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Changing the Properties of Interactive Dashboards

You can set the properties for the entire dashboard, such as the style to use, and you can delete, reorder, and hide pages. Changing the dashboard properties automatically saves any changes you made to the page that you were working on.

Before you begin. To create and edit interactive dashboards, your role must include the Manage Dashboards privilege.

To access the Dashboard Properties page for an interactive dashboard

  1. Navigate to the dashboard editor.

    For information on navigating to the dashboard editor, see Navigating to the Dashboard Editor.

  2. Click the Dashboard Properties icon near the top of the Dashboard Editor page.

    OnDemand Embedded Icon Template

    The Dashboard Properties page appears.

Selecting a Style for an Interactive Dashboard

Styles control how dashboards and results are formatted for display. Initially, results are formatted using a default style. Oracle CRM On Demand provides predefined styles that you can choose from.

To select a style for an interactive dashboard

  • In the General Properties area of the Dashboard Properties page, select the style that you want to use from the Style drop-down list.

Adding a Description for an Interactive Dashboard

Descriptions are stored but do not appear on the dashboards.

To add a description for an interactive dashboard

  • Enter a description for the dashboard in the Description text box on the Dashboard Properties page.

Renaming, Deleting, Reordering, and Hiding Interactive Dashboard Pages

This topic provides procedures that describe how to rename, delete, reorder, and hide interactive dashboard pages. The Dashboard Pages area of the Dashboard Properties page shows you the pages for the dashboard. The pages are listed in the same order as their tabs.

When you rename a dashboard you can preserve users' references to the old name. This action creates a shortcut with the old name that points to the renamed dashboard in the Presentation Catalog.

If you are working with a dashboard page, you can hide it from users until your changes are complete.

CAUTION: You cannot undo the actions described in the following procedures by clicking Cancel.

To rename an interactive dashboard page

  • In the Dashboard Pages section of the Dashboard Properties page, click the Rename icon to open the Rename Item page, and follow the instructions given on that page.

To delete an interactive dashboard page

  • In the Dashboard Pages section of the Dashboard Properties page, click the Delete icon, and confirm the deletion when prompted.

To reorder an interactive dashboard page

  • To move a dashboard page up in the list, click the up arrow for the page in the Dashboard Pages section of the Dashboard Properties page.

    On the dashboard, the tab for the page moves to the left.

  • To move a dashboard page down in the list, click the down arrow for the page in the Dashboard Pages section of the Dashboard Properties page.

    On the dashboard, the tab for the page moves to the right.

To hide an interactive dashboard page

  • In the Dashboard Pages section of the Dashboard Properties page, select the Hide Page check box for the page.

    The page remains visible to any users currently viewing it.

NOTE: You cannot change the permissions on a dashboard page. The Security icon in the Dashboard Pages section of the Dashboard Properties page is disabled.

To change the displayed currency in an interactive dashboard page

  • Choose the currency menu, and choose a new currency for the report.

    To use this functionality, you must include the Company Active Currencies prebuilt dashboard prompt in the dashboard. For more information on adding a prebuilt content such as a dashboard prompt to a dashboard, see Creating Prompts for Interactive Dashboards. When you have added this prebuilt dashboard prompt, choose the currency menu, and choose a new currency for the report. All currency fields in the dashboard are updated to display the chosen currency. The list of currencies is limited to those currencies for which an exchange rate has been defined.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.