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Adding Text Links and Image Links to Interactive Dashboard Pages

You can add text links and image links to a dashboard, and specify what is to happen when a user clicks the links. For example, you can direct users to another Web site or dashboard, open documents, launch applications, or perform any other action that your browser supports. You can also add an image or text only, without any links.

Before you begin. To create and edit interactive dashboards, your role must include the Manage Dashboards privilege.

To add a text link or image to an interactive dashboard page

  1. Navigate to the dashboard editor.

    For information on navigating to the dashboard editor, see Navigating to the Dashboard Editor.

  2. From the selection pane on the Dashboard Editor page, drag and drop a Link or Image object on to a section in the dashboard page.
  3. Click the Properties button for the object.

    The Link or Image Properties dialog box appears.

  4. Specify your choices:
    • For a text link, enter the text into the Caption field.
    • For an image link, enter the location and name of the image into the Image field.

      Specify the location as a URL. The following are examples:



      If the image is not on the local server, the URL must include http://. If the image is for use in a shared environment, it must be located on a network drive that is accessible to all users.

      If you want a caption for the image, enter a caption for the image in the Caption field, and use the Layout drop-down list to choose where the caption is to appear relative to the image.

  5. Specify what is to happen when the user clicks the text or image:
    • To specify that a request or dashboard is to appear when the user clicks the link or image, specify the destination as Request or Dashboard, and click the Browse button to select the request or dashboard.
    • To specify that another action is to occur, such as opening a Web site, document, or program, specify the destination as a URL, and enter the full path into the field that follows the Destination options. In the Target area, choose whether the destination is to appear in the user's existing browser window or in a new window.

      A link is defined as any URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that your browser can interpret. URLs can point to Web sites, documents, images, FTP sites, newsgroups, and so on. Depending on your browser, the following are examples of valid URLs:


      See the following table for more information about the kinds of internal or external content to which you can link.

      NOTE: Your company administrator can create a virtual directory called \DashboardFiles on the Presentation server for shared documents, and map the virtual directory to a shared network directory of the same name. This virtual directory allows users with the appropriate permissions to publish files to this folder, and reference these files by their relative URL names rather than by their fully qualified network share names, for example, \DashboardFiles\AnnualReport.doc instead of \\SharedServer\CommonShare\DashboardFiles\AnnualReport.doc.

      TIP: When choosing whether the destination is to appear in the user's existing browser window or in a new window, note the following information. For every action except sending mail and executing a program, you can control how the link is to appear. Choose the current window when you want the action to occur in the display pane of the dashboard. The dashboard remains active, but in the background. Choose a new window when you want the action to take place in a new browser window.

      NOTE: To add text or an image only, without any links, leave the field that follows the Destination options blank.

  6. Click OK.

The following table shows link options for adding a text link or image using the dashboard editor.

Link Option


Web site or document


You must locate the URL, or address, for the site or document. You can copy the destination address from your browser's address or location text box, and then paste it.

For a Web site, you can omit the http:// portion of the address if the URL resides on your Web server, such as your intranet site.

If the URL resides on your organization's Web server, you can enter the relative address of the file. For example:


Local or shared document


If the document is for use in a shared environment, it must be located on a network drive that is accessible to all users. Examples of the kinds of documents that you can open are spreadsheets containing recent sales reports, a slide presentation introducing a new product, a Microsoft Word document containing your company's annual report, a graphic file that contains a map from the airport to your corporate headquarters, and so on.

For example, if the document is for your use only, a sample location might be:


For a shared document, specify the UNC name, for example:


Send email to a specified user


You must know the mailto URL, for example:

When the user selects this link, the browser launches the email application with the To: field filled in. (The browser controls the launching of the email program.)

Execute a program


If the program is for use in a shared environment, it must be located on a network drive that is accessible to all users. You can use this feature to download and run an application. (The operating system controls the launching of the application.) For example, if you want to launch Microsoft Word for your use only, a sample location might be:


For a multiuser-licensed program on a shared drive, specify the UNC name for the location, for example:


Refresh your browser using JavaScript


Your browser must support JavaScript in order to use the following example.


In the Target area, choose the option Current Window.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.