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Issue: The password for the MDS account changes.

This issue occurs when the password for the EMPIRICA_MDS account expires or changes, for example, due to password expiration policies.

Perform the following steps to register the new password in the data source associated with the MDS schema database account.

  1. Open the WebLogic Administration Console.
  2. Expand Services, and select Data Sources.
  3. Select the Data Source entry.
  4. Select the mds-owsm data source.
  5. Select the Configuration tab, and select the Connection Pool tab.
  6. In the Change Center section on the left, click Lock & Edit.
  7. Scroll to the Password and Confirm Password fields.
  8. Type the account password in both fields, and click Save.
  9. In the Change Center section on the left, click Activate Changes.

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