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Installing the Argus Mart signal management configuration

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. If it does not already exist on the Empirica Signal application server, create the following directory:


  2. Copy the file from the distribution media to:


  3. Unpack the file into a temporary directory, for example:

    $ unzip -d /u01/stage/projects/

    The /argus_prep subdirectory is created.

  4. Navigate to the /argus_prep directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/projects/argus_prep

  5. Execute the following command to give execute permissions to all .sh files:

    $ chmod u+x common/*.sh sigdet/*.sh site/*.sh

  6. Navigate to the /argus_prep/sigdet, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/projects/argus_prep/sigdet

  7. Execute the following command to give write permissions to the db directory:

    $ chmod u+w db

  8. Execute the script to initiate the installation:

    $ ./ <signal database account name>@<TNS_name>

    where <signal database account name> is the Empirica Signal database user account name, for example, webvdme, and <TNS_name> is the TNS name that the application server uses to access the <db> server.

    A password prompt appears.

  9. Type <password>, where <password> is the Empirica Signal database user account password.

    A second password prompt appears.

  10. Retype <password>.

    The database tables for the Argus Mart signal management configuration are populated. The install_sigmgmt.log file is created in the sigdet/sigmgt/install/log subdirectory.

    Note: If you type the password incorrectly, an error such as this appears in the install_sigmgmt.log file: Error returned from execution of "sqlplus /NOLOG @db/connect webvdme @db/fetch_next_config_id".

    If the following error message appears, the Argus Signal Mgmt project already exists:

    ERROR at line 1:

    ORA-00001: unique constraint (WEBVDME.UC_PROJECTS1) violated

    You can disregard the error.

Note: To create more than one Argus Signal Management configuration for Argus Mart, repeat step 5.

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