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Gets the file name associated with a cached pagename and its parameters.



PAGENAME (optional)
The full pagename including parameters.

PARAM1=VAL1,PARAM2=VAL2,... (optional)
Name/Value pairs. Use an "=" to associate a name with a certain value. Use, "&" to separate multiple name/value pairs.


The CS.CacheFile built-in gets the file name associated with a cached pagename and its parameters.

When caching is enabled, Sites derives a cached page file name based on the incoming SiteCatalog entry for pagename and other relevant incoming environment information that a user must define.

You can specify such information on a URL. For example:


The value someval is a parameter passed to the root element of somepage. If any of the variables listed are empty, Sites ignores them.


The following examples display the location and file names of two pages that are cached on disk. The first example shows you how to specify the tag parameters when there are no page arguments defined. The second example shows how you define the tag parameters where there are page arguments. Notice that in example 2 the ampersand (&) character is with it's decimal representation, '&#038'.

Example 1.

Example 2.

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