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Accessing a Map for an Address

You can access a map for an address record from within an address list or from the address section of a Detail page that contains an address section.

Before you begin: To access the Maps page, you must have the Maps Integration privilege in your user role.

To access a map for an address

  1. Navigate to one of the following:
    • The address section, for example, the Billing, Shipping, or Primary address section in the Detail page for the following record types: Address, Account, Contact, Dealer, Partner, Broker Profile, Lead, User, or Household
    • The Addresses Related Item section in the Detail page for the Account, Contact, Dealer, or Partner record types
  2. Do one of the following:
    • For an address section in a Detail page, click the map icon in the address section.

      NOTE: The map icon is also available in the Billing and Shipping address sections in the company profile. Your company administrator maintains the company profile.

    • For an address list in the Addresses Related Item section, click Map from the drop-down list to the left of the address.

      NOTE: The Map link is not available in Address List pages.

      Oracle CRM On Demand opens a map for the address if the mapping functionality can resolve the address location from the address information, as follows:

    • If the address record contains a latitude and longitude but no other address information, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens the map with a pin at the location for the latitude and longitude and displays the latitude and longitude when you hover over the pin.
    • If the address record contains the latitude and longitude along with other address information, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens the map with a pin at the location for the latitude and longitude, and displays the address information when you hover over the pin.
    • If the address record contains address information but no latitude nor longitude, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens the map with a pin at the address location, and displays the address when you hover over the pin. If the mapping functionality cannot determine a location from the address information available, then it prompts you to choose an address from a list of suggested addresses determined from the available address information.
    • If the address record contains neither address information nor latitude and longitude information, then Oracle CRM On Demand opens a map of North America.

      NOTE: Address sections in broker profile and lead records do not contain fields to hold latitude and longitude information. Consequently, clicking the Map icon in the address section for a broker profile or lead record always redirects you to the Maps page where the mapping functionality initiates a search for the concatenated address.

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Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.