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Social Media Fields

The Social Media Edit page shows the complete set of fields for a social media record.

TIP: You can also edit social media records on the Social Media List page and the Social Media Detail page. For more information about updating records, see Updating Record Details.

NOTE: Company administrators can customize Oracle CRM On Demand in a variety of ways, such as changing the names for record types, fields, and options in lists. So, the information you see might differ from the standard information described in the online help.

The following table provides information regarding some of the social media fields.




The unique user name of the contact on a specific social media site, for example, Facebook or Twitter, who posted a message.


The name of the social media site, such as Facebook or Twitter, associated with this contact. This text field has a maximum of 255 characters.

Network Message Id

An identifier to uniquely identify the message in the social media site. This text field has a maximum of 255 characters.

Post Link

A unique URL to the post on the social media site.

Unique ID

An identifier to uniquely identify the social media record. This text field has a maximum of 255 characters.


The creator of the social media record, and the date and time that it was created.


The last person to modify the social media record, and the date and time that it was modified.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information about social media records:

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.