8 Troubleshooting

The following are common errors that can occur in a DIVAnet installation. For instance, although tag names in configuration files are not case sensitive, the values typically are (for example, sitenames), and can cause errors.

Table 8-1 DIVAnet Common Errors

Problem Possible Resolution

A DIVAnet service does not start

  • When installing a service, make sure to pass the name of the adapter's wrapper.conf file and not the name of the adapter's configuration file.

  • Make sure to place the configuration file in the parent directory of the templates folder, and remove the .ini extension.

  • If there are errors reading the configuration file, they will appear in the wrapper logs. These logs are placed in the DIVAnet home directory, in the Program/log/divanet folder, and will be named similarly to the Wrapper.conf file, but with a .log file name extension.

  • You must run the addSites script before attempting to start the ClientAdapter or DbSync.

  • Are the sitenames consistent between the database and the configuration files? If not, services may not start and (or) not function properly.

DIVAnet request is returning access denied

  • Ensure that the correct Workflow Profile is configured for the port you are connecting on. Ensure that the request is permitted in the list of valid Messages section of the Workflow Profile.

  • If you are using Access Rules, ensure that ApiConnect appears in an Include rule. If you are using DIVAnetUI, ensure that WebConnect appears.

Intersite copy operations fail with errors referring to Source and Destination names containing MISSING_MAPPING_TO

  • Ensure that the request is being assigned the Workflow Profile that you expect by checking the configuration.

  • The ClientAdapter Site-To-Site Transfer configuration may be missing the from Source or to Destination.

No requests are being sent successfully to a DIVA site, even though they can be viewed in DIVAnet

  • Ensure that the localSitename in the ManagerAdapter configuration files correctly reflect the site that they are serving (and are not cut and pasted from somewhere else). Check that the localSitename is correct in the ClientAdapter and DbSync configurations. Check that the sitenames used are consistent with those defined in the DIVAnet database.

  • Check that the network address and port of the DIVA Manager you want to send to is correct in the ClientAdapter configuration.

In Access Rules, after defining an Exclude rule, the operation is being rejected in all cases.

  • Remember that for any operation to succeed, there must exist one Include rule for the operation in question.

  • Pay attention to any defaulted parameters in the Ruleset, such as WorkflowProfile, and change them accordingly.

Table 8-2 DIVAnetUI Common Errors

Problem Possible Resolution

Cannot connect to DIVAnet

  • Ensure that you have specified the correct URL of DIVAnet. By default, this is the address of the computer that the ClientAdapter is running on, at the port defined in the WebServicePort parameter of the ClientAdapter configuration.

  • Make sure to specify the port in the url (if applicable), and specify https if secure connections are enabled.

UI is no longer updating progress of existing requests, or not showing new requests.

  • Check the lower-right corner of the DIVAnet GUI to determine if a connection error has occurred. If this is the case, click the Requests or Assets buttons to re-spawn the connect dialog box.

  • Perhaps you have provided an end time in your request query. This indicates to DIVAnetUI that live updates should not be shown, and no progress should be updated for current requests. To enable live updates, just delete the end time filter.

  • Finally, check the Request Filters pane to ensure that there are not any Request Type or Request Status filters enabled (likewise for Start and End time).

Newly archived objects are not showing up in the Assets View

  • Check that the DbSync service is running. Check the configuration, ensuring that the network addresses are correct. You may need to ensure that the ManagerAdapter on the site that you are syncing is configured and running.

  • If the configuration is correct and problems persist, it may be advisable to initiate a resync of that site through DIVAnet's Admin utility.

A Copy, Delete, Cancel operation in the UI is returning access denied.

  • Ensure that the correct Workflow Profile is configured in the WebDefaultWorkflowProfile in the ClientAdapter. Ensure that the request is permitted in the list of valid Messages section of the Workflow Profile.

  • If you are using Access Rules, ensure that WebConnect appears in an Include rule.