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Editing the Properties of Interactive Dashboard Prompts and Reports

You can edit the properties of interactive dashboard prompts and reports added to a dashboard from the Presentation Catalog.

NOTE: When you edit the properties of interactive dashboard prompts and reports as described here, any other changes that you made to the page you are working on are also saved.

Before you begin. To create and edit interactive dashboards, your role must include the Manage Dashboards privilege.

To edit the properties of an interactive dashboard prompt

  1. Navigate to the dashboard editor.

    For information on navigating to the dashboard editor, see Navigating to the Dashboard Editor.

  2. On the Dashboard Editor page, click the Properties button for the dashboard prompt and click Modify.

    The Dashboard Prompt page appears.

  3. Make your changes to the dashboard prompt.
  4. Click Save to save the dashboard prompt.

To edit the properties of a report

  1. Navigate to the dashboard editor.

    For information on navigating to the dashboard editor, see Navigating to the Dashboard Editor.

  2. On the Dashboard Editor page, click the Properties button for the report.
  3. Select the property that you want to modify:
    • Display Results

      If you select the Embedded in Section option, the request will be executed automatically and the results displayed directly in the dashboard. This option is selected by default for reports.

      Alternatively, you can select to display the request as a link that users must click to execute the request, and you can specify whether the results are to show in the dashboard or in a separate window.

    • Report Links

      This option opens the Report Links dialog box, where you can select the links that you want to appear with the report on the dashboard page.

    • Show View

      This option shows the available views of the report. You can select the view that you want to see.

    • Modify Request

      This option displays the Criteria tab, where you can modify the request that generates the report.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.