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Adding Pages to Interactive Dashboards

You can add pages to an interactive dashboard.

Before you begin. To create and edit interactive dashboards, your role must include the Manage Dashboards privilege.

To add a page to an interactive dashboard

  1. Navigate to the dashboard editor.

    For information on navigating to the dashboard editor, see Navigating to the Dashboard Editor.

  2. On the Dashboard Editor page, click the Add Dashboard Page icon near the top of the page.

    OnDemand Embedded Icon Template

  3. Enter a name and a description for the dashboard page.
  4. Click OK.

    The new page appears on the dashboard.

    NOTE: If there is only one page in the dashboard, the page name will not appear on a tab. Tabs appear only when there is more than one page, so you can click the tabs to move between the pages.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.