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Setting the passwords of the system and admin users (installation only)

The system account is used internally by the Empirica Signal software. You cannot use the system account to log in to the Empirica Signal software.

The admin account is a superuser account and is not an SSO user account. You use the admin account to log in initially so you can create local users and configure the Empirica Signal software.

You must set the passwords for the product installation to be complete.

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Navigate to the <INSTALL_DIR>/bin/PasswordReset directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/<INSTALL_DIR>/PasswordReset

  2. Using a text editor, open the file.
  3. Check the values of these environment variables and change them as necessary to the correct locations for your system:
    1. COMMON_COMPONENTS_HOME is the path to the oracle_common subdirectory in the WebLogic Middleware directory.
    2. JPS_CONFIG_FILE is the path to the OPSS configuration file, which is located in the config/fmwconfig subdirectory of the WebLogic domain home directory by default.
    3. JPS_MANIFEST_JAR is the path to the JPS_MANIFEST_JAR file for your version of WebLogic Server.
    4. INSTALL_ROOT—Change this to the value of <INSTALL_ROOT>.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Set the password for the system user:
    1. In the command shell, execute the script for the system user, for example:

      $ ./ system override-passwordmustchange

      Logging information appears, and then a password prompt appears.

    2. Type the password for the system user, and press Enter.

      By default, the password must contain at least eight characters, including an uppercase character, lowercase character, acceptable symbol, and number.

      A confirmation prompt appears.

    3. Retype the password, and press Enter.

      If the passwords match, a confirmation message appears.

      Alternatively, an error message appears.

    4. If an error message appeared, run the command again and type matching passwords.
  6. Set the password for the admin user:
    1. In the command shell, execute the script for the admin user, for example:

      $ ./ admin

      Logging information appears, and then a password prompt appears.

    2. Type the password for the admin user, and press Enter.

      Note: You use this password to log in to the Empirica Signal application as the admin user.

      The password must contain at least eight characters, including an uppercase character, lowercase character, acceptable symbol, and number.

      A confirmation prompt appears.

    3. Retype the password, and press Enter.

      If the passwords match, a confirmation message appears.

      Alternatively, an error message appears.

    4. If an error message appeared, run the command again and type matching passwords.

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