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Installing MedDRA accounts on the Empirica Signal database

Data from the Argus Mart application is timestamped. Therefore, you must create a MedDRA user account for each version of MedDRA used to code the data.

You create the user accounts using the files provided by Oracle. xxx indicates the version of MedDRA. For example, a file is for MedDRA version 19.1.

If a user account already exists on the database server for a given version of MedDRA, do not recreate the account.

For each MedDRA account that you need to create, perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

The application server is assumed to be Linux. If installing from a Windows server, please contact Oracle support.

For MedDRA versions starting 19.1 and after:

  1. Copy the file from the distribution media to a temporary directory on the server.
  2. Unpack the file into a temporary directory, for example:

    $ unzip -d /u01/stage/

    The MedDRAxxx subdirectory is created.

  3. Navigate to the MedDRAxxx/Linux directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/MedDRAxxx/Linux

  4. Give execute permissions on the shell script files:

    $ chmod +x *.sh

  5. Execute the installer:

    $ ./

  6. Follow the on-screen prompts to install MedDRA xx.x.

    The following is a sample transcript of the prompts and information that the installer generates.

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