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Changing Your Detail Page Layout

Users can personalize the layout of the related information sections on the Detail page for a record type if the Personalize Detail Page - Related Information privilege is enabled for their user role. For step-by-step instructions for personalizing related information layouts, see Personalizing Related Information Layouts.

Users can personalize the field layout on the Detail page for a record type when their user role is set up as follows:

  • The Personalize Detail Page - Fields privilege is enabled for the role.
  • A custom page layout is assigned to the role for the record type.

The personalized field layout that a user creates for the Detail page for a record type is also used for the pages where the user edits records of that record type. Depending on how the user's role is set up, the user's personalized field layout might also be used in the pages where the user enters information for a new record. For step-by-step instructions for personalizing field layouts, see Personalizing Field Layouts.

About Accessing the Personal Layout Pages

If your user role allows you to personalize your Detail page layouts, then you can access the Personal Layout pages for a record type through the Edit Layout link in the Detail page of a record of that record type. You can also access the Personal Layout pages for the record-type Detail pages through the global My Setup link. Depending on the privileges that are enabled for your user role, the behavior is as follows when you access the Personal Layout pages to personalize a Detail page layout:

  • The Personal Layout page opens if your user role includes any two of the following privileges: Personalize Detail Page - Fields privilege, Personalize Detail Page - Related Information privilege, or Personal Detail Page - Records Indicator privilege.

    On the Personal Layout page, there are three links, as follows:

    • Field Layout. This link opens the Personal Layout - Fields page, where you can personalize the field layout for the record type.

      NOTE: The Field Layout link is available on the Personal Layout page only if a custom page layout is assigned to your user role for the record type. If the Standard page layout for the record type is assigned to your user role, then the Field Layout link is not available.

    • Related Information Layout. This link opens the Personal Layout - Related Information page, where you can personalize the layout of the related information sections on the Detail page for the record type.
    • Manage Record Indicator. This link opens the Personal Layout – Record Indicator page, where you can set up the related information sections so that indicators are displayed to show whether any records are present in the sections.
  • The Personal Layout - Fields page opens directly if your user role includes the Personalize Detail Page - Fields privilege but does not include the Personalize Detail Page – Related Information privilege or the Personal Detail Page - Records Indicator privilege.
  • The Personal Layout - Related Information page opens directly if your user role includes the Personalize Detail Page - Related Information privilege but does not include the Personalize Detail Page - Fields privilege or the Personal Detail Page - Records Indicator privilege.
  • The Personal Layout - Records Indicator page opens directly if your user role includes the Personal Detail Page - Records Indicator privilege but does not include the Personalize Detail Page - Fields privilege or the Personal Detail Page - Related Information privilege.

Related Topics

For more information about personalizing page layouts, see the following topics:

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