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Storing the Empirica Signal database and Empirica Topics credentials in Oracle Enterprise Manager

You create a map to store credentials associated with the Empirica Signal application. You create keys in the map for:

  1. In an Internet browser, navigate to Oracle Enterprise Manager console, for example:


  2. Log in using the WebLogic Server administrator credentials provided to you by the system administrator.

    The Oracle Enterprise Manager console appears.

  3. In the navigation pane, expand WebLogic Domain, and select empirica.
  4. Below the page title, expand the WebLogic Domain menu, select Security, and then select Credentials.

    The Credentials page appears.

  5. If you are upgrading from Empirica Signal 8.0, click the oracle.hsgbu.empirica map, then click Delete..., and answer Yes to complete the deletion.
  6. Create a map for the Empirica Signal application credentials:
    1. In the Credentials table, click Create Map.

      The Create Map dialog box appears.

    2. In the Map Name field, type oracle.hsgbu.empiricasignal.
    3. If you set the property in the file, append the instance name to the map name, for example,

      For more information, see Setting up the file for Empirica Signal.

    4. Click OK.
  7. Create a key for the Empirica Signal database account credentials:
    1. In the Credentials table, click Create Key.
    2. Fill in the fields as follows.

      Note: Text fields are case-sensitive.

      • Select Map—Select the map you created in step 6.
      • Key—Type DatabaseCredentials.
      • Type—Select Password.
      • User Name, Password, Confirm Password—Type the credentials for the Empirica Signal database schema.

        The default user name is webvdme.

      • Description—Type Signal schema user name and password.
    3. Click OK.
  8. Create a key for the URL to connect to the Empirica Signal database account:
    1. In the Credentials table, click Create Key.
    2. Fill in the fields as follows.

      Note: Text fields are case-sensitive.

      • Select Map—Select the map you created in step 6.
      • Key—Type DatabaseConnectURL.
      • Type—Select Generic.
      • Credential—Select Enter as text, and type the database connection URL for the Empirica Signal database schema, for example:


        <host> is the IP address or fully qualified name of the database server, for example,

        <port> is the port number used by the database listener, for example, 1521.

        <service_name> is the database service name, for example, ORCL.

      • Description—Type Signal database connection URL.
    3. Click OK.
  9. If you use Empirica Topics, create a key for the Topics service credentials:
    1. In the Credentials table, click Create Key.
    2. Fill in the fields as follows.

      Note: Text fields are case-sensitive.

      • Select Map—Select the map you created in step 6.
      • Key—Type TopicsService.
      • Type—Select Password.
      • User Name, Password, Confirm Password—Type the credentials for the Empirica Topics user you created on the WebLogic server.

        For more information, see Creating the Empirica Topics user on the WebLogic server.

      • Description—Type User name and password for Signal to communicate with the Topics service.
    3. Click OK.
  10. If you use LDAP for authentication and do not use anonymous LDAP login, create a key for the LDAP credentials:
    1. In the Credentials table, click Create Key.
    2. Fill in the fields as follows.

      Note: Text fields are case-sensitive.

      • Select Map—Select the map you created in step 6.
      • Key—Type LdapCredentials.
      • Type—Select Password.
      • User Name, Password, Confirm Password—Type the login information for the LDAP user.
      • Description—Type LDAP user name and password.
    3. Click OK.
  11. In the Credentials table, expand the map you created and review the keys.

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