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Creating New Themes

The theme determines the appearance of Oracle CRM On Demand. Several predefined themes are available when Oracle CRM On Demand is first set up for a new company, the default theme is Oracle. You can specify which roles can create and manage themes in the Role Management Wizard. For more information on adding roles, see Adding Roles. For more information on specifying themes at the company level, see Setting Up Your Company Profile and Global Defaults.

You can choose a theme at the company, role, or user level. The theme specified at the user level takes precedence, followed by the theme specified at the role level. The company default theme is applied if neither the user level nor the role level specifies a theme.

If you are upgrading themes from Oracle CRM On Demand Release 16 to a later release, note the following:

  • For new companies. Oracle is the default theme at the company level. No theme is selected at the role or user level. Company administrators can create new themes and set them as the default. They can also disable existing themes so that they cannot be selected by users.
  • For existing companies. The names of any old themes will be replaced by the following strings: Oracle - Deprecated, Contemporary - Deprecated, or Classic - Deprecated. It is recommended that you change these old themes, choose one of the new themes, and remove the old themes from the user profiles.
  • For existing companies that use logos and links. An upgrade does not affect a deprecated theme, which is still selected. However, it is recommended that you do not use old (deprecated) themes, but create new themes, and set new themes as the default at the company or role level.

Before you begin. To create and edit themes, your user role must include the Manage Themes privilege.

The following task describes how to create your own theme in Oracle CRM On Demand.

To create a new theme in Oracle CRM On Demand

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click the Application Customization link.
  3. In the Application Setup section, click the Themes link.
  4. In the Themes page, click New.
  5. Enter information for the following fields:
    • Theme Name. Enter a name for your new theme.
    • Show Default Help Link. Select this check box if you want your new theme to display the default Help link.
    • Show Default Training and Support Link. Select this check box if you want your new theme to display the default Training and Support link.
    • Show Default Deleted Items Link. Select this check box if you want your new theme to display the default Deleted Items global link.
    • Support Head-Up Display Settings. Select this check box if you want your new theme to support the head-up display. You can remove the head-up display completely by deselecting this check box on a user's theme.

      NOTE: In addition to your theme supporting the head-up display functionality, users need to enable the Head-Up Display option in the Personal Detail page. If the Head-up Display field in the user's personal profile is blank, then the setting for the company is used. For more information on the head-up display , see Oracle CRM On Demand Page-by-Page Overview and Updating Your Personal Details.

    • Description. Enter a description for your new theme.
    • Theme Style. This field is required. The default value for this menu is Classic.
    • Tab Style. Select Classic or Modern. This menu is available only if you select Classic from the Theme Style menu. The default value for this menu is Stacked.
    • Font Size. Select Regular or Large. If you select Classic from the Theme Style menu, then the default value for this menu is Regular. If you select Modern from the Theme Style menu, then the default value for this menu is Large.
  6. Click Save.

    Oracle CRM On Demand opens the Theme Detail page with a dynamic preview of the new theme, which is to the right of the screen. The preview shows the Home, Detail, and List pages, with the new theme applied. In the modern theme, you can preview the Calendar page also.

  7. Enter information for the fields listed in the following table.


    NOTE: To enter new color codes, you can either enter a hexadecimal value for each color, or move the mouse over the default color value to display the color palette icon. Click the color palette icon to select a color for this field.

    General Information


    Show Default Help Link.

    Select this check box if you want your new theme to display the default Help link.

    Show Default Training and Support Link.

    Select this check box if you want your new theme to display the default Training and Support link.

    Show Record Type Links in the Footer Section

    Select this check box if you want your new theme to display the record type links at the bottom of the page.

    Support Head-Up Display Settings

    Select this check box if you want your new theme to support the head-up display. You can remove the head-up display completely by deselecting this check box on a user's theme.

    NOTE: In addition to your theme supporting the head-up display functionality, users need to enable the Head-Up Display option in the Personal Detail page. If the Head-up Display field in the user's personal profile is blank, then the setting for the company is used. For more information on the head-up display , see Oracle CRM On Demand Page-by-Page Overview and Updating Your Personal Details.

    Application Background

    This field refers to the background of Oracle CRM On Demand. In the modern theme, this field also refers to the background of the Top section where the buttons are displayed.

    Application Text

    This field is available for the classic theme only. It refers to the legal statement, which is at the bottom of the application page, and the vertical bars between the global links and tab links.

    Application Links

    This field is available for the classic theme only. It refers to the global links, which are at the top and bottom of Oracle CRM On Demand, for example, Admin, My Setup, Privacy Statement, Terms of Use, and so on.

    Alert Text

    This field refers to the text used for mandatory fields and overdue tasks.

    Tabs (Classic Theme Only)

    Tab Style

    Select Rounded, Stacked, or Straight from the menu.

    Active Tab Text

    This field refers to the text used in the active tabs.

    Active Tab Background

    This field refers to the background color of the active tab.

    Inactive Tab Text

    This field refers to the text used in the inactive tabs.

    Inactive Tab Background - Top

    This field refers to the color of the upper background of the inactive tab.

    Inactive Tab Background - Bottom

    This field refers to the color of the lower background of the inactive tab.

    Inactive Tab Background Hover

    This field refers to the color displayed when you place the mouse over an inactive tab. It also refers to the color used in the menu tab.

    Global Header Section (Modern Theme Only)


    This field refers to the background color of the global header.

    Top Section (Modern Theme Only)


    This field refers to the text under the buttons.

    Action Bar (Modern Theme Only)

    Action Bar Icon

    This field refers to the color of the Action bar triangle icon.

    Action Bar Text

    This field refers to the text used in the Action bar.

    Action Bar Links

    This field refers to the links available in the Action bar, for example, the navigation links underneath the Favorite Records or Recently Viewed sections.

    Action Bar Background

    This field refers to the background color displayed in the Action bar.

    Buttons (Modern Theme Only)

    Button Background - Top


    This field refers to the color of the upper background of the button.

    Button Background - Bottom


    This field refers to the color of the lower background of the button.

    Button Border


    This field refers to the color used in the border of the button border.

    Button Text


    This field refers to the text used in the button.

    Page (Classic and Modern Themes)

    Page Text


    This field refers to all the text on the page or pop-up window, for example, inline help, field labels, field values, page titles, inactive links, form section headers, vertical bars, bullets, and so on.

    Page Links


    This field refers to all the links on the page background, for example, Show Full List link, Manage List link, and so on.

    Page Background - Top


    This field refers to the color of the title bar at the top of each page and pop-up window, for example, Opportunity Details. Buttons are placed on this bar. This field also controls the Action bar, Related List, and Calendar Appointment pane. In the classic theme, this field controls the active calendar tab.

    NOTE: In the modern theme, the active calendar tab is replaced by a menu.

    Page Background - Bottom


    This field refers to the color of the title bar at the bottom of each page and pop-up window, for example, Opportunity Details. Buttons are placed on this bar. This field also controls the Action bar, Related List, Calendar view, and active Calendar tab.


    Highlighted Page Background


    This field refers to the color of the highlighted items on a page, for example, the inline edit fields, the current day on a calendar, active step in wizards, head-up display background, and so on.

    Page Header Text


    This field refers to the text color used for the page names, for example, Opportunities Homepage.

    Page Header Background - Top


    This field refers to the color used for the upper area behind the page names.

    Page Header Background - Bottom


    This field refers to the color used for the lower area behind the page names.

    Section Header Lines

    This field refers to the section header lines on Detail pages.

    Page Lines

    This field refers to the line colors used in the list records, form sections on detail pages, in wizard steps, and so on.

    Page Icon

    This field is available for the modern theme only. It refers to the color used on the triangle icon, which is used to collapse and expand page sections.

    Related Information Button Background

    This field is available for the modern theme only. It refers to the colors used behind the Related Information button.

    Lists (Classic and Modern Themes)

    List Header Text

    This field refers to the text color used on the filter bar, the list footer bar, and in the time line of daily and weekly calendar views.

    List Header Background

    This field refers to the background color of the time section in the daily and weekly calendar views, filter bar, and the list footer that contains the list navigation icons.

    Column Header Text

    This field refers to the text color used in the column headers, and in the day section of the calendar views in the modern theme.

    Column Header Background

    This field refers to the background color on the related lists, full lists, and in the day section of the calendar views in the modern theme.


    This field refers to the color of the horizontal lines within the list section.

    Calendar (Classic and Modern Theme)

    Non Working Hours Background

    This field refers to the background color used to represent the hours in a calendar during which the user is not working.

    Calendar Lines

    This field refers to the line colors used in the Daily Calendar and Calendar View sections in Oracle CRM On Demand.

    Appointment Background - Default

    This field refers to the background color of an appointment displayed in daily, weekly and monthly views of the calendar. This field is available only for modern themes.

    Appointment Text - Links

    This field refers to the links available in the calendar appointments, for example, the navigation links for the appointment, contact and account. This field is available only for modern themes.

    NOTE: If you use a classic theme, then the links in the calendar appointment appear in the same color as the page links.

    Appointment Text - Non Links

    This field refers to the text color used in appointments. This field is available only for modern themes.

    NOTE: If you use a classic theme, then the text in the calendar appointment appear in the same color as the page text.

  8. (Optional) If you want to add customized global links to your theme, click New in the Global Links section.

    The Link Edit page opens.

  9. Enter the following information:
    • Link Name. Enter the name of the global link that you want to add to your theme.
    • Type. Select Header or Footer from the menu, depending on whether you want to place your global link at the top or bottom of your page.
    • Link URL. Enter the URL of your global link.
    • Link Order. Enter a value to indicate the order in which the link is displayed. For example, if you enter the number one, the link is the first link in your global links.
  10. Click Save. Or, if you want to add additional customized global links to your theme, click Save & New Link.
  11. (Optional) If you want to add a specific logo to your theme, click Add Logo in the Logo section.

    The Logo Edit page opens.

  12. Click Browse to locate the image that you want to use as the header logo in your theme.

    NOTE: You can upload images to use as a header logo with the following extensions: JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF. For the classic theme, Oracle CRM On Demand can display a header logo that is a maximum 45 pixels high. For the modern theme, Oracle CRM On Demand can display a header logo that is a maximum 50 pixels high. To ensure maximum coverage horizontally, it is recommended that the header logo is 1680 pixels wide. You must have permission to use and upload the image that you upload to your theme.

  13. Enter the following information:
    • Name. Enter the name of the logo that you want to add to your theme.
    • Logo Type. Select Header or Footer from the menu, depending on whether you want to place your logo at the top or bottom of your page. If you select Header, your logo remains in the background behind the links and tabs. If you select Footer, the footer logo is placed at the links at the bottom of the application.
  14. Click Save.

    NOTE: You must sign out and sign in again to Oracle CRM On Demand to view the preview of the new logo that you added to the theme.

    If you are using a custom created modern theme in Oracle CRM On Demand, then you can define in which colors different activities in your calendar are displayed.

  15. Click New in the Calendar Activities section.

    The Calendar Activities Detail page opens.

  16. Enter the following information:
    • Activity Type. Select the required calendar activity.
    • Order. Enter a value to indicate the order in which the calendar activities are displayed in the calendar legend. The calendar legend displays the first four activity types when you view the daily and weekly calendar. The calendar legend displays the first six activity types when you view the monthly calendar.
  17. Click Save. Or, if you want to define more calendar activities in your calendar, then click Save & New Calendar Activities.

    The Calendar Activities section lists the activities which you want to display in specific colors in your calendar.

  18. Click the following fields to define how each calendar activity is displayed in your calendar:
    • Activity Type. Select the required calendar activity.
    • Order. Enter a value to indicate the order in which the calendar activities are displayed in the calendar legend. The calendar legend displays the first four activity types when you view the daily and weekly calendar. The calendar legend displays the first six activity types when you view the monthly calendar.
    • Background Color. Enter a hexadecimal value, or select a color from the color palette, to define the background color of your calendar activity.
    • Links Color. Enter a hexadecimal value, or select a color from the color palette, to define the color in which links are displayed in your calendar activity.
    • Non Links Color. Enter a hexadecimal value, or select a color from the color palette, to define the color in which text is displayed in your calendar activity.

      NOTE: You must sign out and sign in again to Oracle CRM On Demand to view the changes to your calendar activities. For more information on using your calendar in Oracle CRM On Demand, see Working with the Calendar Pages.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.