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Managing Custom HTML Head Additions

You can add custom <script> elements to the HTML <head> element of your pages. For example, within the <script> elements you can add JavaScript code that contains functions to create custom buttons on your pages. Your customized code can also reference JavaScript files that were uploaded through client side extensions or external JavaScript files, so that the functions in those files are available in your customized code. HTML head additions apply to all pages in Oracle CRM On Demand.

On the Edit Custom HTML Head Tag page, a Preview button enables you to validate any changes you have made.

You can disable the custom HTML head additions by setting the disableCustomJS=Y parameter in the URL for the page. If you navigate away from the page by clicking another link, then the URL parameter is not retained. You must specify the URL parameter each time that you require it. For more information about writing customized JavaScript code and the public application programming interfaces (API) that are available, see Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer’s Guide.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Upload Client Side Extensions and Manage Custom HTML Head Tag privilege. For more information on adding privileges, see About Privileges in Roles.

To add a custom HTML head addition

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. In the Application Customization section, click Application Customization.
  3. In the Application Setup section, click Custom HTML Head Tag.
  4. In the Custom HTML Head Tags Detail page, click Edit.
  5. In the HTML Head Additions text box, enter the <script> elements that you require.

    This field has a limit of 50,000 characters.

  6. Click Preview to validate any changes you have made.
  7. Click Save.

Guidelines for Referencing Client Side Extensions

Consider the following guidelines:

  • Keep the number of references to client side extensions on a page to a minimum to reduce the negative impact on performance.
  • Keep the size of your client side extensions as small as possible. The smaller the file that you download as part of the client side extension, the faster the page loads compared to larger files.
  • Keep all client side extensions in as few files as possible to reduce the negative impact on performance.
  • Allow your browser to cache your client side extensions. If you allow your browser to cache the client side extensions, then the content does not have to be downloaded from the Oracle CRM On Demand servers each time that a user loads the page. If the client side extension changes, then you must clear your cache so that Oracle CRM On Demand loads the page containing the extension. By default, client side extensions are cached for 30 days.

Related Information

See the following topic for related information:

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.