reports are updated nightly, so you might not see data in reports for the first 24-hour period after signing in. For example, the Sales Effectiveness Reports does not show data until after that initial period.

There are two types of reports:

  • Custom reports. Custom reports are those created by you or your coworkers. They are available in the Custom Reports and Analyses section of the Reports Homepage. You can access your previously created reports using the My Analysis link. You can access shared reports created by you and your coworkers using the Shared Custom Analysis link. For more information on accessing the existing custom reports, see Setting Up Report Folders. To create your own custom report, click the Design Analysis link. For more information on creating your own custom report, see Getting Started with Answers (Custom Reports).
  • Prebuilt reports. Prebuilt reports are provided with Oracle CRM On Demand. They are available in the Quick Lists, Pipeline Analysis, Sales Effectiveness, Customers, Service, and Marketing Effectiveness sections of the Reports Homepage. You cannot edit or delete the prebuilt reports. However, you can open, edit, and save these reports under different names. You can use them to form the basis of a new custom report. For more information about prebuilt reports, see About Prebuilt Reports.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

About Visibility to Records in Analytics

About Prebuilt Reports

About Custom Fiscal Calendar in Oracle CRM On Demand Answers

Managing Analyses

Getting Started with Answers (Custom Reports)

About Limitations in Reports


Optimizing Performance

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.