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Customizing Page Layouts for Creating New Records

You can create and customize page layouts used to create new records. For these layouts, you can improve the look-and-feel of Oracle CRM On Demand, allowing users to view only the most relevant and the most frequently used fields for a record type.

In the New Record Layout page you can select which fields appear in the layout, which fields are required, which fields are read-only, and you can rearrange the order of the fields in the layout to meet your business needs.

You can copy or edit an existing layout and then modify it to your requirements.

NOTE: The number of characters that you can use in layout names is limited. For more information, see About Custom Layout Limits.

After you create a layout, you must use the Role Management Wizard to assign the New record layout to the user roles that need to use that layout. When you do so, you also specify where the layout is used in the application. For example, you can specify that the layout is used only when a user creates a record through the Action bar or the global header. For more information about assigning New record layouts to roles, see Adding Roles and About the Layouts of New Record Pages.

To create or modify a layout for creating new records

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Record Type Setup section, click the link for the required record type.
  4. In the Page Layout Management section, click the record type New Record Layout link.
  5. In the New Record Layout page, do one of the following:
    • Click Edit or Copy to modify an existing layout.
    • Click the New Layout button to create a new layout.

      The Page Layout Wizard appears to guide you through the process.

  6. In Step 1 Layout Name, enter a name for the layout, and a description if required.
  7. In Step 2 Field Setup, select the field characteristics, as follows:
    • Select the Required check box for any fields that you want to make required.

      NOTE: Users are not compelled to select a field of type check box field that are marked as Required. If you want the check box field to have a value of True (that is, you want the check box to be selected), then you must use field validation rules on the check box field. For more information, see About Field Management.

    • Select the Read Only check box for any fields that you want to make read only.

      For information about the Conditionally Required check box, see About Conditionally Required Fields.

  8. In Step 3 Field Layout, you can:
    • Move fields from the Available record type Fields list to various sections of the Arrange record type Page Layout area.

      Make sure you move the custom fields and the industry-specific fields you want to add to the page layout.

      CAUTION: Unless a default value is configured for a required field, the required field must be on the page layout. Otherwise, anyone with that layout will be unable to create a record of that type. If a default value is configured for a required field, then the required field can optionally appear on the page layout. Similarly, you must make sure that any conditionally required fields are on the relevant page layouts. Otherwise, users will not be able to enter a value for those fields when they become required.

    • Remove the Description field from your page layout or make sure the Description field is in the Long Text Field(s) section of your page layout.
    • Rearrange the information by moving the fields between sections, as required.

      NOTE: These changes affect all the forms for that record type when a user with an appropriate role views the pages. Some fields include a group of fields or multi-line fields. Avoid moving those fields around as the information itself might overlap other fields in the final layout.

  9. Click Finish.

    NOTE: After you add a layout to the application, you need to make it available to a user role before users can see it. For more information on adding and modifying user roles, see Adding Roles.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.