5 Using the DIVAnet User Interface


To use the DIVAnet application:

  • You will need to have the ClientAdapter configured and running on the server side.

  • If you want to perform intersite copies within DIVAnetUI, ensure that the ClientAdapter Site-To-Site mappings are configured.

  • To view the most up-to-date asset information, you will want to configure and run the DbSync service.


DIVAnet 2.x no longer supports the DIVArchive Control GUI — use the DIVAnetUI instead. DIVAnet 2.x does not forward or support Control GUI messages in either MultiDiva or Direct Mode.

Starting the DIVAnetUI

To start the DIVAnetUI application in Windows, click the provided shortcut link. This link is located in the DIVAnet home directory, in the Program/divanet/bin subfolder. This shortcut can be copied to the Windows Desktop or Windows Start menu.

Open a terminal window and call the DIVAnetUI.sh script to start the DIVAnetUI in Linux.

Refer to Chapter 3 for details on how to install the DIVAnetUI.

Connecting to DIVAnet

After starting the DIVAnet application:

  1. Click either the Requests or Assets tab to open a prompt for the DIVAnet server URL.

  2. Enter the URL of the DIVAnet server, and then click OK.

    By default, the URL corresponds to the host name of the ClientAdapter, followed by a colon, followed by the ClientAdapter WebServicePort. The value that you enter will be persisted in the DIVAnetUI properties file. Example:

If a connection error occurs, a message will appear in the lower right corner of the screen. Clicking the Change URL button will prompt for a new URL.

Viewing Assets

To display a list of assets, click the Assets tab. The first 400 assets will be listed in the left pane. The asset name will be shown in blue, followed by the object category.

By default, assets are presented in Object Name order. Select an asset to view details displayed on the right pane.

Asset Details Panel

The Asset Details panel is divided into three sections: the Global Object Parameters at the top, the Sites Table in the middle, and the Asset Filenames table at the bottom. The following are descriptions of some parameters and sections on the Asset Details panel:

  • Object Parameters — The parameters at the top of the Details panel include the total size of the object, the archive date, the number of copies (instances), and comments.

  • Last Verified Date — This represents the last time that the object was checksum verified on tape, at any site. If no tape instances exist, only then will it return the last time the object was verified on disk. If the object was never verified on archived media, the field is blank.

  • Alerts — Any object alerts will be displayed directly underneath the Comments field. For instance, if DIVAnet detects that two sites have objects with the same name, but different content, an alert will appear.

  • Active Requests — On the Asset Details panel, the text in green (above the Sites Table) indicates any DIVAnet requests currently running on the selected object. It is useful to view this field before issuing copies or deletes. This value is refreshed only when you press the Search button (see Searching Assets).

  • Sites Table — Each site that contains instances of the object is displayed in the site table. Each site can contain one or more object instances. Objects for each site have a Storage Plan and initial archive dates (which can be used in the Search panel).

    A site icon resembling a house indicates that the site is the local site. A purple site icon indicates that the site's assets are display-only, and requests cannot be run on them. A site icon resembling a globe indicates that the site is not local.

  • Asset Filenames Table — The file names that comprise the archived asset appear below the site table. The file names are organized into pages, and ordered according to the order that they were archived. The file names for complex archived objects cannot be displayed in this panel.

Searching Assets

DIVAnetUI contains powerful object search capabilities. Click the Search button on the left to open the Asset Search panel.

The Asset Search panel allows many ways to search for assets. Some parameters are selectable, meaning that you can select both an attribute and value. Each value entered poses an additional restriction on the assets returned. Wildcards are permitted in all search fields except the date and time fields.

The following is a list of some parameters used for searching assets:

  • Archive Date Search — DIVAnet allows the user to search on the date that an object was archived to a DIVA site. A start and end date and time range can be specified that narrows the search to objects that have an archive date in range. Click the calendar icon to select a date, and then modify the time value in the text field to the desired time. An object may have multiple archive dates (one for each site), and this query searches for any that exist within the range.

  • Object Name / Category — An asset name is composed of two fields, Object Name and Object Category. The Category is the second half of the formal name of an object.

  • Site Search — Some the search terms are user-selectable, including site search parameters. You can search for objects that are either on a site, not on a site, or have a tape copy on a site. This is useful for determining, for example, which objects need to be copied to other sites.

  • Other Search Parameters — You can also search on other parameters such as file name, object size, comments, and media.

    You can select the same parameter (for example media) multiple times and provide different values. By default, these multiple values are joined with all other values in the query using a logical AND. For example, if you search on Sitename=Site A and Sitename=Site B, your search will return objects that are present on both Site A and Site B.

    However, if you select the OR Like Query Params check box, the multiple values are joined together using a logical OR. For example, you can search for objects that have a media of POST1 OR PLAYOUT (or both).

  • Checksum Failures — You can select to display Checksum Failures. This returns all assets that have encountered checksum failures as part of DIVArchive operations, such as Restore and Copy. The particular site that experienced the failure is marked with an alert icon in the site table. There are no query parameters for this search (use the default value of true).

  • Missed Deletes — You can select to display Missed Deletes. This returns all assets where a delete was attempted, but could not be processed. The sites that experienced the missed delete are marked with a gray X in the site table. You provide a time duration in days, which is subtracted from the current date and used to filter the query to return only the most recent missed deletes.

  • Ordering — You can sort the objects based on Object Name (the default), Category, Archive Date, and Object Size. You may see significantly slower query performance when using some optional sort methods.

Cutting and Pasting Asset Details

Many of the values in the Asset Details panel can be copied to the clipboard by double-clicking on the values. In the Asset Search panel, right-clicking on a text field reveals a menu. This menu contains a paste option, which allows items from the clipboard to be pasted into the text field. Alternatively, you can use Ctrl-V to paste the information.

Viewing Requests

Click the Requests tab to display a table of DIVAnet requests in the left panel. This table is ordered by the date that each request was submitted. Each request in the table shows where content is moving from, and where it is moving to (if applicable). A label with an (SD) appended means that the content is moving from or to a Source/Destination. Otherwise, the content is moving from or to a DIVAnet site.

Viewing Request Progress (Live Updates)

Requests are enabled for live updates when DIVAnetUI starts. If the request that is queried is currently executing, the progress of the request will be automatically updated on the screen. Filters can be applied to reduce the number of requests that are dynamically updated on the screen. Live progress updates can be stopped by providing an end date and time in the Filter panel. See Filtering Requests.

Viewing Request Details

You can view the details of the request by clicking a request in the table. The details include information such as the priority of the request, the quality of service, source and target sitenames, and media (if applicable). In addition, a list of request-level events are displayed. These events show the steps that DIVAnet takes to satisfy the request, and the errors encountered along the way.

Canceling Requests

Right-clicking a request in the request table will show the Cancel option. If a request is canceled, another request (a Cancel request) is generated that will show the status of that Cancel attempt.

Filtering Requests

DIVAnetUI contains powerful request filter capabilities. Click the Filter button on the left to open the Request Filter panel.

The Request Filter panel contains parameters used to filter the list of requests. Two of the parameters are user-selectable. Each value entered poses an additional restriction on the assets returned. Wildcards are permitted in all search fields except the date and time fields and Request ID field.


Unlike the Asset Search panel, you cannot search on the same attribute more than once.

The following are some search terms that can be applied to the list of requests:

  • Request ID — DIVAnet requests are uniquely identified by a Request ID. DIVAnet allows filtering on Request ID or the name of the object being processed.

  • Request Submission Date — A start and end date and time range can be specified that returns only requests that have been submitted with the date range specified. Click the calendar icon to select a date. The current local (computer) time is automatically populated in the text field. You can modify the time value in the text field to the desired time. If an end date and time is supplied, no status or progress updates will be provided on screen. Delete the end date and time to enable live updates again.

  • Request Type — Filters can be created on the type of request. Each type can be individually enabled or disabled. In this way, filters can ensure (for example) that only Archives and Deletes appear in the list.

  • Request Status — Filters can be created on the Request Status. In this way, filters can ensure (for example) that only requests that are either Pending or Running are displayed.

  • Other Search Parameters — You can also filter on other parameters such as Media, Source/Destination, and Comments.

Cutting and Pasting Request Details

Many of the values in the Request Details panel can be copied to the clipboard by double-clicking on the values. In the Request Filter panel, right-clicking on a text field reveals a menu. This menu contains a Paste option, which allows items from the clipboard to be pasted into the text field. Alternatively you can use Ctrl-V to paste the information.

Copying an Object

DIVAnet can copy objects from one site to another, or it can copy the object to different archive media on the same site (by creating a new object instance).

  1. Within the Asset Table, select the objects to copy.

  2. Above the Asset Table, click the Copy button.

    A dialog box will appear showing the selected objects.

  3. Select a Target Site, Media/Storage Plan, and Priority.

    • If the object already exists on the site you are copying to, DIVAnet will create another instance with the archive media that you select. In this case, specifying a Media/Storage Plan will cause the copy request for that object to fail, as the object on that site already has a Storage Plan.

    • If you select Selected By DIVAnet for the Media/Storage Plan option, DIVAnet will choose an appropriate media for the copy. If the object already exists on the site you are copying to, DIVAnet will not create another instance on that site.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Click either Monitor Requests or Close.

    If you choose Monitor Requests, you will be taken to the Requests View where you can monitor the DIVAnet Copy requests for each object that you selected.

Deleting an Object

You can delete an object from a given site or from all sites.

  1. Within the Asset Table, select the objects to delete.

  2. Above the Asset Table, click Delete.

    A dialog box will appear showing the selected objects.

  3. Select a Target Site and Priority.

    You can select a specific site or all sites.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Click either Monitor Requests or Close.

    If you choose Monitor Requests, you will be taken to the Requests View where you can monitor the DIVAnet Delete requests for each object that you selected.

Restoring an Object

Objects can be restored to a particular Source/Destination using the following procedure:

  1. Within the Asset Table, select the objects to restore.

  2. Above the Asset Table, click Restore. A dialog box appears showing the selected objects.

  3. Enter a Source/Destination and select a Priority.

  4. Optionally, enter restore options in the Options field, and (or) a directory path destination relative to the Source/Destination.

  5. Click either Monitor Requests or Close.

    If you choose Monitor Requests, you will be taken to the Requests View where you can monitor the DIVAnet Restore requests for each object selected.

Modifying the Configuration File

The standard DIVAnetUI startup script is configured to load a properties file upon startup. You can find this configuration file within the DIVAnet home directory (Program/conf/divanet/divanetui.properties).


DIVAnetUI needs write permissions on the properties file, as it records each change to the URL directly in the properties file.

You can configure a default URL in this file. This URL should refer to the ClientAdapter's network address and WebServicePort (configured in ClientAdapter.xml). Local web servers and routers may change the address and (or) port needed in the URL.

In this file, you can configure the following parameters:

  • Logging Parameters — DIVAnetUI writes a log file, and you can change the default logging level by changing the logLevel parameter.

  • Default Url — This represents the url that connects to DIVAnet (the ClientAdapter service). Every time the url is changed in the application, it is updated here in the configuration file.

  • Max Objects to Query — The maximum number of objects to retrieve in the Assets View.

  • Max Requests to Query — The maximum number of requests to retrieve in the Requests View.

  • Username — The user name (for example, diva) to pass to DIVAnet, which can be used in Access Rules.