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Running Analyses

Although you can view analyses on different pages in your application, the Analytics tab provides a single point of access to all analyses.

To run an analysis

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand, click the Analytics tab.

    The Home page groups the analyses under these categories:



    Custom Analyses

    All custom analyses are created by users at your company. Analyses released to some or all employees are Shared Custom Analyses, while private reports are My Analyses. Only users with roles that include the Manage Custom Reports privilege can create custom analyses using the Design Analyses link.

    Quick Lists

    Analyses used for standard list reporting rather than interactive or graphical analytics.

    Pipeline Analysis

    Reports to help you evaluate your company’s sales and team effectiveness.

    Sales Effectiveness

    Reports to help you evaluate your company’s historical and current pipeline trends and performance.


    Reports to help you evaluate the quality and demographics of your accounts and contacts.


    Reports to evaluate the effectiveness of your service organization.


    Reports to help you evaluate statistics regarding your Oracle Contact On Demand use, based on each workgroup and project.

    The Communications section appears if your user role has the privilege for viewing this dashboard.

    Marketing Effectiveness

    Reports to help you evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign and lead management activities.

  2. On the Analytics tab, click Catalog and navigate to Shared Folders, then to the Pre-built Analysis folder.
  3. Drill down into a folder to click on the link to a custom analysis you want to run.
  4. Depending on the specific report, you might be able to do the following:
    • To show the data from a different perspective, select other options from the drop-down lists.
    • To view exact totals for a segment in a chart or graph, place the pointer over the segment.
    • To view the records belonging to a segment, click the segment. The list of records appears with its specific data.
    • To filter on a reporting level, select an option from the Reporting Level drop-down list:

      Reporting Level


      (All Choices)

      A report that runs on data owned by any user whom the session user has visibility to in Oracle CRM On Demand.


      Report run on data owned by only the session user.


      Report run on data owned by users 1 level beneath the session user in the organizational hierarchy, and all levels above the selected level.


      Report run on data owned by users 2 levels beneath the session user in the organizational hierarchy, and all levels above the selected level.

    • To download the analysis, scroll to the bottom of the report page, click Download, select the option you want, then follow the onscreen instructions to download the report.
    • For analyses based on real-time reporting subject areas, click the Refresh icon in the icon bar to display current, real-time data.
    • To print the analysis, click the Printer icon in the icon bar.

Related Topics

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