FO Processing Properties

The properties described in this table can be set to govern FO processing.

Property Name Description

Use BI Publisher's XSLT processor

Default: true

Description: Controls BI Publisher's parser usage. If set to false, then XSLT is not parsed.

Internal Name: xslt-xdoparser

Enable scalable feature of XSLT processor

Default: false

Description: Controls the scalable feature of the XDO parser. The property "Use BI Publisher's XSLT processor" must be set to true for this property to be effective.

Internal Name: xslt-scalable

Enable XSLT runtime optimization

Default: true

Description: When set to true, the overall performance of the FO processor is increased and the size of the temporary FO files generated in the temp directory is significantly decreased. Note that for small reports (for example 1-2 pages) the increase in performance is not as marked. To further enhance performance when you set this property to true, it is recommended that you set the property Extract attribute sets to false. See RTF Template Properties.

Internal Name: xslt-runtime-optimization

Enable XPath Optimization

Default: false

Description: When set to true, the XML data file is analyzed for element frequency. The information is then used to optimize XPath in XSL.

Internal Name: xslt-xpath-optimization

Pages cached during processing

Default: 50

Description: This property is enabled only when you have specified a Temporary Directory (under General properties). During table of contents generation, the FO Processor caches the pages until the number of pages exceeds the value specified for this property. It then writes the pages to a file in the Temporary Directory.

Internal Name: system-cache-page-size

Bidi language digit substitution type

Default: National

Description: Valid values are None and National. When set to None, Eastern European numbers are used. When set to National, Hindi format (Arabic-Indic digits) is used. This setting is effective only when the locale is Arabic, otherwise it is ignored.

Internal Name: digit-substitution

Disable variable header support

Default: false

Description: If true, prevents variable header support. Variable header support automatically extends the size of the header to accommodate the contents.

Internal Name: fo-prevent-variable-header

Add prefix to IDs when merging FO

Default: false

Description: When merging multiple XSL-FO inputs, the FO Processor automatically adds random prefixes to resolve conflicting IDs. Setting this property to true disables this feature.

Internal Name: fo-merge-conflict-resolution

Enable multithreading

Default: false

Description: If you have a multiprocessor machine or a machine with a dual-core single processor, you may be able to achieve faster document generation by setting this option to True.

Internal Name: fo-multi-threads

Disable external references

Default: true

Description: A true setting (default) disallows the importing of secondary files such as subtemplates or other XML documents during XSL processing and XML parsing. This increases the security of the system. Set this to false if the report or template calls external files.

Internal Name: xdk-secure-io-mode

FO Parsing Buffer Size

Default: 1000000

Description: Sets the size of the buffer for the FO Processor. When the buffer is full, the elements from the buffer are rendered in the report. Reports with large tables or pivot tables that require complex formatting and calculations may require a larger buffer to properly render those objects in the report. Increase the size of the buffer at the report level for these reports. Note that increasing this value affects the memory consumption of the system.

Internal Name: fo-chunk-size

Enable XSLT runtime optimization for sub-template

Default: true


The default is true on the BI Publisher server. If you call the FOProcessor directly, the default is false.

Description: Provides an option to perform XSL import in FOProcessor before passing only one XSL to XDK for further processing. This allows xslt-optimization to be applied to the entire main XSL template which already includes all its subtemplates.

Internal Name: xslt-do-import

Enable PPTX native chart support

Default: false

Description: This property applies to PowerPoint 2007 output. When set to true, charts in PowerPoint 2007 output are rendered as native PowerPoint (PPTX) charts. When set to false, the chart is rendered as an embedded PNG image.

Internal Name: pptx-native-chart

Report Timezone

Default: User

Description: Valid values: User or JVM.

When set to User, BI Publisher uses the User-level Report Time Zone setting for reports. The User Report Time Zone is set in the user's Account Settings.

When set to JVM, BI Publisher uses the server JVM timezone setting for all users' reports. All reports therefore display the same time regardless of individual user settings. This setting can be overridden at the report level.

Internal Name: fo-report-timezone