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Create the user's OHSIAMS account

If the Oracle single sign-on (SSO) account doesn't exist, create it.

  1. Log in to OHSIAMS using the URL you received when your CDA account was created.
  2. Under Administration, click Users.
  3. Under the Search Results heading, from the Actions drop-down, select Create.
  4. Fill in the fields for the new user.
    • First Name, Last Name
    • Email: Enter the email address that is associated with the new user account. The user receives the account password and notifications at this address.
    • Organization: Enter the ShortOrgId for your organization.

      If you don't know your ShortOrgId:

      1. Click the search icon at the end of the field.
      2. Below the search fields and to the right, click Search to show all results.
      3. In the Search Results, select the row for your organization.
      4. Click Select.
    • User Login: Enter the username that the user will use for logging in. The name is saved in lowercase characters.
    • Password, Confirm Password: Leave these fields blank. The application generates the password and emails it to the user.
  5. Click Submit.

    The user receives one email message with their username and a second email message with their password.

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