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Updating Argus Mart 8.0 for use with Empirica Signal

For Argus Mart 8.0 and higher, perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Copy the file from the distribution media to a temporary directory on the server.
  2. Unpack the file into a temporary directory, for example:

    $ unzip -d /u01/stage/

    The /UPDATE_AM_8_0_FOR_SIGNAL_8_1 subdirectory is created.

  3. Navigate to the /UPDATE_AM_8_0_FOR_SIGNAL_8_1 directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/UPDATE_AM_8_0_FOR_SIGNAL_8_1

  4. Using a text editor, open the create_argus_spontaneous_configurations.sql file.
  5. Locate the following WHERE clause:

    WHERE UPPER (report_type_ve) IN (''SPONTANEOUS'',''LITERATURE'')

    The WHERE clause describes the spontaneous reports from the Argus Mart database user account.

  6. Modify the WHERE clause as needed.
  7. Save and close the file.
  8. Execute the UPDATE_AM_8_0_FOR_SIGNAL_8_1.sql script as the am_mart_user, for example:

    $ sqlplus am_mart_user@<TNS_name> @UPDATE_AM_8_0_FOR_SIGNAL_8_1.sql

    A password prompt appears.

  9. Type the am_mart_user database account password, and press Enter.

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