Oracle CRM On Demand REST API Developer's Guide > Using the Oracle CRM On Demand REST API >

Using the Finder Parameter for Predefined Queries and Customized Lists

Oracle CRM On Demand REST API supports the retrieval of predefined queries and custom list resources by using the finder parameter.

The finder parameter is supported only for top-level objects. Each managed list includes filter criteria, display fields, and a sort field. The fields and orderBy parameters can be used to override the display fields and sort used by the managed list. For more information about sorting collection resources, see Sorting Collection Resources.

You can also use the q parameter along with the finder parameter in the URL to further filter your list of Oracle CRM On Demand resources.

In the example below, the q parameter is used to retrieve PSKDemo02 and A.C. Networks accounts on the Oracle CRM On Demand Server. For more information about using the q parameter to query resource collections, see Querying a Collection Resource.

https://<host>/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts?q=AccountName='PSKDemo02' OR 'A. C. Networks';Reference = false&limit=5&offset=0

The following details are for a request to retrieve a list of Accounts using the finder parameter on the Oracle CRM On Demand Server:

  • URL: https://<host>/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts?finder=My Accounts&limit=5&offset=0
  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Content-Type: None
  • Request body: None

The following are the details for the response to a successful request:

  • HTTP Code: 200
  • Content-Type: application/
  • Response body:

  "Accounts": [
       "AccountName": "A. C. Networks",
       "Location": "11431",
       "Priority": "",
       "AccountType": "Service Company",
       "Industry": "",
       "Reference": false,
       "Owner": "restuser",
       "links": {
          "self": {
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1-FDFUZ"
          "canonical": {
            "rel": "canonical",
            "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1-FDFUZ"
          "Owner": {
             "rel": "self",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Users/1QA2-22B4TF"
       "AccountName": "PSKDemo02",
       "Location": "",
       "Priority": "",
       "AccountType": "",
       "Industry": "",
       "Reference": false,
       "Owner": "restuser",
       "links": {
          "self": {
             "rel": "self",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI"
          "canonical": {
             "rel": "canonical",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI"
          "Owner": {
             "rel": "self",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Users/1QA2-22B4TF"
          "AccountNotes": {
              "rel": "child",
              "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/AccountNotes"
          "Accounts": {
              "rel": "child",
              "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/Accounts"
          "Leads": {
              "rel": "child",
              "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/Leads"
          "AccountPartners": {
              "rel": "child",
              "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/AccountPartners"
          "Opportunities": {
             "rel": "child",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/Opportunities"
          "AccountTeams": {
             "rel": "child",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/AccountTeams"
          "AccountCompetitors": {
             "rel": "child",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/AccountCompetitors"
          "ServiceRequests": {
             "rel": "child",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/ServiceRequests"
          "Activities": {
             "rel": "child",
             "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/Activities"
         "CustomObjects8": {
            "rel": "child",
            "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/CustomObjects8"
         "AccountAddresses": {
            "rel": "child",
            "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts/1QA2-22EWBI/child/AccountAddresses"
  "links": {
     "self": {
       "rel": "self",
       "href": "/OnDemand/user/Rest/latest/Accounts"
 "_contextInfo": {
     "limit": 5,
     "offset": 0

Oracle CRM On Demand REST API Developer's Guide, Release 35 Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.