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About Fields Displayed as Images

In the following types of fields, the field value is displayed as an image and stored as an integer:

  • Star-rating integer fields. In a star-rating integer field, the field value is displayed as an image of five stars. Your company can use the star-rating fields in various ways to meet its business needs. For example, your company might use a star-rating field on opportunity records to indicate the estimated value of the opportunities. In a star-rating field, you select the stars to increase the rating and deselect the stars to reduce the rating. If no star is selected, then no rating applies. One selected star is the lowest rating, and five selected stars are the highest rating.

    The field value is stored as an integer, as follows:

    • When no star is selected, then the field is null, that is, it has no stored value.
    • When one star is selected, the stored value is 1. When two stars are selected, the stored value is 2, and so on.

      TIP: If a star rating is set and you want to clear the star rating so that the field has a null value, then edit the field and click immediately to the left of the first star in the rating field to clear the rating.

  • Stoplight integer fields. In a stoplight integer field, the field value is displayed as a horizontal stoplight. When you select the first light it is red, when you select the second light it is amber, and when you select the third light it is green. Your company can use the stoplight fields in various ways to meet its business needs. For example, your company might use a stoplight field on task records to indicate how close the due date for the task is, as follows:
    • A green status might indicate that the due date is five days or more from today.
    • An amber status might indicate that the due date is fewer than five days from today.
    • A red status might indicate that the due date is in the past, that is, the task is overdue.

At most, only one of the lights in a stoplight field can be selected at any time, and the field can have no light selected.

The field value is stored as an integer, as follows:

  • If no light is selected, then the field is null, that is, it has no stored value.
  • When the red light is selected, the stored value is zero (0).
  • When the amber light is selected, the stored value is 1.
  • When the green light is selected, the stored value is 2.

    TIP: If a light is selected and you want to reset the field so that no light is selected and the field has a null value, then edit the field and click the light that is currently selected. The light is then deselected, and the field has a null value.

About Star Rating and Stoplight Fields in Search and List Criteria

You can use star rating and stoplight fields as filter fields for lists, and your administrator can also add these fields to the search layout for the record type. However, to specify the value that you want to search for, you must enter the integer value of the field. For example, if you want to find records that are not rated, then use the Is NULL condition in the rating field to search for the records. If you want to find records that have a green setting in a stoplight field, then search for records where the value in the stoplight field is equal to 2.

About Editing Star Rating and Stoplight Fields

You can edit star rating and stoplight fields in record Edit pages, and you can also edit them inline in record Detail pages and List pages. If a star-rating field is included in the displayed columns in a list, then the star image appears in the field for a record if at least one star is selected in the field in that record. However, if no stars are selected in the field, then the image does not appear in the field in the list, but you can update the field inline on the List page to select stars.

Similarly, if a stoplight field is included in the displayed columns in a list, then the stoplight image appears in the field for a record if a light is selected in the field in that record. However, if no light is selected in the field, then the image does not appear in the field in the list, but you can update the field inline on the List page to select a light.

Record Types That Support Star Rating and Stoplight Fields

The following record types support star rating and stoplight fields:

  • Account
  • Activity
  • Contact
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Solution

NOTE: The star-rating and stoplight fields are supported by the various application programming languages (API) that can be used with Oracle CRM On Demand.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.