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Checking Electronic Signatures

Use the following procedure to check the signature associated with a call activity for samples that are dropped. This procedure assumes that your user role and access profiles are set up to allow you to view the signature records that are attached to calls. The following setup is required to view signature records:

  • The Enable Basic Samples Operations privilege must be enabled on your user role.
  • In the record-type access settings on your user role, the Has Access and Can Read All Records check boxes must be selected for the Signature record type.
  • The Signature related information section must be present on the Contact Call Detail page layout for your user role.
  • In your default access profile, in the settings for the related information for the Activity record type, the access level for the Signature record type must be set to a value that allows you to read the signature records.

Typically, only administrators are given access to signature records. For more information about signatures, see About Electronic Signatures.

NOTE: If your user role and access profiles are set up to allow you to view the signature records that are attached to calls, then you can view the signature record, but you cannot create, update, or delete signature records or the signature images on those records. In addition, if a file is attached to a signature record, then you can view the attached file, or replace it with a different file, or remove the file from the record.

To check sample signatures

  1. On the Contacts Homepage, open the contact that you want.
  2. On the Contact Detail page, in the Completed Activities section, drill down on the Subject field to open the call activity record that you want.
  3. On the Call Detail page, scroll to the Signature section.

    The following table describes the fields that are shown in the Signature section in the standard application.



    Title Field

    Clicking the View link in this field opens the signature record.

    Signature Date

    The date the signature was captured.

    Contact First Name

    The first name of the recipient of the samples.

    Contact Last Name

    The last name of the recipient of the samples.

    Sales Rep First Name

    The first name of the sales representative who dropped the samples.

    Sales Rep Last Name

    The last name of the sales representative who dropped the samples.

  4. Click the View link for the signature record that you want to view.

    NOTE: You cannot edit the details of an existing signature record, or create a new signature record.

  5. On the Signature Detail Page, you can do the following:
    • View the signature image.
    • Click Edit to open the Signature Edit page, and then attach a file to the signature record, or view or remove a file that is attached to the record.

      The following table provides information regarding some of the fields on the Signature Detail page in the standard application.



      Disclaimer Text

      The Disclaimer Text field displays the disclaimer text that is associated with the dropped samples. You cannot edit, insert, or delete any portion of the disclaimer text.

      The disclaimer text is uploaded to Oracle CRM On Demand through the Web services interface from an offline client, such as an iPad or mobile device. This field includes the full disclaimer text in the language specified for the disclaimer, and it displays the exact text viewed by physicians when they sign for the receipt of samples. For more information on sample disclaimers, see Sample Disclaimers.


      If this field is displayed on the page, then you can attach a file to the signature record. The field initially shows a paper clip icon on the record Edit page:


      You can attach a file to the signature record by clicking the paper clip icon on the record Edit page and then selecting the file that you want to upload.

      After the file is uploaded and the record is saved, the Attachment field on the record Detail page shows the name and size of the attachment file. On the record Edit page, the field also shows the paper clip icon and an X icon that can be used to remove the file. For information on attaching files to records, using the Attachment field, and information about the restrictions on file sizes and file types, see Attaching Files to Records through Attachment Fields.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.