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Reset a password through self-service

End users can access the self-service password reset feature at any time by clicking the Forgot Password link on any login page of an OHSIAMS-enabled application.

The Identity Self-Service requires the user to know their login ID, and remember the answers to the following set of password challenge questions: Name of your pet? City of birth? Favorite color? These questions are first presented to the user at their initial login with OHSIAMS. User responses are recorded and matched when resetting the password at a later stage. Hence, the self-service reset is only possible after the user has successfully logged in through OHSIAMS at least once.

If the user does not remember the correct answers to the challenge questions, or fails the initial login, you will need to perform the password reset for the user. For details, see Reset the password for the user's OHSIAMS account.

The self-service password reset is also available to CDAs. In case you forget your password, you can follow the same process as described above.

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