15. Instrument Details

Instrument transactions entered through an Oracle FLEXCUBE branch are stored in the host Oracle FLEXCUBE database through the Instrument details screen.

The Instruments module of Oracle FLEXCUBE provides for the maintenance of appropriate reference information, which would enable entry of instrument transactions from an Oracle FLEXCUBE, and also enable you to view and enrich transactions that have been entered through a Branch.

The accounting and charges details for combinations of product, customer, branch and currency, that will be applicable for instruments transactions, must be maintained in the host Oracle FLEXCUBE installation, through the ARC Maintenance.

This chapter contains the following sections:

15.1 Maintaining Instrument Product

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to maintain instruments issued by the bank. As part of the instrument type maintenance, you have to maintain a list of currencies, branches and DAO GL for an instrument type.

You can invoke the ‘Instrument Product Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘DDDPRMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


In this screen you can enter certain basic details of the instrument. They are:

The various products selected against the various statuses should have maintenance in ARC except for statuses like ‘Expired’ or ‘Reissue’.

15.2 Maintaining Instrument Types for Other Banks

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates maintenance of issuance performed by other banks. For maintaining instruments types on behalf of other banks, invoke the Banker Cheques/Demand Drafts – Issuer Banks Details screen from the Application Browser. You can invoke the ‘Banker Cheques/Demand Drafts – Issuer Banks Details’ screen by typing ‘DEDDRISB’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button

In this screen you can enter certain basic details of the instrument. They are:


15.3 Instruments Transactions Query

This section contains the following topics:

15.3.1 Querying Instruments Transactions

You can query instruments transactions in the ‘Instruments Transaction Query’ screen. You can invoke the screen by typing ‘DDDQUERY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Click ‘Enter Query’ button to query the transaction.

15.3.2 Transaction Details Tab

Reference Number

Specify the reference number of the transaction. Alternatively, you can select the reference number from the option list. The list displays all the reference number maintained in the system.

Click ‘Execute Query’ button. The system displays the following details:

15.3.3 Charges Tab

The charges that you have specified for the instrument, branch and currency combination that you have chosen for the transaction, in the ARC Maintenance, are applied by default.

Click on the ‘Charges’ tab in the main ‘Instruments Transaction Query’ screen to view the charges.

The following details are displayed in this screen, based on the ARC record for the instrument, branch and currency chosen for the transaction:

15.3.4 MIS Button

Click ‘MIS’ button to invoke the ‘MIS’ screen, where you can capture the MIS details for the instrument.

For more information on MIS, refer to the section ‘MIS Details for a Contract and Account’ in the chapter 'Defining MIS Details for a Customer, Account Class, Account, Product, and Contract' in MIS User Manual.

15.3.5 Clearing Button

Click ‘Clearing’ button to invoke the ‘Clearing Transaction Input Detail’ screen, where you can capture the details for the outward clearing instrument.

The information you capture in this screen is required to route outward clearing transactions to the appropriate clearing house.

In this screen, you have to capture the following information for clearing:

Depending on your Bank Code, Branch Code and Sector Code combination, the system displays the Routing Number, Bank Value Date and the Customer Value Date.

After you maintain the above details for clearing, click ‘Exit’ or ‘Cancel’ button to return back to the Instrument Type Details screen.

15.3.6 Accounting Entries Button

To view the accounting entries and overrides for the transaction, click ‘Accounting Entries’ button in the Instrument Type Detail screen. The Accounting Entries and Overrides screen is opened.

The system displays overrides that occurs while passing each transaction.

15.3.7 Viewing Instrument Transaction Query Summary

You can view a summary of Instrument Transaction Queries using ‘Instrument Transaction Query screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘DDSQUERY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can query records based on any or all of the following criteria:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

15.4 Instrument Type Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

15.4.1 Maintaining Instrument Types

Your bank may issue Cheques to customers from the nostro accounts maintained with other banks. To facilitate this, you need to maintain the details of all the Cheque books issued by those banks/institutions to your bank in Oracle FLEXCUBE. Apart from these your bank would be issuing other instruments such as Drafts, DDs, MCKs and so forth, which also need to be maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE. Each instrument type is identified by a unique instrument type code, which can be captured in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Further, depending on the number of leaves and the book number, the system automatically generates the serial number for all the Cheque leaves associated with the book for a particular instrument type. You can view these numbers and the status of the Cheques in the ‘Status of Cheque’ screen. You are also allowed to change the status of a Cheque if a Cheque is cancelled.

You can settle a contract by associating an instrument type (example: Cheque s drawn on nostro accounts, DDs, MCKs etc.) with the settlement instruction. Multiple deals can be settled with a single Cheque if the same counter party, module and instrument type is associated with the settlement instructions for the deals.

You can define the various instrument types with the relevant details in the ‘Instrument Type Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Instrument Type Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘ISDINSMS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can view the details of all the existing instrument types from the summary screen.

You need to maintain the following details for an instrument type:

Instrument Type

Specify a name for the instrument type that you are defining. There will be a list of values for the instrument type that will show all the instrument types from the DD status maintenance screen. Instrument number is picked from the Instrument type level.

Branch Code

Indicate the name of the branch to which the Cheque book is issued. All the branches maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE are displayed in an option list. Select the branch code from the option list.

Account No

This is the nostro account maintained with other banks. If this Account is involved in a deal settlement, the type of instrument associated with the account will be defaulted in the ‘Instrument Type’ field of the ‘Settlement Message Details’ screen (invoked from the Contract Online screen of a front-end module).


The branch in which the nostro account resides is defaulted on selection of the account number. If you select a GL, the current branch is defaulted.

No of Leaves

Specify the total number of Cheque leaves in the Cheque Book you are defining.

Cheque Book No

This is the number of the Cheque Book maintained for the Instrument Type. These numbers will be unique for a specific branch and instrument type.

LPAD Required

The user has an option to specify whether the instrument numbers have to be left padded with zeroes. If you enable this option, the instrument numbers will be prefixed by zeroes. By clicking ‘Status’ button you can view the status of each instrument.

FT Upload

As discussed earlier, Oracle FLEXCUBE offers you the facility to print a consolidated Cheque for a counterparty, module and instrument type combination.

If you choose to print a consolidated Cheque, you are also required to keep a track of the individual amounts that have contributed towards the consolidated Cheque. You can do an FT upload to achieve this. When the upload is run, the suspense GL is debited for the consolidated amount to credit the miscellaneous GL (Ft Upload Account – discussed later). Internally, the system provides the break up of the consolidated amount.

The FT Upload function is run after the consolidated Cheque is printed. You can configure the upload function to be run as part of the EOD process.

All the consolidated Cheque s that are printed and for which the FT Upload option is selected, get uploaded when this process is run. Click ’Exit’ or ‘Cancel’ button to execute the upload process. The system generates an FT Contract Ref No. for each transaction contributing towards the consolidated Cheque amount and credits the FT Upload Account with each amount individually, thus keeping a track of all such transactions.

Only on selection of the FT Upload option, the following fields are enabled:

FT Upload Product

You can associate an Outgoing Ft product to all the transactions that need to be uploaded. When the upload function is run at EOD, the system creates a corresponding Ft Contract Reference Number for each transaction and stores it internally. Therefore, all the uploaded contracts will be identified by the Ft Cont Ref No in addition to the original Cont Ref No.

If you reverse the original contract, the system displays the corresponding Ft contract reference numbers also. You have to reverse the Ft Contract Ref nos. manually.

If a Cheque has already been printed, you are required to cancel the Cheque manually, save and authorize the cancellation and then proceed with reversal.

FT Upload Account

This is the miscellaneous GL that is credited with the consolidated Cheque amount when an Ft upload occurs. The suspense GL (Account associated with the instrument type) is debited for this amount.

On selection of the account, the branch in which the account resides gets defaulted. If you select a GL, the current branch gets defaulted.

After you save and authorize the record, the system automatically generates the Cheque leaf numbers based on the Cheque book number and the total number of Cheque leaves you have defined for the book. The system also maintains the status of each leaf in the book.

15.4.2 Status Button

Click ‘Status’ button in the ‘Instrument Type Maintenance’ screen to invoke the ‘Status of Cheque’ screen. In this screen, you will see the individual Cheque numbers and Cheque status. By default the status of a Cheque is ‘Not Used’.

The operation you perform on a Cheque book effects the corresponding Cheque leaves also. For instance, if you choose to close a Cheque book, the status of the Cheque leaves is also automatically updated to ‘Cancelled’. On reopening the Cheque book, the status becomes ‘Not Used’ again.

15.4.3 Defining Cheque Details

After the Cheque book is saved and authorized, you can view the details of the individual Cheque leaves in the ‘Instrument Type Leaf Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by double clicking on a record in the ‘Status of Cheque’ screen. Navigate to the desired Cheque book number, by using the previous and next arrow buttons in the toolbar. The following operations are not allowed:

The Messaging Subsystem of Oracle FLEXCUBE populates the following details whenever a Cheque is printed:

You cannot change any of the above details. However, you are allowed to change the status of a Cheque. Select ‘Modify’ from the Actions Menu in the Application toolbar or click unlock icon to make the changes.

The status of Cheque is modified through the ‘Change Instrument Status’ screen. Click ‘Change Status To’ button to display this screen.

You will be allowed only the following status changes:


You cannot change the status of a ‘Cancelled’ Cheque.

15.5 Message Generation for Instruments

This section contains the following topics:

15.5.1 MT110 and MT111 Generation

MT110 and MT111 will be generated from Instruments module.

15.5.2 Processing MT110 and MT111

Message type DD_ISSUE will be used to generate MT110 and DD_STOP_PMNT for MT111. You can link these message types to products in the DD status maintenance. In the DD status maintenance these message types will be input across the INIT and the STOP statuses. If DD_ISSUE is linked to an INIT product the existing message DEMDRAFT also will get printed along with MT110. Since this messages are going to be generated only for DD’s issued in currencies other that USD and CAD separate instrument type has to be maintained for issuing DD’s in other currency. This is because the message and product linkage is in the DD status maintenance. The receiver of the message will be the BIC code for the customer of the NOSTRO account / Credit Account.

The receiver will be obtained in the following way.

MT 110 and MT 111 generated will not have any funding advice. The fields 53A and 54A will not be populated for these messages.

The population of the tags of MT110 and MT111 will be as follows.

MT110 –

The receiver of MT110 will be the BIC for the customer corresponding to the Nostro a/c of the Liquidation product’s ARC setup.

Message Text

Message Contents

Transaction Reference Number

20: Contract Reference Number of the DD transaction

Number of the cheque

21: Instrument Number from the DD transaction

Date the cheque was issued

30: Instrument Date from DD transaction

Currency and Amount of Cheque

32B: Instrument Currency, Instrument Amount

Payee of the cheque

59. Beneficiary Name


The receiver of the MT111 will be the BIC for the customer corresponding to the Nostro a/c of the liquidation product’s ARC setup.

Message Text

Message Contents

Transaction Reference Number

20: Contract Reference Number of the DD transaction

Number of the cheque

21: Instrument Number from the DD transaction

Date the cheque was issued

30: Instrument date from DD transaction

Currency and amount of cheque

32B: Instrument Currency, Instrument Amount

Payee of the cheque

59: Beneficiary Name

15.5.3 Mapping between Common Payment Gateway Fields and Instruments

The following table gives the mapping between the common payment gateway fields and the fields supported by Instruments. This mapping is maintained in the system using the message type – product category / product mapping screen.

Common Payment Gateway Field

Instruments Field

Source Reference

External Reference

Source Code

Source Code


Not mapped


Instrument Amount

Value Date

Instrument Date


Instrument Currency


Not mapped

Error Reason

Not mapped

Contract Reference Number

Not mapped (Generated upon upload)

Customer Account Number

Account Number

Customer Account Currency

Account Currency

Customer Amount

Amount in Account Currency

Customer Value Date

Not mapped

Counterparty Account Number

Beneficiary Account

Counterparty Currency

Beneficiary Account Currency

Counterparty Amount

Offset Amount

Counterparty Value Date

Not mapped

Exchange Rate

Exchange Rate

By Order Of (5 Columns)

Not mapped

Our Correspondent (5 Columns)

Not mapped

Receiver’s Correspondent (5 Columns)

Not mapped

Intermediary (5 Columns)

Not mapped

Account With Institution (5 Columns)

Not mapped

Beneficiary Institution1

Beneficiary Name

Beneficiary Institution 2

Beneficiary Address Line 1

Beneficiary Institution 3

Beneficiary Address Line 2

Beneficiary Institution 4

Beneficiary Address Line 3

Beneficiary Institution 5

Beneficiary Address Line 4

Payment Details (5 Columns)

Not mapped

Sender to Receiver Information (5 Columns)

Not mapped

Bank Operation Code

Not mapped

Instruction Code

Not mapped

Related Reference Number

Not mapped

Reject Code

Not mapped

Reject Details

Not mapped


Instrument Number


DD MICR Number


Instrument Status


Identifier Name 1


Identifier Value 1


Identifier Name 2


Identifier Value 2


Identifier Name 3


Identifier Value 3


Identifier Name 4


Identifier Value 4


Identifier Name 5


Identifier Value 5


Identifier Name 6


Identifier Value 6


Charge Account


Expiry Date

Modification Number

Modification Number




Reissued Flag


Original Draft Number


Reissue Remarks


Reissued Draft Number


Transaction Date


Beneficiary Customer Number


Print Status


Payable Bank


Copy of instrument printed


Offset Account


Offset Currency



Maker Id

Maker Id

Maker Date Stamp

Maker Date Stamp

Authorizer Id

Authorizer Id

Chequeer Date Stamp

Chequeer Date Stamp

Record Status

Record Status

Authorization Status

Authorization Status

Authorized Once flag

Authorized Once flag

Message Type

Not mapped

Branch Code

Payable Branch

Version Number

Version Number

Latest Version Number

Not mapped

Customer Account Branch

Account Branch

Counterparty Account Branch

Offset Branch

15.6 Uncollected Funds on Payment Instruments

This section contains the following topics:

15.6.1 Manual Processing for Uncollected Funds

Typically, uncollected funds on a payment instrument will be actually cleared after a specified time interval, depending upon the type of instrument. This is referred to as the ‘availability information’ for uncollected funds. The availability information is maintained for each kind of transaction in your bank, represented by transaction codes in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You can manually make available (or release) uncollected funds, before the available date, for credit transactions.

You can invoke the ‘Uncollected Funds Release’ screen by typing ‘ACDUNFDR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the Uncollected Funds Release screen, you can choose to:

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the account level, place the cursor on the Account field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder Maintenance’ in this User Manual.

15.6.2 Operations that you can Perform

The operation you select here is used both to retrieve the transaction in this screen, and for application of the operation when you select a transaction from the retrieved transaction list. Once a record is released, the system internally stores the user ID of the person who released the funds along with the release time. Retrieving a Transaction

To perform any of these operations on a credit transaction, you must first retrieve the transaction in this screen. To do so, you can employ any of the following means: Selecting a Transaction for an Operation

After you have retrieved the transaction, the following details of the transaction are displayed:

In the list, Cheque the ‘Select’ box in the row of the transaction for which you want to perform the selected operation, and then click ‘Exit’ button. Making uncollected Funds available before the Available Date

You can use the Uncollected Funds Manual Release screen to indicate that uncollected funds must be made available before the available date. In this screen, you must first display the record of the transaction with uncollected funds, unlock it, and make funds available on the application date, in the manner described above. The system sets the available date for such a transaction as the application date, thereby ensuring the release of funds. Changing the Available Date for a Transaction with uncollected Funds

In the Uncollected Funds Manual Release screen, you can also choose to change the available date for a transaction with uncollected funds. To do this, you must first display the record of the transaction with uncollected funds, unlock it, and specify a new available date in the Available Date field. The system sets the available date for such a transaction as the new date you have specified.

You can only specify a future date when you are changing the available date for a transaction with uncollected funds.

15.6.3 Intra-day Release of Uncollected Funds

During the course of a business day, you can manually release uncollected funds for transactions that have been posted using a transaction code for which the Intraday Release option has been enabled, and are due for release on or before the current date. You can do this by executing the Intraday Funds Release batch process, in the Intraday Funds Release screen.

You can invoke the ‘Intra Day Batch Start’ screen by typing ‘BABIDBAT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


The Beginning of Day process skips the release of uncollected funds in respect of transactions posted using a transaction code for which the Intraday Release option has been enabled.

During the End of Day batch process, uncollected funds for transactions that have been posted using a transaction code for which the Intraday Release option has been enabled, and are due for release on or before the current date, are released. This takes place after all the End of Transaction Input (EOTI) validations are performed.

The EOD batch processing ensures that, if the Intraday Release batch is not run, or the transactions are posted after the Intraday Release batch is run, and the funds are due to be released, the same is done. This is done just after performing all pre EOTI validations.

15.6.4 Querying for Details on Overdrawn Accounts

You can query for details of accounts that are overdrawn over limits through the ‘Overdrawn Accounts Query’ screen.

You can view the following information in this screen:


15.7 Instrument Clearing Details Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

15.7.1 Maintaining Interface Clearing Details for Instruments

You can invoke the ‘Interface Clearing Details’ screen by typing ‘IFDCLGDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. You can view the details of clearing transactions triggered from any clearing and PDC using this screen.

You can query for the interface details based on the following criteria:

Source Code

Specify the source code for clearing transaction.

External Reference

Specify the external reference number.

Click ‘Execute Query’.The system displays the following details:

The system also displays the Charge and Events details in the respective windows.

15.7.2 Charges Button

For maintaining charge details in the ‘Charges’ screen., click ‘Charges’ button on ‘Interface Clearing Details’

15.7.3 Events Button

For maintaining event details in the ‘Events’ screen., click ‘Events’ button on ‘Interface Clearing Details’.


15.7.4 Viewing Interface Clearing Summary

You can view the summary details of the clearing transactions using ‘Interface Clearing Summary’ screen by typing ‘IFSCLGDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can query on records based on any or all of the following criteria:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

15.8 Inward Interface Clearing Details

This section contains the following topics:

15.8.1 Invoking Inward Interface Clearing Details Screen

You can invoke the ‘Inward Interface Clearing Details’ screen by typing ‘IFDIWCGD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. You can view the details of inward clearing transactions triggered from any inward clearing and PDC using this screen.

You can query for the inward interface details based on the following criteria:

Source Code

Specify the source code for inward clearing transaction.

External Reference

Specify the external reference number.

Click ‘Execute Query’.The system displays the following details:

The system also displays the Charge and Events details in the respective windows.

15.8.2 Charges Button

For maintaining charge details in the ‘Charges’ screen., click ‘Charges’ button on ‘Interface Clearing Details’

15.8.3 Events Button

For maintaining event details in the ‘Events’ screen., click ‘Events’ button on ‘Interface Clearing Details’.