OracleBulkCopy(OracleConnection, OracleBulkCopyOptions)

This constructor instantiates a new instance of OracleBulkCopy using the specified connection object and OracleBulkCopyOptions value.


// C#
public OracleBulkCopy(OracleConnection connection, OracleBulkCopyOptions      copyOptions);


  • connection

    The open instance of an OracleConnection object that performs the bulk copy operation.

  • copyOptions

    The combination of OracleBulkCopyOptions enumeration values that determine the behavior of the OracleBulkCopy object.


ArgumentNullException - The connection parameter is null.

InvalidOperationException - The connection is not in the open state.


The connection passed to this constructor must be open. It remains open after the OracleBulkCopy instance is closed.

The Connection property is set to the supplied connection.