3. Maintaining Account Class

While defining CIF records and Customer Accounts, you would have noticed that many of the fields have option lists positioned next to them. While some option lists contain pre-defined values for some option lists to be populated you need to capture data through separate screens. For instance, while maintaining CIF records you need to associate each customer with a customer category. For this purpose you will need to maintain customer categories before you begin to maintain CIF records. Similarly, each customer account needs to be associated with an account class. Therefore, you will need to maintain account classes before you start defining customer accounts.

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Account Class Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

3.1.1 Maintaining Account Classes

In the Oracle FLEXCUBE system, you can classify the customer accounts of your bank into different groups and assign each an identifying code. For instance, you may define a group called INDSB to represent savings accounts held by individuals, SB-INS to comprise institutional savings accounts, COR-CU for corporate current accounts.

Each group is referred to as an Account Class and is maintained in the ‘Account Class’ screen. For each class, you also define certain common attributes applicable to all accounts in this class, such as, the General Ledger lines to which the accounts in this class report to, facilities granted to the account holders (pass book, check book, ATM etc.).

In the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen, where you open accounts for the customers of your bank, each customer account is linked to an account class, and the attributes defined for the account class are by default applicable to the customer account. For instance, if the frequency of account statement generation has been defined as daily for an account class CU-COR, the system generates statements for all accounts under this class on a daily basis. However, some of the parameters defined for the account class, can be revised at the account level for any of the accounts linked to the class. Account level parameters will supersede those defined for the account class.

While defining the account classes you should also keep in mind that the interest rate structure is also specified for an account class (in the Interest and Charges module).

The account class table is maintained at the Bank Level by the Head Office branch

3.1.2 Invoking Account Class Maintenance Screen

You can invoke the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDACCLS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Defining an Account Class includes the maintenance of the following parameters:

Assigning a unique Code to the Account Class and associating an appropriate description with the class

Indicating the type of account for which account class is being maintained

Specifying the period after which accounts in this class should become dormant if no customer transaction is posted into the account.

Indicating the date from when new accounts can be created under the account class.

Indicating the end date after which the new accounts cannot be created for the account class.

Maintaining the different statuses applicable to the accounts for which the account class is being defined. This would be used for tracking NPA’s on current and savings accounts.

Maintaining status-wise GLs for provisioning

Identifying the reporting lines (GL Line, Central Bank Lines and the Head Office Lines) for each status.

Maintaining account statement details like the type of statement that is to be generated, the frequency at which statements should be generated for all accounts under a class.

Indicating the preferences unique to an account class like the check book, passbook or ATM facilities to be given to account holders under this account class; whether overdraft facility should be allowed for accounts linked to this class; whether the credit limit should be checked for all accounts under the class; interest and charges to be computed for accounts under this class.

Specifying preferences regarding account holder facilities, interest computation etc.

Indicating whether status change for all accounts belonging to the account class should be automatic or manual.

Identifying and assigning preferred branches, currencies and customers to the account class.

Specifying whether receivables should be tracked for the account class. This specification will default to all accounts that are linked to this account class.

Specifying whether reordering of Cheque Books for all accounts linked to this account class should be triggered automatically or not. If yes, the parameters for the same.

Specifying liquidation preferences for debit interest and charges, to notify your customers through a Debit Interest Notification message (in the case of charges, a Charge Notification message) before debiting the customer’s personal current account for debit interest or charges.

Maintaining initial funding details for new accounts.

Indicating whether Escrow transfer is applicable or not for new accounts

Each of the parameters has been discussed in detail in the subsequent sections

Account Class and Description

The account class code is a unique 6-character code, which identifies the class. Along with the class code you need to assign an appropriate description to the account class.

For instance, let us assume you are defining a class for savings account of individuals. You could associate the code SB IND with it. Similarly, the description that you associate with it could be something like this – ‘Savings accounts of individuals’.

If the account class is a line account, then the system displays an override message, where the reporting GL for the accounts should be contingent GL.

Multi Currency Accounts

The multi-currency account class Flag is applicable only for current and savings account.

Account Type

The six different types of accounts that you can maintain are:

While posting transactions into this account, if the first entry is a debit, the subsequent reconciling entries should be all credits.

The system gives you a break-up of the balance by the reference number

The system gives you a break-up of the balance by reference numbers

Line Account - This is used for creating accounts for charging limit fees. Upon save of the account class with type as line account, there will be an override specifying that the reporting GL’s for the accounts should be contingent GLs. There will not be any accounting entries passed into the accounts of line account type. This will only be used as the calculation account for calculating the limit fees. Hence, the account balance of this account will always remain as 0.

To ensure the line account functionality, you will have to maintain the following:

In the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen, you will have to create new customer accounts with Account Class type as Line Account and ensure the following parameters for every new line associated with a liability

Since accounts can be of different types, you need to indicate the type of account for which you are defining an account class. It could belong to any one of the types mentioned above

Account Code

As per your bank’s requirement you can choose to classify account classes into different account codes. The bank can decide the manner in which the account classes are to be assigned to different account codes. An account code can consist of a maximum of four characters.

Depending on the customer account mask maintained, the value in the account code field would be used during the generation of customer account numbers through the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

If you have decided to include account code as part of the customer account number (in the account number mask), then at the time of creating a new customer account number, you will need to select the account class for the account number being generated. In the option-list provided, the account class is displayed along with the associated account code. When the account number gets populated, it is the account code that forms a part of the customer account number.

IBAN Account Type

Specify the IBAN account type if BBAN format has an account type.

Start Date

Specify the date from which the account class should become active, using the adjoining calendar. You will be able to create accounts under this account class from this date.

End Date

You can also specify the life span of the account class by indicating the end date.

The end date for an account class refers to the termination date after which, creation of new account under the account class is disallowed.

Consequently, the option list for Account Class in all further transactions screen in Oracle FLEXCUBE, will not display the ‘expired’ account class as of the system date. However, the existing accounts for the account class will be active even after the end date.


If you do not specify an End Date for the account class, the account is taken to be an open-ended account class.

Project Account

Check this box to track the working capital of the project.

Dormancy Days

You have to indicate the period after which an account in an account class becomes inactive or dormant if customer transactions are not posted into the account. The system allows only three numeric characters for Dormancy Days.


However, while maintaining transaction codes, if you have checked the Consider for Ac­count Activity field, all transactions posted to any account under this account class linked to the particular transaction code will become active from dormant irrespective of the dor­mancy period. If a customer-initiated transaction is posted into the account with the dormant status the account status will be updated to Active from Dormant since the Trans­action Code associated with the account has the Consider for Account Activity option en­abled.

Dormancy Parameters

As stated above, if Transaction Code associated with the account has the Consider for Account Activity option enabled, the dormant status of the account will be updated to Active. Apart from this, you can specify the parameter that is required for re activating the account. To indicate the re activation parameters for the dormant account choose any from the following options:

In case of a transaction, the system will check for the parameter you have specified here and accordingly change the status of the account. However, the parameter maintained at the account level will super cede the parameter you have specified here.

Account Statement Format

Specify the format in which account statement should be generated. The adjoining option list displays all valid formats maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Display IBAN in Advices

For an account class you can indicate whether the IBAN number of the customers involving the accounts within the class should be printed on advices sent to the customer. If you would like to print the IBAN number of the customers on advices sent to the customers involving the account class, you can enable the Display IBAN in Advices option by checking it.

Your specification will be made applicable to all customers linked to the account class. You will be allowed to change this option for a specific account.


IBAN Account numbers for specific customers can be captured while defining a specific account through the IBAN Sub-screen of the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen.

Dual Ccy Deposit

Check this box to enable the account class for Dual Currency Deposit (DCD) type.

Dual Currency Deposit (DCD) is a short-term currency-linked deposit that allows you to earn a higher interest rate than regular time deposits.


You will be allowed to check this field only for ‘Deposit’ Account Type. If this box is checked for other Account types, system throws an error.

Natural GL

The reporting of all turnovers of the particular account class will be directed to the GL that you identify as the natural GL. Based on the characteristic of the account balance; you can specify whether the turnover is to be posted to the Debit GL or to the Credit GL. For instance, if the account class is for overdrafts, the balance is normally a debit whereas current accounts normally do not have a debit balance.

Applicable Customer Status

Specify the applicable customer status from the drop-down list. The available options are:


Specifying Liquidation Preferences for Debit Interest and Charges

You must specify the liquidation preferences for debit interest and charges, for those accounts classes where interest/charge has to be debited from a Receivable GL before actually debiting the customer account. This feature is applicable only for the debit interest and any charges on the account calculated through the IC module. The preferences that you need to specify are:


An error log is created to store the error details of accounts for which liquidation could not be performed due to the following reasons:

Refer the End of Day processing for Debiting Receivable GLs section in the Daily Processing of IC chapter of the IC User Manual for details on end of day processes on Auto and Manual liquidation.

Maintaining Details for Free Banking

For account classes for which a free banking period is being provided, you can indicate the free banking parameters. These include:

Specifying Initial Funding Preferences

You need to specify the following details pertaining to initial funding for opening accounts under the account class.

Event Class Code

Specify the event class code maintained for initial funding process for the module code ‘DE’. This adjoining option list displays all valid event class codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Charge Role to Head Code

Specify the class code that you wish to use for posting charge-related accounting entries for initial funding. This adjoining option list displays all valid class codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Refer the section ‘Maintaining Event Class for Account Initial Funding’ in the chapter titled ‘Creating Classes’ under Modularity User Manual for further details about the event class code.

Maintaining Provisioning Details

When you define an account class, you can specify whether provisioning is applicable for accounts using the class. You can make the following specifications in the Provisioning Details section in the ‘Account Classes’ screen:


The frequency you define here is only applicable if you have indicated individual account-wise status processing for accounts in the Branch Parameters. If you have indicated sta­tus processing at Group/CIF level, then the provisioning batch process executes at the fre­quency maintained in the ‘Branch Parameters’ screen for your branch, and not at the frequency maintained in the Account Classes screen.

The specifications you make here are inherited by any account that uses the account class.

In addition to these preferences, you must also indicate:

You can maintain these details for each account status in the ‘Status Details’ screen.

Maintaining Escrow Details

The following Escrow details can be maintained for the account class:

Escrow Transfer Applicable

Check this box to enable Escrow transfer for the accounts belonging to the selected account class.

Transaction Code

Select the Transaction Code to be used for Escrow transfer from the adjoining option list. The option list displays only those transaction codes which are not enabled for Escrow processing at the ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ screen.


This is a mandatory input if Escrow transfer is enabled for the account class.

Transaction Code for Reversal

Select the transaction code to be used for Escrow Reversal transactions from the adjoining option-list. The option list displays only those transaction codes which are not enabled for Escrow processing at the ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ screen.


During account class amendment, the system does not allow you to disable Escrow pro­cess for an account class if a Project account has been created using that account class.

Cash Deposit Limit on Trust Account

If you have checked the box ‘Escrow Transfer Applicable’, you will have to specify the maximum cash that can be deposited in the Trust accounts under this account class.

Maintaining Required Sweeps

Sweep in can be initiated for a CASA account if the balance is insufficient. This sweep in process is applicable for all modules of Oracle FLEXCUBE and Channel which initiated the debit transaction on the CASA account.

Enable Sweep in

Check this box to enable sweep in.

Enable Reverse Sweep in

Check this box to enable reverse sweep in. You can check this box only if the ‘Enable Sweep in’ check box is checked. If the check box is checked without checking ‘Enable Sweep in’, the system disable saving, current account class creation and amendment of the account class.

The system defaults these values at account level and are not modifiable for auto deposit accounts. However, the vice verse is applicable.

You can modify these check boxes at CASA and Term Deposit Account Class levels as part of Account class amendment, only if no active accounts are available under that account class. If active accounts are available, the system will disable modification of ‘Enable Sweep in’ and ‘Enable Reverse Sweep in’ check boxes at account class level.

Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep

Check this box to consider primary account minimum balance for sweep.

If you modify or save an account class maintenance with ‘Enable Sweep in’ as unchecked and ‘Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep' as checked, then the system displays an error message as ‘Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep can be enabled only if Enable Sweep in flag is checked’.

During a debit transaction if the available balance for the primary account is below the minimum balance and ‘Consider Primary Account for Minimum Balance Sweep’ is checked at account class level then the system does the cover account sweeps as follows:

Considering the minimum balance requirement of primary account will remain at the cover account sweep level and will not be applicable for sweep from auto deposits or term deposits.

If ‘Consider Primary Account Minimum Balance for Sweep’ is checked, reverse sweep for all linked accounts considers eligible amount for reverse sweep after keeping the minimum balance of primary account.

3.1.3 Statement Parameters Tab

For each account class that you maintain you have the option of generating account statement details, periodically, for all customer accounts associated with the account class.

If you need to generate account statements that would need to be sent across multiple media, generated at different frequencies, you can define up to three different frequencies at which the statements could be generated, with a primary, secondary and tertiary frequency.

Click ‘Statement Parameters’ tab to invoke the screen for maintaining these details. The screen is displayed below:

As part of specifying the account statement preferences you can indicate the following for each of the statements, whether primary, secondary or tertiary:


The first preference that you specify for each account class is to indicate whether the periodic generation an account statement is required. If the generation of an account statement is necessary, you have to specify the format in which it is to be generated. The options available are:


The system generates the account statement details at a frequency that you specify. The frequency can be:

If you indicate that the statement generation frequency is weekly, you should also indicate the day of the week on which the account statement is due. Similarly, for a monthly statement you should indicate the day of the month.

To specify the frequency for a monthly statement you can specify a number between 1 and 31 (corresponding to the system date). If you set the statement date to 30, then account statements will be generated on:

If you set the statement date to 31, then account statements will be generated on:

For all other cycles, account statement would be generated on the last day of that cycle.

Offline Limit

This is the limiting amount till which transactions will be carried out between account(s) for the account class you are defining here, between branches when the database connectivity is not functional.

Enter the off-line limit here.


Document List

Specify the following details:

Document Type

Specify the document type. The adjoining option list displays all the document types that are maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Customer Type

Specify the customer type. The adjoining option list displays all the customer types that are maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.


Check this box to indicate that the document specified here is mandatory.


The document list is defaulted in the account based on the customer type. If any document is mandatory at the account class, then that document is captured and checked in the ‘Ac­count Class Maintenance’ screen otherwise the system does not allow saving the account.

Document Notification Details

Send Notification

Check this box to indicate whether to send notifications or reminders for not submitting the mandatory documents.

Frequency (Notification)

Specify the frequency of notification to be sent from the adjoining drop-down list. The frequency can be one of the following:

Days (Reminder)

Specify the number of days left for the expiry or submission due date of the documents for sending the reminder.

Maintaining Cheque Book Preferences

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides you with the facility to automatically trigger the reorder of Cheque Books for all accounts reporting to a specific account class. However, you have the option of changing your preferences at the account level also.

To facilitate automatic reordering of Cheque Books, you have to maintain the following details:

Cheque Book

To indicate that automatic reordering of cheque books should be allowed and for specifying the details for the same, you have to check this option. If not selected, you will not be able to maintain the automatic reordering preferences for the account class.

Auto Reorder of Cheque Book

You have to select this option to specify that automatic reordering of Cheque Books is required for all accounts reporting to this account class. This field will be enabled only if you have checked the ‘Cheque Book’ option explained above.

Reorder Level

Here, you have to indicate the level at which the reordering of Cheque Book should happen. Automatic reordering will be set off by the system when the unused number of cheque leaves becomes equal to or less than the re-order level that you maintain here. This field will be enabled only if you have indicated that automatic reordering of Cheque Books is required i.e. the ‘Auto Reorder of Cheque Book’ option is checked.

Reorder No of Leaves

In this field you have to specify the number of leaves that should be ordered for the new Cheque Book. This field will be enabled only if you have checked the ‘Auto Reorder of Cheque Book’ option.

Max No. of Cheque Rejections

Specify the maximum number of cheque rejections that can be allowed for an account. Processing Automatic Reordering of Cheque Books

The automatic reordering of Cheque Books is processed at EOD by executing a batch function.

The following conditions should be satisfied for initiation of automatic reordering:

The numbering of cheque leaves for the new Cheque Book will depend on the ‘Cheque Number Unique for Branch’ option in the ‘Bank Parameters’ screen. If this option is checked, the numbering will begin from the Last Number + 1 of the Cheque Book that was delivered last to any account. If you do not select this option, the number will start from the Last Number +1 of the Cheque Book delivered to the same account previously.

The value of ‘Include for Cheque Book Printing’ and ‘Cheque Type’ (specifications defined in the ‘Cheque Book Details’ screen) will be defaulted from the previous order of the Cheque Book.

Capturing Details about Specially Designated Nationals

Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) are those customers with whom you need to refrain from trading in any form. The US government publishes a list of such nationals and circulates this list among banks and other financial organizations. You can to maintain the details of SDNs in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

The details of Specially Designated Nationals are updated and published by the US government on a regular basis. You could download these details from their web site. You have two options to replicate the contents of this file into Oracle FLEXCUBE. They are:

Upload the file into Oracle FLEXCUBE through the SDN Upload screen.

Maintain the details of each SDN manually.

Both these options have been elaborated upon in the subsequent sections. Maintaining SDN Details Manually

Through the ‘Specially Designated Nationals’ screen you can capture the details of SDN customers manually. Invoke this screen, by typing ‘STDSDNMN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

The following details have to be captured:

3.1.4 Preferences Button

Preferences are the options or attributes that uniquely distinguish an account class. You can specify the preferences of an account class in the ‘Preference’ screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘Preferences’ button in ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen.

The screen is as shown below:

The following are the preferences that you can specify for an account class:

This check box is provided to handle IRA Monetary Accounts. Using this facility, you can avoid posting into the IRA Monetary Accounts from Teller/Journal screens and ensure that the details are computed only through IRA subscriptions.


Uncheck this checkbox only for specific Inter-Branch Accounts.


IBAN Required is restricted for TD and Nostro account class. The system displays an error message if user defines IBAN Required for Nostro or TD account.

While posting back-valued transactions, the System verifies whether the Back Period Entry Allowed option has been enabled for the account class. If the option has not been enabled an error message is displayed. This check is also performed while uploading journal entry transactions.

Replicate Customer Signature

Check this box to indicate that customer signature should be replicated. On checking this option, the signature of the customer gets defaulted to account level.

Spend Analysis

Spend analysis classifies the debit transactions from an account under different spend classes. Check this box to enable spend analysis for the accounts that are associated with this account class.

If you check this box, the system allows you to enable spend analysis at the account level. However, you can disable spend analysis for individual accounts by unchecking the checkbox ‘Spend Analysis’ at the account level.

If you do not check this box, the system disables spend analysis for all accounts associated with this account class. In that case, you cannot enable spend analysis at the account level.


You can modify the status of this checkbox. While modifying this, the system verifies whether spend analysis is enabled for any customer account associated with this account class. If spend analysis is enabled for a customer account, the system will not allow you to modify this option. In that case, you need to disable it at the account level first and then modify the status for the account class.

No. of Days For Salary Block

Specify the number of days for salary block. At the time of salary credit in to a customer account, the system will place an amount block for the number of days specified here from the date of salary credit. The amount blocked will be equal to the loan instalments due during this period.

No of days for Closing Unauthorized Accounts with No Activity

Specify the number of days after which the unauthorized accounts without any activity should be automatically closed.

No of days for Closing Authorized Accounts with No Activity

Specify the number of days after which the authorized accounts without any activity should be automatically closed. This is applicable for Term Deposits as well.

No. of Days after which Notification is to be sent if No Activity

Specify the number of days after which a notification needs to be sent to the channels if the account is inactive. If the account is inactive for the particular period of time as mentioned in this field, then the account is closed by the system and the funds will be transferred as per the maturity instructions.


Select the frequency at which notifications need to be sent from the drop down list. The field needs to be mandatorily updated if a value has been entered in the ‘No. of Days after which Notification is to be sent if No Activity’ field. The list of values provided are as follows:

This field needs to be mandatorily updated if the ‘No. of Days after which Notification is to be sent if No Activity’ field is updated with a value. If a value has been provided in the ‘Frequency’ field and no value is provided in the ‘No. of Days after which Notification is to be sent if No Activity’ field, then an error is displayed which states that a value needs to be in the No. of Days after which Notification is to be sent if No Activity’ field.

If these two fields have been updated, then a notification is sent to the channels only when a TD account is created with the ‘Goal Reference Number’.

Minimum ECA Block Amount

Specify minimum ECA block amount.

RT-Charge Product For Passbook Issue

Specify the RT product from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the active RT products. You can select the appropriate one.

Enabling Printing of Account Statistics

You can enable printing statistics in respect of accounts using an account class, either period code-wise or financial year-wise, for the following customer information:

To enable printing of this information for all accounts using an account class, you must enable the Account Statistics option in the Account Class Maintenance.

For each account class for which account statistics has been enabled, an accounting End of Day (EOD) process updates the statistics table both period-wise and according to financial years. The book-dated balances are used for computation of statistics, and the balances are maintained according to accounting periods.

For information about viewing the period-wise account statistics, refer the section Querying on Account Statistics, found earlier in this chapter.

Status Change Automatic

If you check this option, the status of the account will be changed automatically by the system as per the conditions maintained in the ‘Status Rule Definition’ screen. If you do not select this option, you have to change the status manually through the ‘Manual Status Change’ screen. These screens are discussed in detail in the subsequent sections of this document. This specification will be defaulted to all the accounts reporting to this account class.

Exclude Same Day Reversal transaction from Statement

If you do not wish transactions booked and reversed on the same day to be reflected in the account statement, you can specify the preference here. This feature is applicable only for the customer account legs and not for the related GL legs. Also, reversals made through the DE module will not be considered for exclusion.

Your specification for this at the account class level defaults to all accounts involving the class. You can change it for a specific account.

For comparing transactions the System will look for similarity of reference number and date.

Consolidation for Inward Clearing

You need to indicate whether or not consolidation is required for inward clearing transactions in a batch at the Account Class level. The indication for this option is carried forward to the ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ screen. If this option is unchecked here, it cannot be checked in the ‘Customer Account Maintenance screen’. Processing for Consolidation of Inward Clearing

During the Inward Clearing process, the consolidated entry for clearing will be passed according to the following grouping:

A consolidated clearing entry will be passed using a separate Transaction Code maintained in the ‘Clearing Product Preferences’ screen. This Transaction Code should be set with Cheque Mandatory option as No in the ‘Transaction Code Maintenance’ screen.

One consolidated clearing entry will be passed for each of the above groups. Entries will be passed against a common reference no. generated for each of the groups. After the consolidated entry has been passed, each individual instrument will be processed separately to pass charge entries (if applicable) at the transaction level.

Specifying Turnover Limit Preferences

You can specify turnover limits for an account class and thereby monitor the turnover in all accounts linked to the account class.

Turnover Limit Code

Specify a turnover limit code that should be linked to the account class. The adjoining option list displays all valid turnover limit codes maintained in the system using the ‘Turnover Limit Maintenance’ screen. You can choose the appropriate one.

Passbook Compression Preferences

Compression Required

Check this box to specify that transaction compression is applicable to the accounts under the particular account class.

Limit for Unprinted Transactions

Specify the maximum limit for unprinted transactions that can be printed without compression.

Transaction Code

Specify the Transaction code to be used for printing the description for compressed entry on passbook. Alternatively, you can select the transaction code from the option list. The list displays all valid transaction code maintained in the system.

The ‘Limit for Unprinted Transactions’ and ‘Transaction Code’ fields will be enabled only if ‘Compression Required’ field is checked.

If ‘Compression Required’ field is checked, it is mandatory to maintain the values in ‘Limit for Unprinted Transactions’ and ‘Transaction Code’ fields, else the system will display an appropriate error message.

3.1.5 GL Lines Button

Current and Savings accounts that have not generated any interest over a specific period or have remained inactive with interest overdue may be identified as ‘NPAs’ (Non-Performing Asset). In Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can assign different status codes to an account class, which will be applicable to all the accounts under it. The accounts will move from one status to the other based on the number of days they have remained inactive in the system. The status of an account will determine whether the account should be marked as an NPA or not.

Further, you can also specify the reporting lines (for GL, Central Bank, and Head Office) to which accounting entries should be passed when an account moves from one status to the other. You can post all debit and credit balances of one account class to a single General Ledger account. Conversely, you also have the option of posting debits and credits to separate GLs.

The status codes and the reporting lines for each status may be defined in the ‘Status Details’ screen. Click the ‘GL Lines’ button in the ‘Account Classes’ screen to invoke it.

The screen is as shown below:

You can specify the following details in this screen:


You can select the different status codes applicable to the account class, in this field. Use the Add icon to define each status and the attributes for the same. You can use the navigation icons to move from one status to the other.

Only status codes with status type ‘Account’ will be available in the option-list if the Status Processing Basis is defined as ‘Contract/Account’ for all branches, in the Branch Parameters. If the Status Processing Basis is defined as ‘Group/CIF’ level for any branch, then the statuses of type ‘Both’ are available. In this case, it is mandatory to link all the statuses defined.

On selection of the status, the associated description will be displayed alongside.

Specifying Reporting line Details

Dr and Cr GL Lines

Select the debit GL account, to which all debit balances within a specific account class will report to, when it moves to the status being defined. You can identify the debit GL from the list of existing GLs. Likewise, all credits within a particular account class will report to the GL account that you have identified to track credits.

Dr and Cr Central Bank Lines

Select the Central Bank Debit line to which all debit accounts belonging to an account class should report to when it moves to the selected status. You have maintained Central Bank Debit lines in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’ screen. You can select the appropriate CB Debit Line from the available option-list.

Similarly, all accounts belonging to an account class, if in credit should report to a Central Bank Credit Line for the selected status. You can identify the CB Credit Line that should be associated with the status from the option-list available.

Dr and Cr Head Office Lines

This is the Debit Head Office GL maintained in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’ screen to which all accounts belonging to this class will report, if they move to the status being defined.

Similarly, select the Credit Head Office GL maintained in the ‘Reporting Lines Maintenance’ screen to which all accounts belonging to this class will report to, when they move to the status being defined.


As a mandatory requirement, you have to associate the status ‘NORM’ (Normal) when maintaining status codes for an account class.

Accounting Roles and Heads for Provisioning

In addition to the provisioning preferences that you specify for an account class, you must also maintain the accounting roles and heads representing the GLs to which the accounting entries for provisioning must be passed, for each account status. You can maintain this information in the ‘Status Details’ screen, when you define each of the status codes.

Rebook Provisioning on Status Change

In the ‘Status Details’ screen, you can indicate whether provisioning entries for an account must be rebooked when provisioning is done after an automatic status change for the account. Rebooking essentially means that fresh provisioning is done, after writing back the previous provisioning amount.

The provisioning batch process, when executed, not only computes the provisioning amount; it also records the current status of the account and checks whether the current status is different from the status that was prevalent when the process was previously executed. If so, the old provisioning amount is reversed (if the Rebook Provision option has been set in the Status Details), and the entries for the new provisioning amount are booked into the provisioning and write back GLs maintained for the current status in the Status Details.

If the Rebook Provision has not been set, there is no reversal of the old provisioning amount, and the differential provisioning entries are passed, as usual, into the GLs maintained for the new status.

3.1.6 Auto Deposits Button

Auto deposits are the linked deposit accounts to the savings accounts. These accounts are created once the threshold balance exceeds in the customer accounts. You can maintain these accounts using ‘Auto Deposits’ screen. Click the button ‘Auto Deposit’ in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen to invoke it.

The screen is as shown below:

You have to specify the following fields in this screen.

Default Auto Deposit Account Class

Specify the deposit type of account class for the auto deposit account.

Transaction Code

Specify the transaction code (DPN - New deposit account) for the book event to trigger at the time of creation of auto deposit account.


Specify the currency in which the deposit account has to created.

Minimum Required Balance

Specify the balance that is required to be maintained at the linked savings account. If any balance exists beyond this balance in the account then the system creates an auto deposit account as part of batch process.

Cluster Identification

The system displays the cluster ID linked with the deposit account class linked to the saving account class.

Def Rate Code

Select the code of the differential rate; whether ‘Mid’ or ‘Standard’.

Def Rate Type

Select the type of differential rate code; whether ‘Mid’ or ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’

Sweep Mode

Select the mode of sweep from the following options.

Break Method

Select the method in which the break of auto deposit should happen, from the following options.

Provide Interest On Broken Deposit

Check this field to indicate the system to calculate interest on the deposits. This is done when the attached account class is mapped to the IC product.

Break Deposits First

Check this field to indicate the system to break the deposit accounts created and transfer the proceedings to the savings account. The system breaks the deposits when the savings account does not have sufficient balance to withdraw the amount.

In this case the system breaks the auto deposit account and restores the savings account with balance to allow withdrawing the money.

For example, the customer has the total balance in the account for $5675 including $650 as auto deposit. He withdraws $5500 from an ATM. As part of intraday batch (DESWPBAT), the system breaks the auto deposit account of $650 and restores the balance amount to savings. So his current standings would be $175 in his savings account and he does not hold any auto deposit account.

Deposit Account Class Restriction Details

You can set restrictions to the selected account class here:

Deposit Account Class

Select restriction type for the selected deposit account from the options. The following options are available for selection:

While saving account class, the system validates if the Default Deposit Account Class mentioned in the Auto Deposit sub screen is part of the allowed list of Deposit Account classes. If the default deposit account class is not part of the allowed list, then the system will show an error message as “The Auto deposit account class is not part of the allowed list of Deposit Account Class".

Specifying Deposit Account Class

You can maintain the deposit account class details:

Account Class

Specify the account class for which you need to set the restrictions. The adjoining option list displays account classes which are active and authorized. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description

The system displays the description of the selected account class. Handling Batches for AD Creation

The following batches are available in the system to handle batches for AD creation:

3.1.7 Status Rule Button

If you have opted for automatic status change for all accounts belonging to an account class, you have to maintain the criteria based on which the system will bring about the status change automatically.

You can define the different criteria in the ‘Status Rule Definition’ screen. Click the button ‘Status Rule’ in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen to invoke it.

The screen is as shown below:

In this screen, you can define five conditions for each status applicable to an account class. An account will be said to be in a specific status if any one of the five conditions associated with the status holds true for an account. Conversely, if all the conditions are false, the account will automatically move to the next available status for which the condition is true.

The following elements are available based on which you can build a condition for automatic status change. You can associate each of these elements with an account, in the ‘Customer Accounts Maintenance’ screen.

The set of elements are as follows:

In addition, the following elements will also be available for processing:

Appropriation Preference

You can define the appropriation sequence for overdraft accounts for each account status.

Appropriation sequence maintenance is mandatory if the ‘Component-wise Tracking for Overdraft’ is checked.The appropriation preference sequence can be modified anytime and this will be applicable for the existing accounts also.This modification will effect only for future credits and appropriation.

Component with priority 1

Select the component with first priority from the adjoining drop-down list. The options available are:

Component with priority 2

Select the component with second priority from the adjoining drop-down list. The options available are:

Component with priority 3

Select the component with third priority from the adjoining drop-down list. The options available are:

Status Change for Overdraft Accounts

Oracle FLEXCUBE processes the status change for overdraft accounts based on the following rules:

Debit Interest OD Days

The system processes the status change on overdraft account, if the customer fails to pay the debit interest of the overdraft account for specified number of days.

For example,

OD Utilization date: 01-Jan-2011

Days after which Status Change should happen: 90 Days

Debit interest due date: 01-Feb-2011

In this example, the system modifies the customer account status based on the status rule maintenance, if the customer fails to pay the debit interest by 02-May-2011.

OD Limit Breach Days

The system processes the status change on OD account, if the OD limit of the overdraft account is breached for a specified number of days. The system tracks the overdraft limit breach days based on the utilizations done at the line level.

OD Expiry Days

The system processes the status change on overdraft account, if the OD utilization of the overdraft account is not settled beyond the expiry date.

No Credit Days

The system processes the status change on OD account if there is no credit transaction into the overdraft account for a specified number of days.

Logical Operators

Logical Operators are indicators of certain conditions that you specify while building a rule. These operators are used in combination with the elements discussed earlier. The following is a list of logical operators that you would require to build a status rule:




The conjunction ‘and’


The conjunction ‘or’


Greater than


Greater than or equal to (please note that there is no space between the two symbols)


Less than


Less than or equal to (please note that there is no space between the two symbols)

< >

Not equal to (please note that there is no space between the two symbols)


Equal to

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows data store for tracking of SOD debit interest due. During Interest liquidation for debit interest, the system populates the SOD Debit Interest Due Data Store with the Amount Due as debit interest for the SOD utilized amount and the due date of payment for the interest amount.

The debit interest due amount is adjusted in the SOD utilized amount and the system checks for any credit entries for the SOD corresponding to the debit interest. During EOD, if any credit entry exists for the account, then the system does adjustments on the amount due for the SOD debit interest due data store. The system also adjusts the debit interest payment against the oldest available debit interest due amount, and so on.

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides SDEs for ‘SOD Due Count’ and ‘SOD Overdue Days’ for status rule generation. During EOD while running the status update batch, the system calculates SDE ‘SOD Due Count’ value as the count of the records having due amount not equal to zero from the SOD debit interest due data store. The system updates the ‘SOD Overdue Days’ with the number of days since the last debit interest payment done for the account.

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides an account status called ‘DIDF’ for an SOD account, which is available as part of ‘Status Rule Screen’. If the ‘SOD Due Count ’or ‘SOD Overdue Days’ satisfies the condition specified in the status change rule, then the system changes the status for the account to ‘DIDF’.

While running the status change batch, the system updates the ‘No Debit’ flag as ‘Y’ for ‘DIDF’ status account. If payment for the debit interest happens on the SOD account against the utilized amount, and if on recalculation the value of SDE ‘SOD Due Count’, or ‘SOD Overdue Days’ is not met, the status batch changes the status of the OD account from ‘DIDF’ to the previous account status and updates the ‘No Debit’ flag as ‘N’.


3.1.8 Amount Block Button

The allocation of funds will occur as per the product sequence you maintain in the ‘Product Maintenance’ screen invoked from the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. Click the ‘Amt Block’ button to access this screen.

The screen is as shown below:

In this screen, you will specify the sequence of products based on which funds will be made available when a credit is posted to an account with a track receivable option. The sequence number is automatically generated by the system. All authorized products of your bank will be available in the option-list. On selection of the product, the product description will appear alongside.

Whenever a credit happens to an account with a track receivable option, the system will check if the account has any receivable being tracked against it. If yes, the amount is blocked as a receivable and this process continues until the amount needed for liquidation becomes fully available.

The batch process run as part of EOD/BOD will liquidate the loan contract or retail teller contracts.

If the amount received is not sufficient for full liquidation, then depending on the minimum amount required for liquidation, the system would initiate a partial liquidation for loans but for retail teller contracts liquidation will be initiated only when full amount is available.

The following example illustrates the manner in which the system will use the sequence for allocation of funds:

Assume that you have maintained the following product sequence for funds allocation:

Sequence No.








The liquidation schedule dates for the various loan contracts are as follows:


Liq. Schedule Dt.

Liqd. Amt. (in USD)


1st January 2002



1st January 2002



2nd January 2002



2nd January 2002


Further, all contracts are marked for auto liquidation and the settlement account for all contracts is A1. The balance in account A1 as on 1st January 2002 is 500 USD.



Batch liquidation run as part of BOD/EOD on 1st Jan.

Liquidation does not occur as the system detects insufficient funds in A1 (only 400 USD). The account is marked for receivable tracking and a block is placed on 400 USD.

A credit of 500 USD to A1 on 2nd Jan.

The total amount blocked gets updated to 1000 USD. Since we have two contracts involving the same product (LDBD) maturing on the same date, funds will be allocated to the first contract, LDBD001 (based on the Contract Reference Num­ber). Subsequent credits to the account will be used towards loan LDBD002.

Since contracts with LDBD have earlier schedule dates, funds will be allocated to them though, as per the product sequence, contracts with ADBN should receive the funds first. The liquidation schedule date takes precedence in this case.

Further credits to account, A1 will be allocated against the contract ADBN001 followed by the con­tract ABCD001. This will be based on the product sequence number since both contracts have the same schedule dates.

Within a contract, allocation of funds towards the various components like interest, penalty interest etc. will be determined by the ‘Liquidation Order’ maintained for the loan product.

To sum up, the schedule date of the loan contract takes precedence followed by the product sequence and finally the liquidation order.


If insufficient funds are detected in an account with a receivable tracking, the system will trigger the event ‘LBLK’ indicating that enough funds are not available and that subsequent credits made to the account will be blocked as a receivable.

3.1.9 Restriction Button

You can place restrictions on transactions involving customer accounts, at the account class level. As discussed earlier (for customer account), these restrictions get defaulted to all accounts that are linked to the account class. But you are allowed to change these restrictions for individual accounts as well.

To maintain the restrictions click the ‘Restriction’ button in the ‘Account Classes’ screen. The ‘Product and Transaction Codes Restriction’ screen is displayed

The restrictions can be based on:

Validation of Restrictions

During maintenance or online operations, in the respective contract screens for the restricted transactions, when you specify the customer account, the system checks whether the account class used by the specified account is restricted for the product that has been selected, or the debit/credit transaction type. If so, an override is sought when such contracts are saved.

3.1.10 Statement Button

To receive the details of account balances you need to capture the relevant information in the MT 941/MT942 message. The account balance details can be linked to the message by employing the statement screen. To invoke this screen click on the ‘Statement’ button, in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. You need to specify the details for an MT 941/MT942 message.

The screen is as shown below:

This screen contains the details necessary for the account generation parameters. The message details the balance of an account or group of accounts under a particular account class. The account balances indicate the condition of the account for an identified time period.

Specifying Interim Transactions Report

Generate Message

Check this box to indicate that the accounts belonging to the account class are to be considered for periodic interim statement generation i.e., MT942.

Generate Message Only On Movement

Check this box to indicate that the interim statement needs to be generated only if additional entries have been posted subsequent to the previous interim statement generation.

Report Transaction Since

This is a list of all the transactions the accounts under a class have undergone, on basis of which the transactions would be reported in the interim account statement. You can choose the appropriate values applicable:

Minimum Debit (Debit and Credit) Amount and Currency

Specify the minimum transaction amount for the debit transaction, which is eligible for reporting in the interim statement. This amount should be qualified by a currency. The amount for the corresponding account currency will be defaulted from here while opening the account.

If you do not specify the minimum credit amount, the system will consider the minimum debit amount specified here for reporting the credit transactions also.

Minimum Credit Amount and Currency

Specify the minimum transaction amount for the credit transaction, which is eligible for reporting in the interim statement. This amount should be qualified by a currency. The amount for the corresponding account currency will be defaulted from here while opening the account.

Generate Balance

To indicate that accounts under certain account classes are to be considered for generation of their balance messages, check this box. The valid values for this action are Y and N.


Select the mode of message for balance generation form the option list

Report Transaction Since

This is a list of all the transactions the accounts under a class have undergone, in the interval of balance messages generated for the accounts under the respective classes. You can choose the appropriate values applicable:

You can synchronize the time instance by hours for generation of balance messages by clicking the ‘Times’ button.

This screen is employed to indicate the the time instance in hours for the generation of the balance reports.

Message Generation Time

Specify the timing for generation of the MT 941/MT942 messages. You can specify the time interval in hours only.

A new message type is created for the balance report process which can be run as part of a scheduled task. This message type is ACST_BALANCE and ACST_INT_DTL. Balance Statement Handoff

The balance statement can be handed off as part of scheduled task under Oracle. You need to assign its frequency in hours. This process is initiated for all accounts requiring a balance account statement. As discussed previously the time for generation of the statement is determined and specified. In case of no subsequent transactions reports, the statement is not generated. Assigning Balance Statement as Job

The balance statement can be facilitated to run as part of a scheduled job as part of the Oracle jobs initiated during processing.

The ‘Jobs Browser’ screen of the application provides you the facility to run the balance statement as a synchronized task, subject to specified time intervals in hours.

Invoke the ‘Jobs Browser’ screen from the application typing ‘CSSJOBBR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select the option ‘Generate Balance Report’ from the Process option list. All associated accounts of the particular branch that have been marked for generation of balance statements are procured by Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

System displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:

The debit and credit accounts considered since the previous issue of an MT 941 are picked for the current processing. The previous messages are based on the parameters maintained for each account. This processing produces details of the statement generation. Generation of Ad hoc Reports

Balance reports for each account under an account class can be generated on an ad hoc basis. The Ad Hoc report generation screen is used for capturing details of a balance report sent ad hoc. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ACDADCRP’ in the upper right corner of the application toolbar, and clicking the arrow adjacent it.

Branch Code

The branch to which the account marked for balance report generation belongs is displayed; you cannot change or modify this value.


Select the account which has been identified for generation of a balance statement, from the option list. The account balance of this account is generated as an outgoing statement.

Swift Message Type

Select the type of message required to be sent. As the message is a balance statement, select MT941/MT942.

Click on the ‘Generate Statement’ button to initiate the generation of balance statement for the account you have selected. This process would pick up the entire debit and credit component accounts created since the issue of a previous MT941, MT942, MT950 or MT940 are included in the generated statement.

You can examine the details of the generated message, to ensure that all details entered are correct. Click on the ‘View’ button, to observe the outgoing message.

You can examine the message for ensuring the information entered is complete. You can only view the details of the message; no input of additional information is supported at this stage.

3.1.11 REG Button

For an account class, you can define whether the Regulation D limits are applicable, and the period over which the limits would be applicable. In the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen, click the ‘REG’ button to invoke the ‘Reg Details’ screen. You can specify the Regulation D applicability details in this screen.

If you indicate the periodicity of Regulation D applicability as ‘Statement Cycle’, the restricted transactions would be counted over the primary statement cycle defined for the account class.

The Regulation D applicability details specified for an account class would default to all accounts using the class.However, you can make changes to these details when you set up a customer account that uses the account class.

3.1.12 Branches/Currencies Button

In addition to what you have specified in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen you have the option of specifying the following for an accounts class:

You can specify the branch and currency preferences through the ‘Account Class – Branch and Currency Preferences’ screen.

Click ‘Branches/Currencies’ in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen. The ‘Account Class – Branch and Currency Preferences’ screen will be displayed.

The screen is as shown below:

In this screen you can specify the following for an account class: Maintaining Branch Preferences

Customer accounts maintained in any branch can be linked to any account class. However, you have the option of restricting the linkage of customer accounts in a particular branch or branches to an account class.

For example, your bank has a total of 25 branches. Branch 001 and 004 handles only Corporate Customers. For an account class, say, SAV-IND (savings accounts of individuals) you would like to disallow linkage of all customer accounts of branch 001 and 004.

To specify this, click on disallowed since the disallowed branch list is smaller than the allowed branch list. From the list of Available Branches select 001 and click the adjoining arrow. Repeat the procedure for 004. 001 and 004 will be listed under disallowed branches.


For specifying the allowed list of branches, first click on allowed. You will notice that the list title changes accordingly to allowed and vice versa. You should select allowed or dis­allowed depending upon the length of the list. Maintaining Currency Preferences

For all accounts under this account class you have the option of specifying currencies in which transactions are allowed/disallowed.

For example, you want to restrict all account level transactions under the account class Corporations for corporate type accounts to four important currencies only, say - USD, GBP, JPY, and DEM. You can specify the same.

To do this, click the ‘Currency Preference’ button. The ‘Account Class - Currency Preferences’ screen will be displayed.

All the allowed currencies you have defined for this account class will be displayed in the option list adjoining the ‘Currency Code’ field. You can specify charges that should be levied against each currency for opening a customer account. You can also maintain the maximum number of ATM transactions that can be carried out on every currency. Similarly, you can maintain the maximum cash that can be withdrawn from an ATM for every currency. If the box ‘Escrow Transfer Applicable’ is checked for the account class, you can capture currency-wise cash deposit limit for the Trust accounts linked to the account class.

If ‘Large Debit Balance Tracking Required’ check box is checked at the preferences level, then you have to maintain threshold amount for large debit balance. If the threshold amount is not maintained for large debit balance and the ‘Large Debit Balance Tracking Required’ check box is checked, then the system displays an error message. Maintaining Minimum Balance

You can maintain minimum balance and minimum opening balance for a CASA account based on the account facilities in the Minimum Balance screen. You can also maintain the minimum balance for each currency. Click ‘Minimum Balance’ button under Currency Details tab of ‘Branch and Currency Restriction’ sub-screen to invoke Minimum Balance screen.


Currency Code

Specify the currency code of the account. Alternatively, you can select the currency code from the option list. The list displays all valid currency codes maintained in the system.

Default Minimum Balance

Specify the default minimum balance to be maintained for the account.

Default Minimum Opening Balance

Specify the default minimum opening balance to be maintained for the account. Default minimum opening balance amount should not be less than default minimum balance amount.

Facilities Based Minimum Balance

You can maintain minimum balance based on account facilities in this block


Check this box if passbook facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Cheque Book

Check this box if cheque book facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.


Check this box if ATM facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Direct Banking

Check this box if direct banking facility is applicable for maintaining minimum balance amount.

Minimum Balance

Specify the minimum balance for facility combination for a currency. You can maintain the minimum balance based on the multiple facility combinations.

Minimum Opening Balance

Specify the minimum opening balance for facility combination for a currency. The minimum opening balance should not be less than the minimum balance.

Based on the account facilities availed at account level, the system looks for a matching record of account facilities at account class level for an account currency. The minimum balance and minimum opening balance that is maintained for the matching record will be considered for validating minimum balance and minimum opening balance respectively. If none of the records are matching, then default minimum balance and default minimum opening balance maintained for that currency is considered for minimum balance and minimum opening balance validation.


For each records maintained in ‘Facilities Based Minimum Balance’ section, the criteria combination should be unique. For instance, for a USD currency, if one record is main­tained with the value as ‘Y’ for all the facilities, then another record of USD currency should not have value as ‘Y’ for all facilities.

If the minimum balance is maintained for currencies that are disallowed or restricted for an account class, then the system displays an error message.

If ‘Allowed’ option is selected in Branch and Currencies Restriction sub screen and if the currency for which minimum balance details is maintained are not available in the list of allowed currencies, then the system displays an error message.

3.1.13 Customer Categories Button

Instead of linking each customer account to an account class, a customer category is linked to the class.

For an account class you should specify the category that should be linked to it and also specify if all customers under each of the categories are to be linked to the account class. In the ‘Account Class - Customer List’ screen you have the option of specifying the categories that should be linked to this account class and within a category you can also restrict individual customers to be linked to the class.

To indicate allowed customer categories click the ‘Customer/Categories’ button. The ‘Account Class - Customer List’ screen will be invoked.

In this screen you define the following:

For an account class you need to specify the customer categories that should be linked to it and also customers within a category who should not be allowed to be linked to this account class.

For example,


You are capturing the features of a Nostro account class called NostroLCY, you would like to:


In the Selection Indicator field click on Allowed (since your allowed list is smaller and therefore easier to indicate).

  1. Highlight and select the Customer Categories called Banks and Financial Institutions in the Available Categories list and click the adjoining arrow.
  2. Next, highlight Financial Institutions and click adjoining arrow against Customers. It will display the entire list of customer accounts maintained under the customer category Financial Institutions
  3. Select Morgan Stanley. It will be listed in the first row. To allow this customer the parameters assigned to this account class check the small square box alongside
  4. To add a row, click the Add icon. To delete an extra row, click the Delete icon
  5. To disallow Midas Bank, click on Banks under available categories. Click the adjoining arrow against Customers, to display a list of all the customers under this category. Select Midas Bank. Since you would like to disallow this customer do not check the square box against it


Check the square box to allow a customer the parameters assigned to this account class. Leave the box unchecked to disallow a customer from being assigned to this account class.

3.1.14 Notice Button

You can specify the notice preferences for the withdrawal of amount through the ‘Notice Preferences’ screen. Click ‘Notice’ in the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen.

The ‘Notice Preferences’ screen is displayed as follows:

The following fields are displayed in this screen:

The following are the notice preferences that you can specify for an account class:

Advance Interest

Check this field to levy the advance interest on the account class.


Monthly Free Amount

Specify the amount that a customer of the account class can withdraw per calendar month from his/her savings account without being liable to pay advance interest.

Notice Days

Specify the number of days before which a customer of the account class should notify the bank if he/she wants to withdraw an amount more than the ‘Free Amount’ from his/her account.

Validity Period

Specify the notice validity period in number of days. During this period, a customer of the account class can do the withdrawal of the amount for which he/she notified the bank.

3.1.15 Banking Channels Button

You can capture the information of channels like Internet Banking, Interactive Voice Response, Mobile, ATM, and Credit Card at customer level. These channel details can be maintained in ‘Static Type Maintenance’ (CODTYPES) screen.

Click ‘Banking Channels’ button to specify the details relating to channels.

Specify the following details:

Banking Channels

Specify the banking channels code. Alternatively, you can select the list of channels from the option list. The list displays the channels maintained in the system.

Banking Channel Name

The system displays the name of the banking channel.


During authorization of the account, the system does not repopulate the channel details. While authorizing primary party change, the system defaults the existing channels which are attached to the account and repopulates from the new Customer and Account Class. You can modify the channel information from the main screen for Customer Account Creation.

During save, the system defaults the channel details from Customer and Account Class of the account. You can modify the details in the Account Creation screen (STDCUSAC).

3.2 Account Class Group Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

3.2.1 Maintaining Account Class Group

You can group different account classes under a single account class group in ‘Account Class Group Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STDACLGP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and click the adjoining arrow button.
Specify the following here:

Account Class Group

Specify the account class group.


Specify a brief description on the account class group.

A given account class cannot be part of more than one account class group

Account Class

Select the account class from the adjoining option list.


The system displays the description on the account class selected.

3.2.2 Viewing Account Class Group

You can view the account class group details maintained in the 'Account Class Group Maintenance' screen using the 'Account Class Group Summary' screen. You can invoke this screen by typing 'STSACLGP' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Search' button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

3.3 Account Class Transfer

This section contains the following topics:

3.3.1 Maintaining Account Class Transfer

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates the change of account class at the customer account level without changing the customer account number. Depending on the destination account class, system defaults the reporting GL lines and IC related values. The account class transfer can be initiated through the ‘Account Class Transfer Maintenance’ screen.

3.3.2 Main Tab

You can invoke the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen by typing ‘STDACTFR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following details are maintained here:

Branch Code

The current branch is defaulted here.


Select the account number which requires an account class transfer, from the adjoining option list. This adjoining option list displays all valid accounts maintained at the account class level.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Old Account Class

The account class to which the selected customer account belongs is defaulted here.


The currency of the selected customer account is defaulted here.

Account Class

Select the new account class to which the customer account has to be transferred, from the adjoining option list. This adjoining option list displays all valid account class. When the account class is selected, the system checks whether the new account class is a valid one or not.

Click the ‘Default’ button to generate default parameters.

If the old and new account class are of different type, then the system will display the error message as “Old and new A/c class belongs to different a/c class types Failed to Process the Request.

Click ‘Ok’ to reset Account Class parameters.

If the old and new account class are of same type, then the system will display the override message as “Provisioning details should be manually modified, if required.”

Click ‘Accept’ if you wish to continue. The system will display the Information Message as “Request Successfully Processed.”

Click ‘Ok’ to continue. The following GL details are defaulted based on the values maintained at the Account Class level:

Effective Date

The effective date of account class transfer can be based on either next liquidation cycle or effective value date.

Next Liquidation Cycle

Check this box to indicate that the account class transfer should be effective from the earliest liquidation date of the products mapped to the account.

Effective Date

Select the effective date for account class transfer from the adjoining calendar.


System displays an error message in the following conditions:

GL Details

The reporting GL details of the account selected is defaulted here when you click ‘Default’ button.


For successful account class transfer, the CB and HO lines of both the account classes must be same.


The system defaults the following account facility preferences from account class level. You can modify the values.

Cheque Book

Check this box if you need a cheque book to be issued for your account.


Check this box if you need a passbook to be issued for your account.


Check this box if you need to avail an ATM facility for your account.

Direct Banking

Check this box to avail direct banking facility.

By availing direct banking facility, you can only view the minimum balance of the account. You cannot perform any other transactions with this facility.

Status Change Automatic

Check this box if you need automatic status change for your account.

3.3.3 Auxiliary Tab

Specify the auxiliary details by clicking ‘Auxiliary’ tab in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen.

Cheque Book Preferences

Maintain the following cheque book preferences if you have opted for a cheque book for your account in the ‘Main’ tab.

Auto Re-order Cheque Required

Check this box to automatically reorder cheque books for all accounts belonging to this account class.

Reorder Cheque Level

Specify the level at which you need a cheque book for the account.

Reorder Number Of Leaves

Specify the number of cheque leaves you need in the reordered cheque book.

Cheque Book Name 1

Specify the name used for opening savings account A1. This name will be printed on the cheque book and will be used for all cheque transactions.

Cheque Book Name 2

Specify the name if you need to enter the name of the joint account holder on the cheque book, if the customer account is joint operations account.

ATM Preference

You can maintain the following parameter if the ATM box is checked in the Main screen.

Atm Account No

Specify the valid ATM account number that should be linked to the new account class.

Daily Amount Limit

Specify the daily limit for the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM.

Daily Amount Count

Specify the daily count for the amount that can be withdrawn from the ATM.


You can maintain the following parameters for your account here.

Lodgement Book

Check this box if you need a lodgement book to be issued for the account.

Consolidated Cert. Reqd

Check this box if you need a consolidated certificate to be issued for the account.

Back Period Entry Allowed

Check this box if you need back period entries for the account.

Referral Required

Check this box if you need a referral check for your account.

Track Receivable

Check this box if you prefer to track the receivables for the account.


Specify the reason for the account class change.

Processed Status

System displays the status of account class transfer here. The drop-down list displays the following options: Interest Button

You can maintain the interest and consolidated charges of the account class in the ‘IC Special Conditions Maintenance’ screen. The system would generate the details by default. You can manually maintain the products if IC special condition is applicable for this account-account class combination.

Click ‘Interest’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘IC Special Conditions Maintenance’ screen.

The following details are captured here:

Branch Code

The current branch code is defaulted here.

Calculation Account

Select the valid customer account number for calculation from the adjoining option list.

Interest Booking Account

Select the valid customer account number from the adjoining option list.

Interest Start Date

Select to indicate the effective date to generate interest from the adjoining calendar.

Interest Booking Branch

Select to indicate valid Branch for calculating the interest from the adjoining option list.

Interest Statement

Check this box to generate the interest statement.

Charge Booking Account

Select the valid customer account number for booking the charge from the adjoining option list.

Charge Start Date

Specify to indicate the effective date to generate charges from the adjoining calendar.

Charge Booking Branch

Select to indicate the valid Branch from the option list, for calculating the charge.

Dr Cr Advices

Check this box to generate debit and credit related advices.

Consolidated Account

Select the valid account number from the adjoining option list.

Consolidated charge bank

Select the valid bank from the adjoining option list.

Product Details

You can specify product details for your account here.

Product Code

Select the valid product code from the adjoining option list.

UDE Currency

The system generates the user defined currency type maintained at ‘Interest Product Preference’ level.


Check this box if you need to waive of interest or charges defined for the selected interest product at the Interest Product Preference level.

Generate UDE Change Advice

Check this box if you need to generate advice for change in values of the User Data elements for the account.


Check this box if you need to apply the selected interest product for the account. Charges Button

Click ‘Charges’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Account level charges conditions’ screen.

The following details are captured here:

Account Details

You can maintain the account details here.

Branch Code

The current branch code is defaulted here.


The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class Transfer’.

Product Detail

You can specify the parameters related to product here.

Product Code

Select a valid product code from the adjoining option list.

UDE Currency

The system generates the user defined currency type defined for the selected charges product.


Specify the minimum charge that can be applied for the account.


Specify the maximum charge that can be applied for the account.

Free Items

Specify to indicate the number of items on which the charges are not levied.

Waive Charges

Check this box if you need to waive the charges defined for the selected charges product at the account level.


Check this box if you need to apply the selected charges product for the account.

Slab Amount

You can specify the parameters related to slab amount here. You can add additional rows by clicking the ‘+’ button and delete rows by clicking ‘-’ button.

Slab Amount

Specify an amount slab for the charges maintained at the account level. Rate will be applied for the amounts less than or equal to the amount slab.

Charge Amount

Specify the charge amount applied for the selected product at the account.


Specify the rate to be applied for the charges maintained at the account level. Consolidated Charges Button

Click ‘Consolidated Charges’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Account Level Consolidated Charges Conditions’ screen.

The following details are captured here:

Account Details

You can maintain the account details for an account here.

Branch Code

The current branch code is defaulted here.


The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class Transfer’.

Product Details

You can specify product details for your account here.

Product Code

Select a valid product code from the adjoining option list.


The system generates the user defined currency type defined for the selected consolidated charges product.


Specify the minimum consolidated charges that can be applied for the account.


Specify the maximum consolidated charges that can be applied for the account.


Check this box if you need to apply the selected consolidated charges product for the account.

Waive Charges

Check this box if you need to waive the consolidated charges defined for the selected consolidated charges product.


You can specify discount details for the consolidated charges applied for the account.

Discount Percentage

Specify percentage of the amount to be discounted from the computed consolidated charges.

Discount Amount

Specify a flat amount to be discounted from the computed consolidated charges. Statement Button

Click ‘Statement’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Statement’ screen.

Specify the following parameters for each of the valid account type.

Primary A/c Statement

You can generate account statement periodically for primary account type.


Select the statement type to be generated from the options. The following values are available for selection:


Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select a month, a date or a day to generate statement from the adjoining drop-down list. The drop-down list displays following values:

Secondary A/c Statement

You can generate account statement periodically for secondary account type.


Select the statement type to be generated from the options. The following values are available for selection:


Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select a month, a date or a day to generate statement from the adjoining drop-down list. The drop-down list displays following values:

Tertiary A/c Statement

You can generate account statement periodically for tertiary account type.


Select the statement type to be generated from the options. The following values are available for selection:


Select the frequency to generate statement, from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:


Select a month, a date or a day to generate statement from the adjoining drop-down list. The drop-down list displays following values:

Exclude Same Day Reversal trns from stmt

Check this box to exclude details of the transactions reversed on the same day from the generated statement. Maintaining MIS Details

Click ‘MIS’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Management Information System’ screen.

The screen is as shown below:

All the parameters are defaulted here. You can change the values if needed. The following parameters are maintained:

Branch Code

The current branch code is defaulted here.

Account No

The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class Transfer’.

MIS Group

Select a valid MIS group from the adjoining option list.

Link to Group

Check this box if you need to link MIS group to the account. Any changes to the MIS group would be automatically applied to the linked account.

Ref Rate Code

Specify a valid reference rate code for the account.

Calculation Method

Select a method to calculate the rate from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Ref Rate Code

Select a valid reference type from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Ref Spread

Specify the reference spread for the account.

Rate Flag

Select a valid rate flag from the options. The following values are available for selection:

Pool Code

Select a valid pool code to which the account class belongs, from the adjoining option list.

Reference Rate

Select a valid reference rate from the adjoining option list.

Transaction MIS Code

The system generates transaction type of MIS code from the Account Class level. You can select a valid MIS code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

Composite MIS Codes

The system generates composite type of MIS code from the Customer Maintenance level. You can select a valid MIS code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

Cost Codes

The system generates cost codes from the Account Class level. You can select a valid cost code from the adjoining option list, if needed. Account Status Button

Click ‘Account Status’ button in the ‘Account Class Transfer’ screen to invoke ‘Account Status’ screen.

All the parameters are defaulted here. You can change the values, if needed. The following parameters are maintained


You can maintain account details for your account here.

Branch Code

The current branch code is defaulted here.


The system generates the account number maintained in the ‘Main’ screen of ‘Account Class Transfer’.

Account Status

You can maintain account status details for your account here.


The current account status is defaulted here. You can select a valid account status from the adjoining option list, if needed.


Account class transfer is processed only if the account status is ‘NORM’.


The description of the account status is defaulted here.

GL Lines

You can maintain the credit and debit details of the general ledger reporting lines for your account here.


The GL code related to credit is defaulted here. You can select a valid GL code from the adjoining option list, if needed.


The GL code related to debit is defaulted here. You can select a valid GL code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

HO Lines

You can maintain the credit and debit details of the Head Office reporting lines for your account here.


The line code related to credit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the adjoining option list, if needed.


The line code related to debit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

CB Lines

You can maintain the credit and debit details of the Central Bank reporting lines for your account here.


The line code related to credit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the adjoining option list, if needed.


The line code related to debit is defaulted here. You can select a valid line code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

3.3.4 Processing Account Class Transfer

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates the change of account class at the customer level without changing the customer account number. Depending on the destination account class, system defaults reports the reporting GL lines and IC related values. Processing EOD Batch

During IC EOD process, system considers interest accrual for the back value dated transactions carried out prior to account class transfer, and computes the interest from the effective date of transfer based on new account class values. If the value date of the back value transaction is before the effective date of transfer, then the system does not compute interest for the period between value date and effective date.


System does not process IC calculation of back valued UDE change, back value dated transaction, CIF type change and bulk change of the old account class. Processing BOD Batch

During BOD process, system initiates the IC online liquidation of interest accrued on various products for all the customer accounts in the account class, till the effective date of account class transfer. Using gateway infrastructure, system authorizes and changes the account class based on the parameters maintained at the account class transfer level. However, GL balance of the accounts processed for account class transfer would be considered for the next day EOC.


When account class transfer maintenance is saved, the system will enforce restriction and display an error message in following conditions:

3.3.5 Viewing Account Class Transfer

You can view a summary of Account Class Transfer maintained at the ‘Account Class Transfer’ level using ‘Account Class Transfer’ summary screen. You can invoke the ‘Account Class Transfer’ summary screen by typing ‘STSACTFR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

System displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:

3.4 Manual Status Change Input

This section contains the following topic:

3.4.1 Modifying Account Status Manually

You can use the ‘Manual Status Change’ screen for status movements that have to be performed manually on a customer account. You can invoke this screen, by typing ‘STDSTCHN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Click the new button on the Application toolbar.

Provide the following details in this screen to facilitate a manual status change:

Account No

Select the customer account for which you are marking a manual status change, from the option-list provided.

On selection of the account, the system will display the current status of the account as well as the date on which the account moved to the current status.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the account level, place the cursor on the Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified account number based on the details maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

New Status

Specify the new status of the account. You can select the appropriate status from this list.

If Status Processing Basis specified in the Branch Parameters for all the branches is ‘Contract/Account’, only status codes maintained with status type ‘Account’ (in the ‘Status Codes Maintenance’ screen) will be available in the option-list. If Status Processing Basis for even one of the branches is specified as ‘Group/CIF’ level, then the only statuses available will be of type ‘Both’.

Current Status Attributes

In addition to the new status, you can also mark the account with any one of the following statuses, if required:

On authorization of the manual status change operation, the new statuses will be reflected in the customer account and will be effective immediately


When the account status is modified from the Manual Status Change screen (STDTCHN), system will display a configurable override message: "The Account has an active amount block”, if there is an active amount block created from the amount block input screen

Maintaining Status Change Processing

For accounts marked with automatic status change, you can execute a batch process at EOD to trigger the status movement and other associated changes. Use the ‘Account Status Update Processing’ screen available in the Application Browser to begin the batch process.

If the Status Processing Basis defined for the branch is ‘Group/CIF’ level, the worst status for all loans and overdrafts accounts is calculated for a Group/CIF level. This status is displayed in the respective Group/CIF screens as well as at the respective account and contract screens. The individual status of each account and contract is also displayed in the accounts screen as ‘Account Derived Status’.

Refer the ‘Products’ chapter of the Interest and Charges user manual for more details.

3.5 Maintaining Turnover Limits

You can maintain turnover limits for a given period of time using the ‘Turnover Limit Maintenance’ screen. You can attach these limits to an account class and thereby track the turnover on all accounts under the account class.

You can invoke the ‘Turnover Limit Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘STDTOLMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

Here, you need to specify the following details.

Limit Code

Specify a unique code used to identify turnover limit.


Specify a brief description associated with the turnover limit.

Period Details

You can specify the following details pertaining to the period for limit application.

Period Code

Specify a unique code to identify the financial period for which you wish to maintain turnover limits.

Start Date

Specify the start date of the financial period, using the adjoining calendar.

End Date

Specify the end date of the financial period, using the adjoining calendar.

You can maintain multiple period codes. However, the periods cannot overlap.

Limit Amount Details

You can specify the following details pertaining limits applicable on the period code.

Limit Currency

Specify the currency of the limit amount. This adjoining option list displays all valid currency codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Limit Amount

Specify the limit amount applicable of the financial period.
