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Changing PDF and Printing Options on Interactive Dashboards

You can specify the page settings and header and footer content for the PDF output from an interactive dashboard. Dashboards and views are printed in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Adobe Reader 6.0 or greater is required to print using Adobe PDF.

Header and footer formatting appear in HTML and PDF output.

NOTE: The print selections that you specify apply to PDF output only. If you print the PDF on a local or network printer, the print selections specified in your browser are in effect, such as the selection for paper size.

To change PDF and print options

  1. Navigate to the dashboard editor.

    For information on navigating to the dashboard editor, see Navigating to the Dashboard Editor.

  2. Click the PDF and Print Control Properties icon near the top of the workspace.

    OnDemand Embedded Icon Template

    The PDF and Print Control dialog box appears.

  3. Make your selections for the page settings.
  4. To add a header or footer, do the following:
    1. Select the appropriate option, and click Edit.
    2. Use the options in the dialog box to construct the header or footer.

      Headers and footers can each contain up to three lines.

    3. To apply cosmetic formatting to a header or footer element, click the formatting button.

      For more information on cosmetic formatting, see Applying Formatting to Interactive Dashboards.

    4. Click OK to save the header or footer.
  5. When you finish changing the PDF and printing options, click OK.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.