WriteToServer(DataTable, DataRowState)

This method copies rows that match the supplied row state in the supplied DataTable to a destination table specified by the DestinationTableName property of the OracleBulkCopy object.


// C#
public void WriteToServer(DataTable table, DataRowState rowState);


  • table

    A DataTable containing rows to be copied to the destination table.

  • rowState

    The DataRowState enumeration value. Only rows matching the row state are copied to the destination.


ArgumentNullException - The table or rowState parameter is null.

InvalidOperationException - The connection is not in an open state.


Only rows in the DataTable that are in the state indicated in the rowState argument and have not been deleted are copied to the destination table.

The ColumnMappings collection maps from the DataTable columns to the destination database table.

DataRowState.Deleted is not supported and the behavior would be that all the rows except the deleted ones are copied.