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Using the Record Pane in List Pages

This topic describes how to open and work with records in the record pane in List pages.

The following procedure describes how to open the record pane in a List page.

To open the record pane in a List page

  • Click the Toggle Record Pane icon:

    Icon to open or close the record pane

    The record pane opens. The first column of the list remains visible in the list section of the page.

The following procedure describes how to open a record in the record pane.

To open a record in the record pane in a List page

  • In the list section of the page, click the row for the record that you want to open in the record pane.

    The record opens in the record pane. In the list section of the page, the first column of the list remains visible, and the row for the record that you opened is highlighted.

The following procedure describes how to show a different column in the list section of the page while the record pane is open.

To show a different list column in the list section of the page

  • In the list header, click the Select Column to be Displayed icon (a down arrow within a circle), and then select the name of the column that you want to display.

    The column that you selected appears in the list section of the page. The row for the record that is currently open in the record pane is highlighted in the list.

The following procedure describes how to close the record pane.

To close the record pane

  • Click the Toggle Record Pane icon.

    The record pane closes. The List page remains open.

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information:

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