This figure shows the Oracle Event Processing Visualizer Stream Visualizer. It contains the pull-down menu Server Name with value defaultserver selected, text entry field Pub/Sub Server URL with value http://localhost:9002/pubsub, buttons Initialize Client (greyed out) and Disconnect. There are two tabs: Publish and Subscribe. The Publish tab is selected. This tab contains a table with two columns: Column one contains a radio button group with one radio button per row. Column two is named Channel Name. There are six rows: Row one has radio button unchecked and Channel Name value /evsalert; Row two has radio button unchecked and Channel Name value /evsdomainchange; Row three has radio button unchecked and Channel Name value /default server; Row four has radio button unchecked and Channel Name value /defaultserver/cql; Row five has radio button unchecked and Channel Name value /defaultserver/cql/orderChannel; Row six has radio button checked and Channel Name value /defaultServer/cql/orderChannel/Input. Below that is radio button group Input Method with radio buttons Jason String (selected) and Form Based Event. Below the tab is pull down menu Event Type with DataStockTick selected. Below that is a text display area to input Price, Symbol, PercChange, Volume, and LastPrice information. Below that is the Publish button.