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Unpacking the installation files into the installation directory

The installation directory stores Empirica Signal components during the installation process.

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

Note: If you have previously installed Empirica Signal 8.0 on the same application server, before executing the steps below, rename the old Signal_Install directory. For example, change its name to Signal_Install_old.

  1. Unpack the Signal_Install-8_1_0_2_XXX.tar.gz file into a directory that is accessible to the WebLogic software, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage

    $ tar xvf /u01/stage/Signal_Install-8_1_0_2_XXX.tar.gz

    The /u01/stage/Signal_Install directory is created.

    Note: In this document, <INSTALL_DIR> refers to the directory created in this step. The document assumes that you are installing to this directory.

  2. Unpack the file:
    1. Unpack the contents of the file into the directory, for example:

      $ unzip -d /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal

    2. Provide non-privileged account the execute permission on the MGPS subdirectory, for example:

      $ chmod u+x /u01/stage/Signal_Install/Signal/WEB-INF/classes/MGPS

  3. If you use Empirica Topics, unpack the file into the TopicsService subdirectory in the installation directory, for example:

    $ unzip -d /u01/stage/Signal_Install/TopicsService

  4. Unpack the file:
    1. Create a Database directory:

      $ mkdir /u01/stage/Database

    2. Unpack the contents of the file into the directory, for example:

      $ unzip -d /u01/stage/Database

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