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Deleting Error Instances from the Workflow Error Monitor

You can delete error instances from the Workflow Error Monitor one at a time. Details of the error instances are retained in the Workflow Error Monitor for 30 days or until you delete them, whichever comes first.

NOTE: The batch delete facility is not available in the Error Instances List page.

Before you begin: To use the workflow monitors, your user role must have the Manage Data Rules - Manage Workflow Rules privilege.

The following procedure describes how to delete an error instance from the Workflow Error Monitor.

To delete an error instance from the Workflow Error Monitor

  1. On the Error Instances List page, find the instance that you want to delete.

    TIP: For information about filtering lists, see Filtering Lists.

  2. Click the Delete link for the instance.

For more information about using the Workflow Error Monitor, see the following topics:

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information about workflow rules:

Published 7/6/2017 Copyright © 2005, 2017, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.