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About Keyword Search

You can use two types of search in Oracle CRM On Demand: targeted search and keyword search. Your company administrator determines which type of search is used by default for your company, by selecting the search type on the company profile page. Targeted search is the recommended search type. For more information about targeted search, see About Targeted Search.

You can use keyword search in several places in Oracle CRM On Demand, as follows:

  • The Search section of the Action bar. Depending on the type of search that your company administrator selects for your company, either keyword search or targeted search is used in the Search section of the Action bar for your company. For more information about searching for records in the Action bar, see Searching for Records in the Action Bar.
  • Lookup windows. Depending on the type of search that your company administrator selects for your company, either keyword search or targeted search is used in the Lookup windows where you search for records to link to the record that you are working with. For more information about searching for records in Lookup windows, see Searching for Records in Lookup Windows.
  • The Advanced Search page in Oracle CRM On Demand. In the Advanced Search page, the type of search depends on the options that you select, as follows:
    • If you search multiple record types, then the search is a keyword search.
    • If you search a single record type, then the search is a targeted search.

      For more information about using advanced search, see Using Advanced Search.

NOTE: Searches using the Quick Filter fields in List pages are always targeted searches, even if keyword search is selected as the default search type for your company.

If your company administrator selects keyword search as the search type for your company, you see only one search field in the Search section in the Action bar and in Lookup windows. A keyword search searches certain fields to find matches to the text that you enter in the search field. It displays all records where the text string you entered is found in any of the searched fields, which is equivalent to using an OR condition in the default fields. For example, in a keyword search of service request records, the Service Number field and the Subject field are searched. If you enter the value 1234 in the Search field in the Action bar, the records displayed include the following:

  • All records where the value in the Service Number field includes the string 1234, such as service requests number 12345 and 01234.
  • All records where the text in the Subject field includes the string 1234, such as Customer reported a problem with product number 1234.

Some record types do not support keyword search. For a list of the record types that support keyword search and for details about the fields that are searched for each record type in a keyword search, see Default Search Fields for Keyword Search.

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.