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Applying upgrade scripts to Empirica Signal 7.3 or 8.0.x schemas (upgrade only)

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Navigate to the Database directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/Database

  2. If you are upgrading from version to
    1. Execute the update_7_3_3_3_to_8_0.sql script as the Empirica Signal database user, for example:

      $ sqlplus webvdme@<TNS_NAME> @update_7_3_3_3_to_8_0.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Type the Empirica Signal database account password.
    3. Review the disabled_userlist.txt file in the current directory.

      The file contains user names for accounts that are locked out of the application due to excessive failed login attempts.

    4. After the upgrade is complete, you may log in to the Empirica Signal application and disable these users. For more information, see the User Guide and Online Help.
    5. Create the empirica_admin account:
    6. Execute the create_dbadmin_user.sql script as the Oracle sys user, for example:

      $ sqlplus sys@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @create_dbadmin_user.sql webvdme

      A password prompt appears.

    7. Type the Oracle sys account password.

      A second password prompt appears.

    8. Type a password for the empirica_admin account.
    9. Retype the password.

      After a few moments, the script is completed.

    10. Type exit to change user accounts.
    11. To complete the schema upgrade to version 8.0, perform the following command:

      $ sqlplus system@<TNS_NAME> @update_proxy_authentication.sql webvdme

    12. When prompted, type the Oracle system account user password.
    13. After the script completes, type exit.
    14. If you use the Topics feature, update the Empirica Topics schema:
      • Execute the update_twc_7_3_3_3_to_8_0.sql script as the topic_workflow user, for example:

        $ sqlplus topic_workflow@<TNS_NAME> @update_twc_7_3_3_3_to_8_0.sql

        A password prompt appears.

      • Type the topic_workflow account password.

        A prompt for the Empirica Signal database account appears.

      • Type the name of the Empirica Signal database account. For example, webvdme.
  3. As the Empirica Signal database user, execute the update_8_0_to_8_1.sql script to update the schema from 8.0 to 8.1, for example:
    • For Empirica Signal 8.0:

      $ sqlplus webvdme@<TNS_NAME> @update_8_0_to_8_1.sql

    A password prompt appears.

  4. Type the Empirica Signal database account password.

Note: If you upgrade from Empirica Signal 8.0.1, an error message appears when ALTER TABLE PASSWORD_HISTORY is attempted, because the column being added already exists in the table. This is expected behavior and can be ignored.

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