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Navigating to the Dashboard Editor

In the dashboard editor, you can add content to interactive dashboards. You can also control the appearance of the dashboards, and rename and delete objects on them.

NOTE: You cannot change the prebuilt dashboards provided in Oracle CRM On Demand.

This topic describes how to navigate to the dashboard editor to work with existing interactive dashboards. If you want to create a new dashboard, see Creating Interactive Dashboards.

Before you begin. To create and edit interactive dashboards, your role must include the Manage Dashboards privilege.

To navigate to the dashboard editor

  1. Open the Manage Dashboards page, and in the record-level menu for the dashboard that you want to edit, select Design.

    The dashboard editor appears in a separate window, independent of the other Oracle CRM On Demand pages.

The following procedure explains how to select the dashboard page that you want to work with.

To select a dashboard page

NOTE: If you were already working on a dashboard page, performing this action saves any changes you made to the page that you were working on.

  • From the Page drop-down list next to the name of the dashboard on the Dashboard Editor page, select the page that you want to edit.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.