2. Limits & Collaterals

2.1 Introduction

The functions and actions provided by the Limits and Collateral Management are explained below. All functions explained below, come under Limits & Collaterals in the Menu Browser.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.2 Credit Score Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 Invoking the Credit Score Maintenance Screen

Before creating a Liability in the system, your Bank will assess the credit score of individual liabilities. You can create and maintain Credit Score names in the ‘Credit Score Maintenance’ screen. These credit scores can later be linked to Liability Maintenance (GEDMLIAB) for assessing the liability score.

Credit Score Maintenance is a bank level maintenance and will be accessible in all Branches. You can invoke the ‘Credit Score Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDCRSCR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Enter the following details:

Credit Score Name

Specify a unique credit score name here.

Credit Score Description

Give a brief description of the score.


This is only for information and not for processing.

2.3 Agency Details for Credit Rating

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Invoking the Credit Rating Agency Maintenance Screen

You can maintain details regarding credit rating agencies in the ‘Credit Rating Agency Maintenance’ screen. Using this maintenance you can record the credit rating codes published by each credit rating agency. This can later be linked to Liability Maintenance (GEDMLIAB) for specifying customer rating published by an agency.

You can invoke the ‘Credit Rating Agency Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDCREDT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Enter the following details:

Agency Name

Specify the name of the credit rating agency here.

Agency Description

Give a brief description of the credit rating agency here.

Credit Rating Details

Specify the following here:

Credit Rating

Specify the unique Credit Rating code/ID.

Credit Rating Description

Give a brief description of the Credit Rating code/ID.


Specify the priority of the credit rating to enable sequencing of the credit rating.


This is only for information and not for processing.

2.4 User Defined Status

This section contains the following topics:

2.4.1 Invoking User Defined Status Maintenance Screen

You may wish to specify certain statuses for liabilities such as Normal, Partially Defaulting, Defaulting etc. Such statuses can be maintained first in the ‘User Define Status Maintenance’ screen. You can name and describe statuses here. This can later be linked to Liability Maintenance (GEDMLIAB) & Facilities Maintenance (GEDFACLT) for choosing the status of the liability or facility respectively.

You can invoke the ‘User Define Status Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDUDFNS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button

Enter the following details:

User Defined Status

Provide a name/ID for the status here.


Give a brief description of the status.

2.5 Liability Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.5.1 Maintaining Liability Maintenance

Every customer of your bank who enjoys credit facilities should be assigned or linked to a Liability Code category. Several customers can be linked to the same Liability Code. Liability linkage can be in two ways.

Single Liability Linked To Multiple Customers

Here multiple customers are linked to same the Liability Code and all restrictions/facilities maintained at liability level are shared to all the customers.


Single Liability Linked To Only One Customer

Here a liability is linked to only one customer and all restrictions/facilities maintained at liability level are applicable to that customer alone.

You can create or modify the Liabilities using the ‘Liability Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Liability Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDMLIAB’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Liability Number

Specify the Liability Number. If the Liability Number is customer group then all customers under this group should have same Liability Number.

Liability Name

Specify the Liability Name here. A maximum of 35 characters are allowed in this field.

Main Liability Number

Specify the main liability number. The adjoining option list displays a list of liability numbers maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

The child liability’s overall limit amount should not exceed the parent liability’s overall limit amount.

During Utilization transaction, the utilization is tracked for both the specified Liability and also the parent Liability to which it is linked.

Liability Branch

Specify the branch in which liability is associated.

Liability Currency

Specify the currency with which the liability is associated. If Liability currency is different from Limit currency specified in Global Exposure Parameter then the Liability amount is converted to the limit currency.

System displays an override message, if the LCY equivalent of overall limit of the customer liability is greater than 35000 USD.

Overall limit amount $1 of the customer liability exceeds the maintained Internal Lending Limit Equivalent Amount $2.


You can modify the Liability Currency after authorization if:

Utilization Amount

This field displays the utilized amount for that liability Id at any point in time. You cannot edit this display.

Revision Date

Specify the date on which your bank would wish to revise the limit for the liability. The limit check will continue irrespective of the date maintained here. The revision date must be greater than the start date and can also be left blank.

Credit Rating

The primary credit rating maintained in the credit rating sub screen is displayed here.


These details are maintained only for information and have no processing impact.

Overall Score

Specify the overall credit score for the liability. The given credit score is supplemented by the multiple credit score details, if any entered in the Credit Score sub screen.


These details are maintained only for information and have no processing impact.

Overall Limit

Specify the overall limit amount for that liability. Value entered in the field will be in the currency stated above. If liability is of customer group then overall limits stated will be common to all the customers.


System validates the overall limit amount against the internal lending limit equivalent amount. If the overall limit amount is greater than the Internal Lending Limit Equivalent Amount then the system displays an override message as ‘Overall limit amount $1 of the customer liability exceeds the maintained Internal Lending Limit Equivalent Amount $2.’

Counterparty Appetite

Specify the total project limit which can be sanctioned to the customer. This value must be less than or equal to the overall limit of the liability. If it exceeds the overall limit under the liability, the system will display an error message.

Head Room Limit

The system displays the future dated headroom available to the customer.

Liability Category

Select the Liability Category from the list available here.

User Defined Status

Specify status of the liability (e.g. NORM for normal, BLOCKED etc).


Select this check box if the Liability is unadvised.

For any transaction involving an unadvised liability, you will be notified so.

Netting Required

Select this check box to indicate that the netting amount defined in the 'Account/Contract Balance for Netting' screen will be updated in the 'Netting Contribution' field for the specific facility for which 'Netting required' checkbox is enabled.

This is only for information and not for processing.

You can have the Facility to display the Netting Amount in the 'Netting Contribution' screen. For more details on this feature, refer the section 'Including Netting Amount in Facility’s Netting Contribution' in this document.


Limits tracking at liability level is based on liability tracking at the parameterization level.

2.5.2 Scores Button

When a Liability is created, Bank will assess the credit score for the liability. You can link score parameters in the Liability Score screen. Here you can also assign a score value to each. You can maintain multiple score parameters for the single Liability. To invoke the Liability Score screen, click ‘Score’ button.

Score Name

Select the score name from the adjoining option list.

Score Description

Give a brief description on the liability score.


Specify the liability score here.

2.5.3 Credit Rating Button

When Liability is created, Bank will assess the credit rating for the liability. You can link all the rating parameters to which the liability is associated to in the Liability Credit Rating screen. Click ‘Credit Rating’ button to invoke this screen.

Here you can select the Credit Rating Agency its Credit Rating for the liability. Out of all the Credit Ratings, you may select one as the primary rating for the Liability. You can maintain multiple score parameters for a single Liability.

Agency Name

Select the credit rating agency name from the adjoining option list.

Credit Rating

Select the credit rating from the adjoining option list.


Select one of the Credit ratings as the primary rating for liability.

2.6 Customer to Liability Link

This section contains the following topics:

2.6.1 Invoking the Customer to Liability Link Maintenance Screen

You can link customers to liabilities using the ‘Customer to Liability Link Maintenance’ screen.

Multiple customers can be linked to a liability. But a customer cannot be linked to multiple liabilities. You can invoke the ‘Customer to Liability Link Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDCULIK’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code

The branch code of the branch in which the Customer to liability link Maintenance is done gets defaulted here.

Customer Number

Specify customer’s number to whom the liability has to be linked.

Liability Number and Liability Name

Specify the number and name of the Liability to be linked to the customer.

Sector Code

Specify the sector code to which the customer belongs. Alternatively, you can select the sector code from the option list. The list displays all valid sector codes maintained in the system.

Industry Code

Specify the industry code to which the customer belongs. Alternatively, you can select the industry code from the option list. The list displays all valid industry codes maintained in the system.

Customer Exposures

Here you can specify different Exposure Types for the customer. This allows you to track the exposure of a customer. Multiple exposure names can be linked (e.g. IT for Sector exposure, INDIA for country exposure) to track exposures.


2.7 Covenant Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.7.1 Invoking the Convenant Maintenance Screen

As a part of maintaining Collaterals/Facilities, you may collect certain required information and documents from the customer regularly. Based on the information you may revise the collateral/facility details. The information or documents collected from the customer is termed as a ‘Covenant’.

You can maintain Covenant details in the ‘Covenant Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Covenant Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDCOVNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Covenant Name and Description

Specify the Covenant Name for which information is entered. A maximum of 50 alpha numeric characters are allowed in this field. You may also provide a brief description of the covenant maintained.


Indicate whether convent defined is mandatory as part of the process or not. You may change this preference when this convent is linked to a Collateral/Facility.


Select a frequency according to which the Convent has to collected/revised. You may select any one of the following frequencies:

Start Month

If the Frequency select is Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly, then specify the start month here.

Due Date On

Specify the number of days after which the covenant needs to be reviewed.

Grace days

Specify the Grace days past the next due/revision date allowed for renewal of the covenant.

Notice days

Specify the number of days in the notice period. The notice period will start this many days prior to the revision date of the covenant.


Specify the remarks about the covenant maintenance.

This can be linked to 'Collateral Category Maintenance' screen (GEDCOLCA), 'Collaterals Maintenance' screen (GEDCOLLT) and 'Facilities Maintenance' screen (GEDFACLT) for choosing the covenant that is to be linked to the Collateral Category, Collaterals and Facilities respectively. On choosing the covenant in these screens the values maintained for the covenant is defaulted. You can modify these defaulted values.

2.8 Collateral Types Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.8.1 Invoking Collateral Types Maintenance Screen

Collateral Types maintenance is used to capture all types of Collateral which your bank accepts. Collateral Types information would be required when creating a new collateral in the system.

You can maintain Collateral Types in the ‘Collateral Types Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Collateral Types Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDCOLTY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.This maintenance is at done at the bank level and all branches would be able to access this information.

Collateral Type

Specify the Collateral Type. A maximum of 20 characters are allowed in this field.


Give a brief description of Collateral Type. A maximum of 50 characters are allowed in this field.

Interest Rate

Specify the interest rate to be applied on the customer account when customer uses the overdraft facility against the collateral type.

This can later be linked to 'Collateral Category Maintenance' screen (GEDCOLCA), 'Issuer Maintenance' screen (GEDISSUR) and 'Securities' screen (GEDSECTY) for choosing the collateral type.

2.9 Collateral Category Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.9.1 Invoking Collateral Category Maintenance Screen

You can define the category to which collateral belongs to using the ‘Collateral Category Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Collateral Category Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDCOLCA’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Category Name and Category Description

Specify the Category name and a brief category description of the category.

Collateral Type and Collateral Description

Specify the collateral type. Collateral description will default from the ‘Collateral Types Maintenance’ screen based on Collateral type chosen.

Category Type

Indicate the category type from the following:

Revision Date

Specify the date on which the Collateral Category has to be revised

Secured Type

Indicate the Collateral Exposure Type from the following:

Tangible Type

Specify the asset type here - Tangible or intangible


Select the frequency with which the collateral has to be revaluated. You can select one of the following:

Start Month

If the Frequency select is Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly, then specify the start month here.

Due Date On

Specify the number of days after which the covenant needs to be reviewed.

Collateral Haircut Category

Here you can maintain several collateral haircut categories for use in the credit risk mitigation process. Multiple haircut records for same collateral category can be maintained.

Specify the following haircut details for each record:


Specify the remarks about the collateral category maintenance.

2.9.2 Covenant Button

To maintain the Covenant details for the Collateral Category, use the ‘Collateral Category’ screen. Invoke this screen by clicking ‘Covenant’ button.

The Revision Date for the covenant is generated based on the Frequency and Due date.

For example, if the collateral category covenant for a particular covenant name the frequency is monthly and the due date is 15. Based on the date of creation of the collateral covenant category (say 20 JAN 2008) the revision date will be 15-feb-2008.

Covenant Name

Specify a covenant name which is maintained in the ‘Covenant Maintenance’ screen.


The description for the covenant, as maintained in the 'Covenant Maintenance' screen gets defaulted here based on the 'Covenant Name' chosen.

Revision Date

The system defaults the Revision Date for the covenant, on save of the collateral category record, based on the Frequency and Due Date of the covenant, maintained in the 'Covenant Maintenance' screen.

Covenant Reference No

Specify the covenant reference no for the collateral category being maintained.


The mandatory field for the covenant, as maintained in the 'Covenant Maintenance' screen gets defaulted here based on the 'Covenant Name' chosen.

Grace Days

The grace days for the covenant, as maintained in the 'Covenant Maintenance' screen gets defaulted here based on the 'Covenant Name' chosen.

This can later be linked to 'Collaterals Maintenance' screen (GEDCOLLT) for choosing the collateral category while maintaining the collateral.

2.10 Issuer Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.10.1 Invoking the Issuer Maintenance Screen

A customer is granted credit on the basis of his/her credit worthiness. The credit worthiness of a customer depends on the assets constituting the customer’s portfolio. The type of collateral that a customer offers can be in the form of marketable or non-marketable securities. Marketable collaterals, driven by market forces, tend to fluctuate unpredictably. You may hence need to monitor your bank’s exposure to issuers of such collateral.

The details of the issuer and limit for his securities can be defined using the ‘Issuer Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Issuer Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDISSUR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Limits for the issuers of Collateral can be setup at the following two levels:

Issuer Code

Each Issuer whose securities the bank accepts should be assigned a unique code. The Issuer will be identified by this code. This code can also be used to retrieve information about the Issuer. Specify the Issuer Code here.

Overall Limit

Specify an Overall Limit for the issuer here. This limit indicates the maximum limit beyond which your bank would not like to expose itself to the Issuer.

An issuer can issue different types of market based securities; these could be debentures, shares, bonds etc. By defining an overall limit for an Issuer, the bank can limit its exposure to the issuer.

When the total of all the collateral given by the customer in the form of market- based securities exceeds the overall limit specified for the Issuer, the system will show an appropriate message indicating that the limit has been exceeded.

Overall Limit Currency

Specify the currency in which the Overall Limit is specified.

Issuer Identification Number

Select the Issuer Identification Number if any, from the adjoining option list.

The option list for 'Issuer Identification Number' displays only those customers that belong to the bank and those that have been created in the application using the screen 'Customer Maintenance' (STDCIF) with the checkbox 'Issuer Customer' enabled.

Issuer Details

Specify in brief any additional details of the issuer.

Issuer Limits for Collateral Types

An Issuer of Securities may issue different types of securities. These can be used by a customer as collateral for credit availed from the bank. The securities used as collateral can be debentures, shares, bonds, commercial papers etc. These securities can therefore be classified under different Collateral Types too.

For each security type that your bank accepts as collateral from the issuer, you can specify a limit indicating the maximum exposure amount (in value) to the issuer for this security type.

When the total of the collateral given by the customer in the form of a particular collateral type exceeds the limit set for the Issuer, the system will show you a notification.

You can define Issuer Limits for different collateral types under Issuer Limits. You can maintain several collateral types here, with their respective Limit Currencies and Limit Amounts.

Collateral Type

Select the collateral type for which issuer limits are being specified.

Limit Currency

Select the limit currency from the adjoining option list.

Limit Amount

Specify the limit amount for that collateral type in the limit currency.

This can later be linked to 'Securities Maintenance' screen (GEDSECTY) for choosing the issuer code while maintaining the security.

2.11 Securities Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.11.1 Invoking the Securities Maintenance Screen

The credit facilities granted to the customers of the bank under a credit line can be backed by the securities that the customer offers as collateral. You can maintain the details of all such securities in the LCM module. These details can then be used for determining the:

Since market based securities (Marketable Securities) are driven by market forces, the price of such securities tends to rise or fall in value. These fluctuations have a direct effect on the collateral value of the security. You can update the value of the collateral if the value of the security that backs it fluctuates beyond the increase and decrease sensitivity that has been specified.

You can capture details of marketable securities in the ‘Securities’ screen as shown below. You can invoke the ‘Securities Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDSECTY’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Details of the marketable security that your bank accepts as collateral can specified in the above screen.

Security Code

Assign a unique ID to identify the security. This ID is called the Security Code. This ID is used while maintaining Collateral for a market value based Security.


Describe in brief the security maintained.

Equity Base

Here you can specify the equity base for the security i.e. the total amount raised by the issue of this security. This entry is for information purposes only.

For example, Gem granites have come out with Debentures 98 and have raised US $1 Million through this issue. This US $1M that Gem Granites has raised constitutes the equity base for Debentures 98.

Price Increase Sensitivity and Price Decrease Sensitivity

If the value of collateral is backed by a marketable security (whose value is driven by market forces) you may want to revalue the collateral, so that its value reflects the current market price of the security, which backs it. To do so, you should specify your sensitivity to the security.

The price sensitivity of a security is expressed as a percentage. You should specify the percentage increase or decrease (the upper and lower limits) above or below the current market price, which should trigger the revaluation process. The revaluation process revaluates the collateral if the price of the securities that backs it fluctuates above or below the sensitivity you have defined.

Price Increase Sensitivity denotes the percentage increase in the market price that should trigger a revaluation of the Collateral. This means, if the current market price of the security rises above the old market price by the percentage you have defined as the Increase sensitivity for the security, then the revaluation process happens.

For example, Consider a case wherein you have specified the price increase sensitivity for Debentures 98 to be 15%. If the market price of the security has increased from $100 to $125. At this rise in the market price of the security (which is 25% above the old market value), the revaluation process will be triggered off, so that the Collateral value of the security reflects its current market value.

Price Decrease Sensitivity denotes the percentage decrease in the market price of the security that should trigger a revaluation of the Collateral. This means, if the current market price of the security falls below the old market price by the percentage you have defined as the decrease sensitivity for the security, the revaluation process happens.

For example, Consider a case wherein you had specified the price decrease sensitivity of Debentures 98 to be 15%. If the market price of the security has decreased from US $100 to US $75. At this fall in the market price of the security (which is 33.33% below the old market value of the security), the revaluation process will be triggered off, so that the Collateral value of the security reflects it s current market price.


Specify the currency to be associated with the Security using the list available here. Once authorized this entry cannot be changed.

Face Value

Specify the face value of the security. A maximum of 50 numeric characters are allowed here.

Collateral Type

Specify the collateral type here.

Issuer Code

Specify the issuer code for the customer for whom the securities are collected. The list of issuers is available here.

Start Date and Expiry Date

Specify Start date and Expiry Date of the security in these fields

Limit Amount

Specify the limit amount for the particular security.

Nominal Value Based

Select this check box if the collateral value is to be calculated on the nominal value based for a particular security.

Security Price

If the security is quoted in different markets, its value would differ in different markets. You can maintain the various market prices of the security under the Security Price table.

You can specify the following details here:

This can later be linked to 'Collaterals Maintenance' screen (GEDCOLLT) for maintaining market value based collaterals.

2.12 Insurance Company Details

This section contains the following topics:

2.12.1 Viewing Insurance Company Details

You can maintain the details of insurance companies using ‘Insurance Company Details’ screen. You can later use this information while maintaining details of collaterals offered by customers.

To invoke this screen, type ‘GEDINSCO’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Insurance Company Name

Specify the name of the insurance company. This must be a unique name, using which you can identify the insurance company later.

Short Name

Specify a short name to identify the insurance company.

Address Line 1 to 4

Specify the address of the insurance company in the fields provided.

Once you have specified the above details, save the maintenance.

2.12.2 Viewing Insurance Company Summary

You can view the summary of all insurance company details maintained in the system using ‘Insurance Company Details Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘GESINSCO’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search criteria, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the following details of the insurance companies that match the filter criteria.

2.13 Insurance Types Details

This section contains the following topics:

2.13.1 Viewing Insurance Types Details

You can maintain insurance types using ‘Insurance Type Details’ screen. You can later use this information while maintaining details of collaterals offered by customers.

To invoke this screen, type ‘GEDINSTY’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Insurance Type

Specify the insurance type. This must be a unique value, using which you can identify the insurance type later.


Specify a brief description of the insurance type.

Once you have specified the above details, save the maintenance.

2.13.2 Viewing Insurance Type Summary

You can view the summary of all insurance types maintained in the system using ‘Insurance Type Details Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘GESINSTY’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have specified the search criteria, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the following details of the insurance companies that match the filter criteria.

2.14 Collaterals Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.14.1 Invoking Collaterals Maintenance Screen

In the ‘Collaterals Maintenance’ screen, you can maintain the details of collateral offered by customers for the credit that the bank grants under a credit line. The collateral can either be market value based or non market value based.

You can invoke the ‘Collaterals Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDCOLLT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen you can specify the contribution that the collateral should make to the limit assigned to a customer under a credit line.

The collateral details which are associated with a collateral code can be picked up during collateral pool maintenance.

Liability Number

Specify the liability Number for which the collateral is linked. Alternatively you can select the liability number from the list. The list displays all valid liability number maintained in the system.Collaterals issued have to be linked to a liability.

Customer Number

The system displays the customer number based on the liability number specified.

The option list of liability number will have customer number as search criteria. Once the liability number with the customer number combination is selected, the customer number field will be defaulted and you will not be able to modify.

Collateral Code

Specify the Collateral Code here. A maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters are allowed in this field. Each Collateral code should be unique.

Collateral Description

Give a brief description of the collateral here.


Specify remarks, if any.

Collateral Currency

Specify the currency in which the Collateral has to be maintained. Once authorized you cannot change this entry.

Collateral Value

The collateral value depends on whether the security is Market Value based or Non-Market Value based.

If it is market value based then the collateral value is calculated as shown in the following examples.


Input in case of a nominal quoted security:

Nominal Amount

Price Code

Market Price

Collateral Value [(Market price/100) * Nominal Amount]




(65/100) * 10,00,000=650000




(70/100) * 5,00,000= 350000




(80/100) * 7,00,000= 560000

Input in case of a unit quoted security:

Number of Units

Price Code

Market Price

Collateral Value (Number of Units x Market price)













If it is Non-Market Value based then the user has to enter the collateral value manually.

Limit Contribution

On save of the collateral, system calculates the amount contribution that will be applicable for the collateral after applying the hair cut percentage on the collateral value.


Collateral is valued at $1000, and you wish to offer the customer credit only worth $ 980. This amount is 98% of the collateral contribution.

(1000 - 980) / 1000 = 2 % is the Hair cut percentage

This means you want to have a lendable margin of 98%.

For instance, if you enter the lendable margin percentage, then based on the value you enter, the hair cut will be calculated as described above and the limit contribution will be calculated.

Start Date and End Date

Specify the tenor of the collateral using the Start Date and End Date fields. The collateral is considered effective only during this period.

The start date indicates the date from which the collateral becomes effective. The end date that you specify indicates the date on which the collateral ceases to exist. On the end date, the credit limit, of the credit line backed by the collateral, will be reduced by the amount that the collateral contributes to the credit line.

Revision Date

Specify the date on which this collateral has to be revisited for review.

Revaluation Date

Specify the date on which the next revaluation has to be done.

Revaluate Collateral

Select the check box if the collateral is to be revaluated.

Category Name

Select the name of the category from the adjoining option list.

Utilization Amount

The system computes and displays the utilization amount to the Collateral, if a collateral is directly linked to a contract or account and not through a pool.

Available Amount

The system defaults the available amount for the collateral, on save of the collateral record.

Block Amount

When the collateral is linked to the collateral pool, the system computes and displays the amount to be blocked. The blocked amount is computed based on the linked percentage or linked amount specified when a collateral is linked to a Collateral Pool.

For example, Collateral ‘Collat1’ is created with collateral value of 10000 USD. And 60% of Collat1 is linked to a Collateral Pool, then the blocked amount of the collateral is updated as 6000 (i.e., 60% of 10000). The available amount of collateral is updated as 4000(10000-6000). The available amount of the collateral is arrived by using the below mentioned calculation

Available amount = Collateral value – utilization – blocked amount.

The available amount of pool is increased to the extent of linked amount in the pool currency. Any utilization to the pool will only impact the available amount and the utilization of the pool and not the collateral.

Commitment Reference Number

Specify the commitment reference number.

Collateral Zip Code

Specify the zip code of the collateral.


By default, the branch code in which collateral is created is displayed here and you cannot modify this value.

Lendable Margin

On save of the collateral, system calculates the lendable margin for the collateral This value will be:

100 – Haircut (%).

Seniority of Claims

Specify the seniority of bank’s claim on the property.

Charge Type

Specify the charge type.

User Reference Number

Specify the User Reference Number for the collateral.

Secured Type

Indicate the Collateral Exposure Type here. A particular collateral category can be of a Secured or Unsecured or Liquid Type.


This check box will be checked by default, indicating that the collateral is available for linking to the collateral pool. You can uncheck this so as to manually freeze this collateral.

If the ‘Available’ check box is unchecked then the collateral will be frozen i.e. it will not be available for subsequent linkages to new collateral pools. The collateral’s current links to collateral pools will not be affected.


Sharing Required

Check this box to indicate that the collateral can be shared among several liabilities. If you choose this option, you can specify the details of such liabilities in the ‘Shared Details’ screen.

If this option is chosen then in collateral maintenance for a collateral pool, the list of collaterals will include shared collaterals too. As part of Collateral Revaluation, pools with the shared collaterals will be considered for revaluation.

Auto Pool Create

Check this box if you wish to automatically create a collateral pool as and when you create collateral. To facilitate this, it is essential that the ‘Available’ option be checked for the collateral. The system then creates a collateral pool with the following characteristics when you save the record:


You cannot modify this option after you authorize the collateral.

Haircut (%)

Specify the bank’s margin (Haircut) to be assigned for Collateral. Haircut% applied by the system as per the Haircut schedule would be displayed here.

Collateral Type

Indicate the type of collateral - Market Based Type, Guarantee Type or Normal Type

Mortgage Initiate

On authorizing a mortgage loan account, the system creates collateral and collateral pool based on the property details maintained in the Mortgage Tab and ‘Mortgage Initiated’ option will be checked automatically.

For more information about the 'Mortgage Initiated' field please refer to the section, ‘Linkages Tab’ under the Chapter ‘Account Creation’ of the ‘Mortgages’ user manual.

Interest Rate

The interest rate to be applied if the customer uses overdraft facility against the collateral gets defaulted here when you select the ‘Collateral Category’.

Taken Over

Taken Over collateral is checked if the collateral linked to CI/CL account is taken over.

Interest Rate

The interest rate to be applied if the customer uses overdraft facility against the collateral gets defaulted here when you select the ‘Collateral Category’.

Specifying Details for Market Value Based Type

For a market value based security you must maintain the following security related details.

Security Id

Specify the security Id for which the collateral is linked. On specifying the security Id, the price details and Market where security is traded are displayed.

Number of Units/Nominal Value

The collateral value of Marketable Securities will be computed by multiplying its market value (which is picked up from the Securities maintenance screen) by the number of units of the security that constitutes the collateral. Therefore, while maintaining details of Marketable Collateral, it is mandatory to specify the number of units of the marketable asset that constitutes the collateral.

If the security is nominal value based, input the nominal value of the security.

If it is a units quoted security then enter the number of units of the security that the bank accepts as collateral.

Cap Amount

As the price of marketable securities tend to fluctuate based on the forces of demand and supply, specify an upper limit on the contribution of this security to the collateral value, as a result of an increase in the price of the security. This upper limit is called the Cap Amount. The Cap Amount indicates that at any point in time the limit contribution of the collateral cannot exceed this amount, even though its actual computed value is much higher. If the actual computed value of the collateral is lower than the Cap Amount, then the system picks up the collateral value as the actual computed value.

Price Code

Specify the market price code (E.g. NYSE, NASDAQ) based on which the revaluation price for collateral value calculation should be considered.

Last Revaluation Price

The last market price based on which the collateral value was revaluated will be displayed here.

Next Reval Date

Select the next revaluation date for the security.

Specifying Details for Guarantee Based Type


Specify the customer number (CIF ID) of the guarantor. This field is alpha numeric and a maximum of 50 characters can be entered.


You can assign a credit rating to each Guarantor. Here specify the rating assigned to the Guarantor. This Field is of numeric and maximum of 50 digits can be entered.


Indicate whether the Guarantor can revoke (withdraw) this guarantee provided or not.

Revoke Date

Indicate the date when the Guarantor will revoke the guarantee. This field is enabled only when the Revoke check box is selected.

2.14.2 Insurance Details Button

You may enter the Insurance details for a Collateral via the ‘Insurance Details’ screen. Click ‘Insurance’ button to invoke this screen .

You can specify the following details:

Insurance Name

Specify the name of the Insurance/Insurance Company associated with the collateral. Alternatively you can select the insurance name from the option list.The list displays all valid insurance company names maintained in the system.

Insurance No

Specify the insurance number under which that insurance has been issued.

Insurance Owner

Select the owner of the insurance policy from the adjoining drop-down list. This list displays the following values:

Insurance Type

Specify the type of the insurance that has been associated for that collateral. Alternatively you can select the insurance type from the option list.The list displays all valid insurance company types maintained in the system.

Start Date

Specify the start date for that insurance.

End Date

Specify the end date for that insurance.

Revision Date

Specify the date of revision of the insurance.

Notice Days

On choosing a covenant name, system defaults the Notice Days details i.e. the number of days prior to next revision date of the covenant. You can modify this value. The period during the notice days will be the notice period.

Insurance Premium Periodicity

Select the premium periodicity of the insurance. The list displays the following values:

Premium Status

Specify the insurance premium payment status.You can select one of the following premium payment statuses from the drop-down list.

Premium End Date

Specify the end date of the premium payment.

Insurance Amount

Specify the insured amount of the policy.

Insurance Currency

Specify the insurance currency of the policy.

Cover Date

Specify the date from which the insurance policy is valid. The insurance cover date cannot be greater than the collateral expiry date.

Insurance Code

Specify the insurance code of the policy for which you want to capture insurance details.

Premium Currency

Specify the currency of the premium to be paid.

Premium Amount

Specify the amount of the premium to be paid.


Specify the remarks about the insurance details.

Policy Assigned to Bank

Specify whether the insurance policy has been assigned to the bank or not. You can select one of the following options.


Specify the coverage details of the insurance.

2.14.3 Covenant Button

The covenant details can be captured for a collateral in the ‘Covenant Details’ screen. Click ‘Covenant’ button to invoke this screen.

Multiple covenants can be entered in the screen shown below. You can customize the details of each covenant recorded here.

Covenant Name

Select the covenant name from the list available here. The list displays the covenant names maintained in Covenant Maintenance screen. Based on the covenant selected, all other details of the covenant maintenance will be brought here.


Description of the specified covenant is displayed here based on the details maintained at ‘Covenant Maintenance’ level.


Mandatory/Non mandatory details will be shown on choosing a covenant name. You may change this.


You may change the frequency shown here on choosing a covenant name.

Grace Days

You can change the Grace Days details which are displayed here on choosing a covenant name.

Notice Days

Once you select the covenant name, system defaults the Notice Days details i.e. the number of days prior to next revision date of the covenant. You can modify the value.. The period during the notice days will be the notice period.

Revision Date

System defaults the Revision Date for the covenant, on save of the collateral category record, based on the Frequency and Due Date of the covenant, maintained in the 'Covenant Maintenance' screen.


Due date

Due date of the specified covenant is defaulted here based on the details maintained at ‘Covenant Maintenance’ level.

Start Month

Starting month of the specified covenant is defaulted here based on the details maintained at ‘Covenant Maintenance’ level..


Remarks if any specified for the covenant at the ‘Covenant Maintenance’ level are defaulted here.

2.14.4 Shared Details Button

The details of the liabilities sharing the collateral can be captured for a collateral in the ‘Shared Details’ screen. Click ‘Shared Details’ button to invoke this screen.

Liability Number

Specify the liability number of the liability that is sharing the collateral. Each liability mapped here cannot be more than 100% of the total collateral value.

Shared Percentage

Specify the percentage share of the liability in the collateral.

You can modify the above retails post authorization. The modification must be authorized.


Sharing can be specified only if sharing required field is checked in the ‘Collaterals Main­tenance’ screen (GEDCOLLT).

2.14.5 Linked Contract-Accounts Button

The LCM module supports linking of Term Deposit Accounts or Contracts as collaterals. You can link the Term Deposit Account Number or Contract Reference Number as collateral to a Liability in the Collateral Maintenance screen. The system subsequently blocks/marks Lien on the linked Term Deposit.


Once a Term Deposit has been linked as collateral, the system will generate an output batch file to block/mark Lien on the linked Term deposits Accounts/Contracts. This output batch file will be generated as a part of Out Bound Batch Transaction.

For linking a contract as collateral, click ‘Linked Contract-Accounts’. The following screen appears where in you can link the Term Deposit Contract Reference Numbers of all Term Deposits you wish to link.

Modification of existing linked contracts can also be done in the above screen.

Contract Reference

You can link the Term Deposit Account Number or Contract Reference Number as collateral for a Liability by specifying the ‘Contract Reference No’ here. The adjoining list of options in this field displays all contract types other than Contract Type ‘AC’.


Contract Contribution

Specify here the amount being contributed from the contract as a collateral for the liability.

On saving the above maintenance, the system computes the sum of all the collateral values (specified under 'Contract Contribution') and updates the same in the 'Collateral Value' field of the 'Collaterals Maintenance' screen.


You are allowed to link contracts associated to LC, BC and MM modules as part collateral maintenance in LCM. The amount which is contributed to the collateral is the sum of the contract amounts (specified under 'Contract Contribution') of the contracts linked. ..

2.14.6 UDE Values Button

You can capture UDE values details for a collateral in the ‘UDE Value Details’ screen. Click ‘UDE Values’ button in ‘Collateral Maintenance’ screen to invoke the below screen.

Commitment Branch

Select the branch from the adjoining option list in which the commitment contract needs to be created.

Commitment Product

Select the product code from the adjoining option list to be used for creating the commitment contract.


If the commitment contract is created in FCUBS, then the system will not allow modify the product code.

Commitment Settlement Account

Select the settlement account number from the adjoining option list used in commitment contract for passing the accounting entries.

Commitment Settlement Branch

Specify the commitment settlement branch code used in commitment contract for passing the accounting entries.

Commitment Ref No

Specify the Commitment reference number.

2.14.7 Source Restrictions Button

You can specify which sources are allowed or restricted to access the collateral in ‘Source Restrictions’ screen. Click on ‘Source Restrictions’ button to invoke this screen.

Restriction Type

Choose the ‘Allowed’ option to maintain an allowed list of liability restrictions. Choose the ‘Disallowed’ option to maintain a disallowed list of liability restrictions.

Default value of this field will be’ Disallowed’. If you select restriction type as ‘allowed’, then you need to input at least one record.


Specify the source from the adjoining option list.

2.14.8 Haircut Schedules Button

You can specify the hair-cut revisions for the collateral in ‘Haircut’ screen. Click on ‘Haircut Schedules’ button to invoke this screen.

Effective Date

Specify the date on which the Haircut % will become effective from the adjoining option list.

Haircut %

Specify the Hair cut % of the Collateral. You can enter values between 1 to 100


System applies the haircut% to the collateral on the schedule effective date during the BOD process of the collateral batch (GEBCOLAT).

The following validations are performed during save,

For New operation,

For Modify operation,

2.14.9 Specific Details Button

You can maintain details related to the collateral type in this screen. The system allows to capture specific collateral details in relevant tab based on the collateral type selected. At the same time the system prevents you from entering other collateral details. Property Tab

Property Type

Select the type of property from the adjoining option list.


Select the country of the property location from the adjoining option list.

Property Address

Specify the address of the property.

Construction Date

Specify the construction date of the property.

Purchase Date

Specify the date of property purchase.

Zone Classification

Select the zone of the property from the option list.

Govt. Value

Specify the government value of the property.

Customer Valuation Date

Specify the last valuation date from the customer submitted valuation report.

Customer Valuation Source

Specify the source of valuation from the customer submitted valuation report.

Customer Valuation Amount

Specify the valuation amount from the customer submitted valuation report.

Other Lenders Charge Amount

Specify combined charge amount of other lenders in case the property is already mortgaged to other lenders.

Property Index Value

Specify the index value of the property.

Basis of Property Value

Select the basis of property value from the drop-down list. The options available are:

Market Value

Specify the market value of the property. Vehicle Tab

If the collateral type is ‘Vehicle’, then the system displays the following Vehicle tab in the Specific Details sub screen.

Invoice Value

Specify the invoice value of the vehicle.

Vehicle Type

Select the type of vehicle from the drop-down list.


Specify if the vehicle is a new vehicle or a pre-owned vehicle.


Specify the make of the vehicle.


Specify the model of the vehicle.


Specify the year of manufacturing of the vehicle.


Specify the vehicle registration number.

Chasis No

Specify the chasis number of the vehicle.

Engine No.

Specify the engine number of the vehicle.


Specify the ownership details of the vehicle.

Regn. Authority

Specify the registration authority details with whom the vehicle is registered.

Resale Value

Specify the resale value of the vehicle.

Valuation Date

Specify the valuation date from he customer submitted valuation report. This is applicable for used cars only.

Valuation Amount

Specify the valuation amount from he customer submitted valuation report. This is applicable for used cars only. Marketable Securities Tab

If the collateral type is ‘Marketable Securities’, then the system displays the following Marketable Securities tab in the Specific Details sub screen.

Security Type

Select the type of marketable security from the adjoining option list.

Security Code

Select the security code from the adjoining option list.


The system displays the security code description.

Issuer Name

The system displays the issuer name from the Issuer Maintenance (GEDISSUR) screen.

Issuer Reference No

The system displays the issuer reference number from the Securities (GEDSECTY) screen.

Unit Value

The system displays the unit value from the Securities (GEDSECTY) screen.

Number of Units

Specify the number of units submitted by the customer.


Specify the rating of the securities.

Maturity Date

Specify the maturity date of bonds.

Name of the Fund

Specify the name of the mutual fund.

Name of the Scheme

Specify the mutual fund scheme name.

Electronic Mode

Check this box if the securities are in electronic mode.

Interest Payout

Select the interest payout frequency from the option list.

Interest %

Specify the interest percentage on bonds.

Bond Duration

Specify the bond duration.

Next Reval Date

Specify the next revaluation date for the security.

Cap Amount

As the price of marketable securities tend to fluctuate based on the forces of demand and supply, specify an upper limit on the contribution of this security to the collateral value, as a result of an increase in the price of the security. This upper limit is called the Cap Amount. The Cap Amount indicates that at any point in time the limit contribution of the collateral cannot exceed this amount, even though its actual computed value is much higher. If the actual computed value of the collateral is lower than the Cap Amount, then the system picks up the collateral value as the actual computed value.

Security Price

Select the security price from the adjoining option list.

Last Reval Price

The last market price based on which the collateral value was revaluated will be displayed here. Plant and Machinery Tab

If the collateral type is ‘Plant and Machinery’, then the system displays the following Plant and Machinery tab in the Specific Details sub screen

Machine Details

Specify the machine number of the machine submitted as collateral.


Specify the manufacturer details of the machine.

Manufactured Year

Specify the manufactured year of the machine.

Purchased Year

Specify the year of purchase of the machine.

Invoice Value

Specify the invoice value of the machine.

Written Down Value

Specify the written down value of he machine after depreciation.

Assessed Value

Specify the assessed value of the machinery.

Machinery Location

Specify the machinery location.

Replacement Value

Specify the replacement value of e machinery.

Third Party Charge Amount

Specify the charge amount of other lenders, if any.

Machinery Condition

Specify the machinery condition.

Intended Use

Specify the intended usage of the machinery.

Machine Value Basis

Select the basis of machine value from the drop-down list. The options available are: Term Deposit and Transaction Account

If the collateral type is ‘Term Deposit and Transaction Account’, then the system displays the following Term Deposit and Transaction Account tab in the Specific Details sub screen.

Account Type

Select the account type from the drop-down list.

Account No

Select the account number from the option list.

Account Balance

The system displays the account balance.


Specify the percentage of account balance that should be used as collateral.

Maturity Date

Specify the maturity date of the TD.

Lien Amount

The system displays existing lien amount, if any. Policy Tab

If the collateral type is ‘Policy’, then the system displays the following Policy tab in the Specific Details sub screen.

Policy No

Specify the life insurance policy number.

Insurance Amount

Specify the sum assured amount.

Policy Start Date

Specify the start date of the policy.

Premium Amount

Specify the premium amount.

Assignment Date

Specify the date of assigning the policy to the bank.

Insurer Address

Specify the insurance company address.

Insurer Details

Specify the details of insurance company like nature of policy, term etc.

Renewal Frequency

Select the insurance policy renewal frequency from the adjoining option list.

Next Renewal Date

Specify the next renewal date. Precious Metal Tab

If the collateral type is ‘Precious Metal’, then the system displays the following Precious Metal tab in the Specific Details sub screen.

Precious Metal Type

Select the tyoe fo precious metal from the option list.

Weight in gms

Specify the weight of the precious metal in grams.

Valuation Amount

Specify the valuation amount of the precious metal.

Unit Rate

Specify the unit rate of precious metal.

Precious Metal Form

Select the form of precious metal from the option list.


Specify notes, if any, on the precious metal. Guarantee Tab

If the collateral type is ‘Guarantee’, then the system displays the following Guarantee tab in the Specific Details sub screen.

Guarantee Type

Specify if the guarantee is personal or corporate guarantee.

Guarantee Amount

Specify the guarantee amount.

Guarantor CIF No

Specify the customer number (CIF ID) of the guarantor.

Guarantor Name

Specify the guarantor’s name. The system displays the guarantor’s name if guarantor CIF is entered.

Guarantor Address

Specify guarantor’s address.

Agreement Date

Specify the guarantee agreement date.

Continuing Guarantee

Check this box if the guarantee is a continuing guarantee.

Guarantor’s Own Exposure

The system displays the total exposure of the guarantor.

Total Guarantee Amount

Specify the combined guarantee amount of guarantor.


Specify whether the Guarantor can revoke (withdraw) this guarantee provided or not.

Revoke Date

Specify the date when the Guarantor will revoke the guarantee. This field is enabled only when the Revoke check box is selected.


Specify the rating assigned to the Guarantor.You can assign a credit rating to each Guarantor. Miscellaneous Tab

If the collateral type is ‘Miscellaneous’, then the system displays the following Miscellaneous tab in the Specific Details sub screen.

Collateral Description

Specify a brief description on the collateral which does not belong to other standard collateral types. For example: Aeroplane, Ship, Live stock etc.


Specify the number of collateral. For example: 100 live stock sheeps, 2 ships etc.

Unit Value

Specify the value of each unit.

Collateral Notes 1 - 5

Specify additional collateral details, if any.


Specify remarks, if any.

2.14.10 Field Investigation Details Button

You can maintain field investigation details in the Field Investigation Details screen. To invoke this screen click ‘Field Investigation Details’ button in Collateral Maintenance screen

Agency Code

Specify the valuation agency code.

Agency Name

The system displays the valuation agency name.


Specify the result of the field investigation.

Date of FI

Specify the date of field investigation.

FI agent Remarks

Specify the remarks by the field investigation agent.

Credit Remarks

Specify the remarks by credit team.

2.14.11 Valuation Details Button

You can maintain valuation details of a collateral in Valuation Detail screen. Click ‘Valuation Details’ button in ‘Collateral Maintenance’ screen to invoke this screen

Agency Code

Specify the valuation agency code.

Agency Name

The system displays the valuation agency name.

Valuation Amount

Specify the valuation amount.

Valuation Date

Enter the date of valuation.

Initial Valuation

The system displays the initial valuation as ‘Yes’ if the valuation is done during collateral creation process.

Credit Remarks

Specify the remarks by credit team.

Valuer Remarks

Specify the remarks by valuation agent.

2.14.12 External Check Button

You can maintain the details of external check in ‘External Check’ screen. Click ‘External Check’ button in Collateral Maintenance screen to invoke the following screen:

Registration Authority

Specify the registration authority details.

Registration Authority Contact Details

Specify he registration authority contract details.


Specify the result of the external check.

Date of Check

Specify the date when the external check was started.

Credit Remarks

Specify credit remarks, if any.

2.14.13 Legal Opinion Button

Click ‘Legal Opinion’ button in Collateral Maintenance screen to maintain legal opinion details.

Legal Opinion

Specify the legal opinion on the acceptability of the proposed collateral.

Legal Adviser Details

Specify the legal adviser details.

Date of Advice

Specify the date when the advice was received from legal team.

External Opinion

Specify the external legal opinion.

External Adviser Details

Specify the external legal adviser details.

Credit Remarks

Specify remarks of the credit team, if any.

Final Recommendation

Specify the final opinion based on the internal and external legal opinion.

2.14.14 Risk Evaluation Button

You can maintain risk evaluation details in the Risk Evaluation scree. Click Risk Evaluation button in Collateral Maintenance screen to invoke the following screen

Eligible for Central Bank Funding

Check this box if the collateral is eligible for central bank funding.

CCP Eligible

Check this box if the collateral is part of the eligible collaterals accepted by Central Clearing Party

CRM Eligible

Check this box if the collateral is recognized as credit risk mitigant for basel capital calculations.

Geo Political Risk

Specify Geo political risk involved in the collateral. For example: Oil assets situated in certain countries like Iraq.

Currency Risk

Specify if the collateral currency posses any currency risk.

Liquidity Risk

Specify the liquidity risk of the collateral.

Issuer Credit Risk

Specify the credit risk of the collateral issuer.

Operational Risk

Specify the operational risk involved in managing the collaterals like ship, aeroplane or a warehouse with goods.

Natural Hazard Risk

Specify if the location of the collateral is prone to natural hazards like floods, earthquake etc.


Specify the final recommendation after risk evaluation.

Credit Remarks

Specify credit remarks, if any.

2.14.15 Collateral Perfection Button

You can maintain the collateral perfection details in the Collateral Perfection sub screen of Collateral maintenance screen

Registration Authority

Specify the registration authority with which collateral is perfected.

Regn. Authority Contact Details

Specify the contact details of registration authority.

Perfection Date

Specify the date on which bank’s charge has been registered.

Confirmation Date

Specify the date on which you received confirmation of perfection.

Documents Status

Specify if the perfection documents are received from registration authority.


Specify notes, if any.

2.15 Collateral Pool Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.15.1 Invoking Collateral Pool Maintenance Screen

You may group together two or more collaterals to create a Collateral Pool. You can create and maintain collateral pools in the ‘Collateral Pools Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Collateral Pools Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDMPOOL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Liability Number

Specify the liability to which the collaterals need to be linked.

Pool Code

Specify the Pool Code here. The pool code assigned to each collateral pool can be linked to a Liability while creating credit limits.

Pool Description

Specify a brief description of the collateral pool here.

Pool Currency

Specify the currency in which the Collateral Pool has to be maintained.

Available Amount

On save of the collateral pool record, system defaults the available amount for the collateral pool. It is the difference between Pool Amount and Pool Utilized.

Description (Collateral Pool Linkages)

The description for the collateral, as maintained in the 'Collaterals Maintenance' screen gets defaulted here based on the selected 'Collateral Code'.


Specify the order for collateral utilization.


The type for the collateral, as maintained in the 'Collaterals Maintenance' screen gets defaulted here based on the selected 'Collateral Code'

Branch Code

The branch code for the branch where the collateral is maintained in the 'Collaterals Maintenance' screen gets defaulted here based on the selected 'Collateral Code'.

Collateral Utilization

System updates the collateral utilization for each of the collateral codes linked in the 'Collateral Pool Linkages', based on the utilization, when the collateral pool comprising the collateral is linked to the facility.

Mortgage Initiated

This option will be checked automatically for collateral and collateral pool created as a result of authorization of mortgage account and you cannot modify it.

Auto Facility Create

Check this box to indicate that a facility should be created automatically for the given Liability number with line code as pool code.


This automatically created line code can be used to maintain limits for customer account in ‘Account Limits’ screen, if required.

For more details on maintaining Account Limits, refer Core Entities User Manual.

Auto Facility Customer

Specify the customer number to which the collateral pool is linked. The option list displays all valid customer numbers linked to the liability number selected on this screen. You can select the customer number from the option list.

Auto facility customer is enabled and it is mandatory if ‘Auto facility Create’ is checked,

The customer number specified here is defaulted in the restriction subsystem of ‘Facilities Maintenance’ screen

For more details on maintaining Account Limits, refer Core Entities User Manual.

Creating Collateral Pool Linkages

Under ‘Collateral Pool Linkages’ you can add the different collaterals pooled in for the particular Liability.

To add a new collateral click ‘Plus’ button, specify the relevant details and save the record.

To delete an existing collateral, select it and then click ‘Minus’ button and save the record.

While creating collateral pools, remember the following:

You must maintain the following details for each of the collateral.

Collateral Code

Select the collateral code from the adjoining option list.

If the 'Linked Percent Number', is specified, on save of the record, system defaults the 'Linked Amount' calculated as Linked Percentage of 'Collateral Contribution'.

If the 'Linked Amount' is specified, on save of the record, system defaults the 'Linked Percent' calculated as percentage of 'Linked Amount' out of the 'Collateral Contribution.

Collateral Currency

The currency in which the collateral has been maintained will be displayed when a collateral code has been picked.

Collateral Contribution

The collateral amount which has been maintained will be displayed when a collateral code has been picked.

Linked Amount

When a collateral pool comprising the collateral is linked to the facility, the system computes and displays the amount to be linked. The linked amount of Collateral pool is computed based on the pool percentage or pool amount specified when a collateral pool is linked to a Facility.

For example, Collateral Pool ‘Pool1’ is created with pool amount of 6000 USD. And 60% of Pool1 is linked to a Facility, then the linked amount of the collateral pool is updated as 3600 (i.e., 60% of 6000). The available amount of collateral pool is updated as 2400 (6000-3600). The available amount of the collateral pool is arrived by using the below mentioned calculation

Available amount = pool amount – pool utilization – linked amount.

The available amount of facility is increased to the extent of linked amount in the facility currency. Any utilization to the facility will only impact the available amount and the utilization of the facility and not the collateral pool or the underlying collateral.

Pool Amount

The system computes and displays the utilization amount to the Collateral Pool, if a collateral Pool is attached to a contract or account and not through a facility.

Pool Utilized

This field displays the pool amount that has been linked to a various credit lines, hence displaying the total pool amount utilized at any point in time.

Linked Amount Pool Currency

.System defaults the 'Linked Amount Pool Currency' for each of the collaterals added in the 'Collateral Pool Linkages' as the linked amount in the pool currency.

For Example, you have linked the pool ‘LOANP001’ to the liability ‘BIRLA0001’. LOANP001 is in turn backed by the following collaterals:

Collateral Code


Collateral Amount

Linked Amount

















Now the pool currency specified is USD. Therefore the system does the necessary calculations and converts the linked amount into the currency of the pool and displays the pool amount in the respective field.

Linked Percent Number

The part of the collateral amount which has to be linked to the pool can be specified as a percentage here. On save of the record, if Linked Percent Number is specified, system defaults the 'Linked Amount' calculated as Linked Percent Number Percentage of 'Collateral Contribution'.

Available Interest Rate

The interest rate maintained for the collateral code in ‘Collateral Type Maintenance’ screen gets defaulted here,

Interest Spread

Specify the interest spread to be applied on the customer account. The interest spread can be zero. If the collateral attached is a term deposit, then on rollover of the term deposit the interest spread is defaulted to the spread applicable for the term deposit on rollover.

Rate of Interest

The rate of interest applicable on the customer account when customer uses the overdraft facility against the collateral type is derived as follows:

Rate of Interest = Available Interest Rate + Interest Spread + Customer spread

Expiry Date

On save of the record, system defaults the expiry date based on the end date of the collateral maintained. If the collateral attached is of a deposit then on rollover of the term deposit the maturity date of the term deposit is updated as the expiry date of the collateral.


2.16 Facilities Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.16.1 Invoking the Facilities Maintenance Screen

You can maintain credit limits for a Line Code - Liability Code combination in the ‘Facilities Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Facilities Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDFACLT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Liability Number

Specify the Liability number here.

Line Code

Specify the Line Code to which the liability ID is to be associated with. Allocating credit limits for the Line-Liability combination can be done. The customer(s) who fall under this Liability Code will in turn avail credit facilities under this Credit line.

By linking a Credit Line to a Liability code the customer also gets linked to the Credit Line. This is true because a Liability code has been assigned to every credit seeking customer and the credit facilities granted to the customer are defined and tracked against this code.

Serial Number

Each time a customer - line code combination is specified, LCM module assigns a unique serial number to the combination. This serial number is unique to the line-liability code combination. Thus, for every new record entered for a Line-Liability combination, a new serial number is generated. The Line - Liability - Serial number forms a unique combination.

Facility Branch

By default, the system displays the branch code in which facility has been created. You can change the branch code from the adjoining option list before saving the facility. Once the facility is saved, you cannot modify the branch code.


Give a brief description of the facility here.

Main Line Code

Specify the main line code if the created facility is a sub line.

If the main line code is not specified, then the system defaults the facility code as the main line code.

Line Currency

Specify the currency in which the facility is defined. The currency that has been selected will have the following implications:

Once the entry is authorized you cannot change the currency.

If the limit allotted to this Line-Liability combination can be utilized by accounts and transactions in currencies other than the limit currency, the limit utilization will be arrived at by using the mid rate for the currency pair as of that day.


Select the facility category from the list available here.The list displayed here is based on maintenance done in 'Category Maintenance' screen.

Revolving Line

Check this box if the credit line is Revolving. A revolving credit line indicates that a repayment of the utilized credit should reinstate the credit limit of the customer. You can modify the preference, as required.

Netting Required

Check this box if netting is required for the facility. It is unchecked by default.


Check this box if the facility is unadvised.


Charges can be collected on the utilization transactions for facilities that are unadvised. For this purpose SDEs ADVISED_LINE and COMMITMENT_CUR_UTIL can be used while setting up the charge rule at the CL product creation level.


Indicate whether the line is fund based or non fund based.

Shadow Limit

Select this check box to indicate that utilization amounts should be updated only for the facility and mainlines for the facility. Thus, when a utilization request is processed, the system updates the utilization amount only at the facility level and leaves the utilization amount at the liability level untouched.

The mainline and sub-lines of a facility need to have the same preference. This implies that you can enable this option for a sub-line only if the mainline has this option already enabled. Similarly, you cannot create a sub-line as a ‘Shadow Limit’ if the mainline does not have this facility.


You cannot modify this option after you authorize the facility.

Bulk Payment Required

Check this box to indicate if bulk payment is required. If you specify here that bulk payment is required for the liner, then the same is maintained at the ‘Bulk Payments’ screen.

For more information about the ‘Bulk Payments’ screen please refer to the section, ‘Making Bulk Payments against loan or commitment’ under the Chapter ‘Operations’ of the ‘Retail Lending’ user manual.

User Defined Status

Specify status of the facility (e.g. NORM for normal, BLOCKED etc) from the list available here The list displayed here is based on maintenance done in 'User Define Status Summary' screen.

Status Changed Date

Specify the date on which you wish to change the status. You can specify a date before the line start date to block the line till the specified date. Also, you can set a date prior to the application date.

Internal Remarks

Specify the internal remarks as limits terms and conditions.


Specify the following details:

Limit Amount

Specify the limit for the facility. If you have maintained schedules for limits, the system automatically updates the limit amount here on the dates specified for each limit in the schedule.


The charges can be collected on facility limit amount change. In this case commitment contract created should be capable of charging the customer on the facility limit amount change. For this purpose SDE INCREASED_PRINCIPAL can be used while setting up the charge rule at the CL product creation level.

LIMIT_AMOUNT can be used while setting up the IC rule for interest calculation based on facility limit amount.

Collateral Amount

System defaults the Collateral Amount on save, based on the pools linked in the 'Pool Links' sub screen.

Transfer Amount

System displays the transfer amount resulting from 'Facilities Amount Transfer' transactions. The value displayed has either the sign "-" or "+", indicating whether the amount is transferred from or to the line. If the sign is "-", then the amount is transferred from the line and if it is "+", then the amount is transferred to the line.

Effective Line Amount

The system displays the effective line amount.

Effective Line Amount Basis

For defining drawing power of line the elements mentioned below are treated as the basis for the effective line amount calculation.


EFF_LIMIT_AMOUNT can be used while setting up the IC rule for interest calculation based on facility effective limit amount.

Uncollected Amount

The system displays the uncollected amount.

Approved Limit Amount

This is the maximum limit amount allowed for the facility and must be specified whenever you maintain schedule limits. System ensures that neither the ‘Limit Amount’ maintained here nor the schedule ‘Limit Amount’, maintained as part of the limits schedule is greater than the limit specified here".

Block Amount

Specify the block amount.

Approved Limit Amount

This is the maximum limit amount allowed for the facility and must be specified whenever you maintain schedule limits. System ensures that neither the ‘Limit Amount’ maintained here nor the schedule ‘Limit Amount’, maintained as part of the limits schedule is greater than the limit specified here".

Max Daily Limit

Specify the maximum daily limit.

Daily Light Limit

Specify the daily light limit.


This section contains the following details:

Available Amount

The system displays the available amount. This value is the difference between the line amount and line utilization.

Maximum Available Amount

The system displays the maximum line amount available for utilization.This is the minimum of available amount in the entire line hierarchy traversing upwards.

If the lines in the structure are of different currencies then system converts the line amount into the currency of the line code using standard mid rate for calculating the minimum amount.

Date of First OD

The system displays the date of first OD.

Date of Last OD

The system displays the date of last OD.

Netting Contribution

The system displays the netting contribution if:

Last New Utilized Date

The system displays the last date when a utilization increase is done for a particular facility. The utilization can be either a new utilization or an increase in the existing utilization.

Amount Utilized Today

The system displays the amount utilized on the current date.

Utilization Amount

The system displays the utilization amount.

Tanked Utilization

The system displays the tanked utilization.


Specify the following details:

Line Start Date

Specify the line start date. If not specified, system defaults the line start date as the current application date.

Line Expiry Date

Specify the expiry date for the facility. If the limit amount assigned to the facility is not utilized within the specified expiry date then the Available check box will remain un-selected. This freezes the line for the respective liability.

The freezing of the line code will be part of the LCM EOD Batch.

The LCM module will not allow the expiry date of a facility to exceed the expiry date of linked collateral(s).

When a Facility record is saved, the system will compare the expiry date of all the collaterals in the Pool which is linked to the Facility. An error message will be shown if any expiry dates are less than the expiry date of the Facility.

If the expiry date falls on a holiday maintained in the branch, then system displays the error message ‘Facility Expiry Date falls on a branch Holiday’.

The facility shall not be available on the maturity/expiry but you can modify the facility on the expiry date if required.

Line Grace Days

Specify the grace days which will be applied on linked expiry date to derive final expiry date.

Line Final Expiry Date

The system displays line final expiry date. This is derived by adding the line grace days with the line expiry date. If ‘Line Grace Days’ is null, then system considers the limit expiry date as the final expiry date.


If the Line facility is available then this check box will be checked.

The LCM module tracks the status of both the Contract and the Facility. When the status of the Contract changes to PDO, then the Facility will become unavailable.

The product processor will give an ASCII file including all the facilities which need to be frozen. LCM will initiate an amendment event and then un-checks the 'Available' check box.

Availment Date

Specify the availment date on which the first utilization should take place. If the limit amount assigned to the facility is not utilized within the specified availment date then the available check box will be disabled. This freezes the line for the respective liability.

Renewal Date

Specify the facility renewal date from the adjoining calendar.


Specify the following details:

Exception Transaction Amount

Specify the Exception Txn Amount. During utilization transaction when utilization amount crosses the specified Exception Txn Amount, BEPL process is triggered for Credit Exception Management to authorize the credit utilization amount. The limit transaction amount specified should be below the total effective line amount specified for that facility.


The utilization transaction can also be authorized or rejected using the "Multi Authorization Maintenance screen based on the system configuration.

Exception Breach Percentage

Specify the Exception Breach Percentage. During utilization transaction when utilization amount crosses the specified Exception Breach Percentage, BEPL process is triggered for Credit Exception Management to authorize the credit utilization amount. The limit transaction amount specified should be below the total effective line amount specified for that facility


The utilization transaction can also be authorized or rejected using the ‘Multi Authorization Maintenance’ screen based on the system configuration.

Facility Fee Preferences

Specify the following details:

You can maintain a facility fee on the customer OD accounts.

Interest Fee Required

Check this box to indicate the facility is applicable for interest calculation. If Interest Fee Required is checked and authorized then the field gets disabled.

Fee Calculation Account

Fee calculation account is used for fee calculation.Specify the account which is linked with the facility. The same account will be applicable for interest calculation based on LCM facility. If Fee calculation account is selected and authorized then the field gets disabled.

Facility Creation Fee

Check this box to apply fee for facility creation. If Facility Creation Fee is checked and authorized then the field gets disabled.

You can achieve service fee for facility sanction if the charge basis for charge product is selected as LINE_CREATION and the periodicity is ‘Daily’.

Facility Renewal Fee

Check this box to apply fee for facility renewal.

You can achieve service fee for facility renewal if the charge basis for charge product is selected as LINE_RENEWAL and the periodicity is ‘Daily’.

Facility Increase Fee

Check this box to apply fee for facility amount increase.You can achieve service fee for facility increase if the charge basis for charge product is selected as LINE_INCREASE and the periodicity is ‘Daily’.

Facility Expiry Fee

Check this box to apply fee for facility expiry.

You can achieve service fee for facility expiry if the charge basis for charge product is selected as LINE_EXPIRY and the periodicity is ‘Daily’.

Expiry Upfront Fee

Check this box for upfront collection of facility expiry fee Expiry Upfront Fee is disabled if ‘Expiry Fee Frequency’ is selected.

Expiry Fee Frequency

Select the expiry fee frequency from the adjoining drop-down list. The options available are:

Expiry Fee Frequency is disabled if ‘Facility Upfront Fee’ is selected.On save, the system validates and displays error messages if:

if ‘Facility Renewal Fee’ is checked and ‘Renewal Date’ is entered or modified and ‘Expiry Date’ is not changed


The following SDEs will not be applicable for LCM based interest calculation.

Limit Status

Select the status of the limit from the adjoining drop-down list. The options available are:

Next Review Date

Based on the review frequency, the system displays the next limit review date. This date is derived by adding the frequency days to the current date.

If you do not select any of the provided review frequency and set it to blank, then you need to manually enter the next review date.

The next review date must always be before the facility expiry date.

Review Frequency

Select the frequency at which the limit should be reviewed. The options available are:

Closure Reason

Specify the reason for limit closure. The system also displays the closure reason based on CAM process flow.

Freeze Reason

Specify the freeze reason of the limit. The system displays this based on CAM process flow.


The following SDEs will not be applicable for ELCM based interest calculation.

2.16.2 Schedules Button

The limit assigned to a customer under a revolving line can be reduced. You can define these details while maintaining limits for a customer. From the Limits Maintenance screen, click ‘Schedules’ button.

For a liability code and credit line combination, you can define limit schedules and indicate the limit that is applicable for the period. You can enter a negative limit amount. The ‘Limit Date’ should not be earlier than the ‘Limit start date’ and later than the ‘Limit Expiry Date’.

The Facility batch which runs at BOD checks the limits schedule for a facility and if a schedule is due on the current date in the branch. If so, it updates the limit amount for the facility for which the schedule is due with the schedule limit amount.

For example, you have defined a limit schedule for a facility for your client ABC Corporation where the Limit Amount initially is USD 1 million and the start date for the facility is Jan 01, 2009.The schedule is as shown below:

Limit Date

Limit Amount

Feb 01, 2009


Mar 02, 2009


April 03, 2009


May 04, 2009


In this case, during BOD on Feb 01, 200r, the limit mount will be updated to USD 500,000 and on Mar 02, 2009 it will be modified again to USD 800,000. If the batch does not run on Mar 02, 2009, it will be run on Mar 03, 2009. Accordingly, the ‘Scheduled Limit Amount’ defined for Mar 02, 2009 Schedule will be updated as Facility Limit Amount.

During EOD, the system processes limits schedules and revision process takes place for the facilities as per the scheduled date. It processes the limit schedules till next working day and marks all the schedules till date as processed.

When the Facility Start Date and Schedule Date falls on the same day, then on save of Facility record, you will get an override message for confirmation on updating the limit amount of Facility as per the schedule amount.

While processing, if there are any errors or overrides, it should be logged. The following are the possible errors:

2.16.3 Covenant Button

The covenant details can be captured for facility in the ‘Covenant Details’ screen. Click ‘Covenants’ to invoke this screen.

Multiple covenants can be entered in the screen shown below. You can customize the details of each covenant recorded here.

Covenant Name

Select the covenant name from the list available here. The list displays the covenant names maintained in Covenant Maintenance screen. Based on the covenant selected, all other details of the covenant maintenance will be brought here.


Mandatory/Non mandatory details will be shown on choosing a covenant name. You may change this.


You may change the frequency shown here on choosing a covenant name.

Grace Days

You can change the Grace Days details which are displayed here on choosing a covenant name.

Notice Days

Specify the notice days i.e. the number of days prior to next revision date of the covenant. The period during the notice days will be the notice period.

Revision Date

On save of the collateral record ,the Revision Date for the covenant is defaulted based on the Frequency and Due Date maintained in the 'Covenant Maintenance' screen.

2.16.4 Value Date Button

To maintain details regarding value dates, click ‘Value Date’ button.

Value dated limits for a particular facility are automatically populated in the above screen when you save the Facility. The following are the details available:

2.16.5 Exposure Button

The facility defined can be tracked for particular exposures.

The exposure details can be captured for facility in the ‘Exposure Details’ screen. Click ‘Exposure’ to invoke this screen.

Exposure Code

Select the exposure code from the list available here. The list displays the exposure codes maintained in Exposure Maintenance screen. Based on the exposure selected, all other details of the exposure maintenance will be displayed here.


The system displays the description of the selected exposure code.

Exposure Type

The system displays the exposure type to which the selected exposure code is associated.

2.16.6 Charges Button

To capture facility maintenance charge details, click ‘Charges’ button.

Admin Charge Type

Administrations charges as a part of creation of new line can be specified here. Charge can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the Limits amount.

Unutilized Charge Amount

Specify the charge amount that has to be collected on a certain frequency (daily, monthly etc) based on the unutilized amount. Charge can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the unutilized amount.

Utilized Charge Amount

Specify the charge amount that has to be collected on a certain frequency (daily, monthly etc) based on the utilized amount. Charge can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the utilized amount.

2.16.7 UDE Details Button

To capture the UDE details, click ‘UDE Details’ button.

You need to capture the following details here:

Commitment Branch

Specify the branch in which the commitment contract needs to be created. By default, it will be the same branch in which the facility has been created.

Commitment Product

Specify the product details of the commitment.

Commitment Settlement Branch

Specify the settlement branch details of the commitment.

Commitment Settlement Account

Specify the settlement account details of the commitment.

PPC Project Id

The system displays the PPC Project ID to which the facility is linked to.

PPC Ref No

The system displays the PPC reference number to which the facility is linked to.

UDE Values


Specify the UDE ID of the commitment.

UDE Value

Specify the UDE value of the commitment.

Rate Code

Specify the rate code of the commitment.

Code Usage

Specify the code usage of the commitment.

Commitment Ref No

Specify the reference number of the commitment.

Effective Date

Specify the effective date of the commitment.


You can use the above UDE details to upload commitment details to Oracle FLEXCUBE as a part of facility maintenance. While uploading the commitment details, you need to use the batch ‘ELBCOMNT’, which is configured as part of EOD process.

2.16.8 Pool Links Button

For collateral Contribution in Total Effective line amount, the pool code maintained for that particular Liability id has to been linked, which can be achieved using this sub screen. From the Facilities Maintenance screen, click on the ‘Pool Links’ button.

Pool Code

Select the pool code from the adjoining list. The list displays all the pool codes associated for that liability Id.

Pool Description

System displays the pool description based on the selected pool code.

Pool Currency

System displays the pool currency based on the selected pool code.

Pool Amt

System displays the pool amount based on the selected pool code.

Facility Branch Code

Select the branch code from the adjoining list.

Pool %',

System displays the pool %.

Facility Amount In Pool CCY

System displays the facility amount In Pool currency.

Facility Currency

System displays the facility currency

Facility Amount

System displays the facility amount


System displays the type.

Percentage Of Contract

System displays the percentage of contract.

Pool Linkages multi entry block does two functions:

Firstly, on clicking ‘Plus’ button you can link one row of the available pool amount (i.e. Pool amount – Pool Utilized) to that Line code for which the collateral contribution is required. Secondly, it displays at any point in time the pool amount (in percentage terms) utilized by various Line Codes and Contracts.

2.16.9 Limit Restriction Button

By default, all customers, branches and products maintained in your bank can utilize the limit defined for a credit line. You can also define the limit for a line in any currency. You can opt to restrict the limit available under a credit line to specific customers, branches, products and currencies.

You can define these restrictions in the Limits Restrictions screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘Limit Restrictions’ button from the Facilities Maintenance screen.


Restriction Type

The system selects the Allowed option by default.

Customer Restrictions

Customer Number

Specify the customer number for the Customer Restriction. You can specify the customer number which should be linked to the limit.

If the limit is originated through credit appraisal management process flow, then the customer number linked to the limit will be populated in this field.

The following table explains various situations in customer restriction.


System behaviour

Customer linked to a facility is different from the customer linked to the collat­eral

If an unshared single collateral is linked to a limit, then the cus­tomer of the collateral must be the same as the facility customer. If the customers are different, the system will not allow you to save the record.

In case a collateral pool is linked to a facility and collaterals in the collateral pool belong to different customers, then at least one of them must be the customer of the facility. Otherwise, the system displays a configurable exception or error. This can be configured as error or override based on the bank policy and business prac­tice.

Facility utilization trig­gered by external systems or Oracle FLEXCUBE in ELCM embedded environ­ment

The system validates the customer number of the contract/account from which the request was initiated. If the customer of the contract/account is the same as the facility customer, then the facility utilization continues. If the customer is different, then the system displays an error message.

Facility utilization in Liability - Pool - Facil­ity - Collateral linkage

If a collateral pool having collaterals of different customers is linked to a facility, then utilization request is allowed only from customers linked to that facility. The collaterals can be directly utilized by all customers of the collaterals included in the pool.

One customer of a shared liability cannot contribute a shared col­lateral to link to the facility of the other customer within the same liability.

If a collateral is shared by two liabilities, then that collateral can be linked to the facilities of a customer who belongs to one of those liabilities.

In case of direct utilization of a shared collateral, the collateral can be utilized by the customer who provided the collateral and / or the customers of the liability with whom the collateral is being shared.

Facility transfer

During limit transfer process, if customer of each limit is different, the system displays a configurable override message. You can either allow such limit transfers or not by appropriately configur­ing the exception.

You cannot modify the customer number after authorization of the facility.

Short Name

System displays the short name for the customer, as maintained in the 'Customer Maintenance' screen based on the selected 'Customer Number'.

Currency Restrictions

Currency Code

Specify the currency code for the Currency Restriction.

Currency Name

System displays the currency name for the currency, as maintained in the 'Currency Definition' screen based on the selected 'Currency Code’.

Branch Restrictions

Branch Code

Specify the branch code for the Branch Restriction.

Branch Name

System displays the branch name for the branch, as maintained in the 'Branch Parameters Maintenance' screen based on the selected 'Branch Code’.

Ext System Restrictions

External System

Specify the external system for the External System Restriction.


System displays the description for the external system, as maintained in the 'External System Maintenance' screen based on the selected 'External System' chosen

Exposure Restrictions

Exposure Name

Specify the exposure name for the Exposure Restriction.

Exposure Description

System displays the description for the exposure, as maintained in the 'Track Exposure Maintenance' screen based on the selected 'Exposure Name'.

Product Restrictions

Product Code

Specify the product code for the Product Restriction.

Product Description

System displays the description for the product based on the selected 'Product Code' Maintaining Customer Restrictions for a Line

To recall, you can assign a limit to a Line - Liability combination. A liability code can have several customers linked to it. By default, the line that you define is available to all customers linked to the liability code.

You can restrict the limit available under this line-liability combination to specific customers. If you choose the restriction type as 'Allowed', click on the ‘Plus’ button and select the customer code from the list to indicate that they are allowed to use the line.If you choose the restriction type as 'Disallowed', click on the ‘Plus’ button and select the customer code from the list to indicate that they are not allowed to use the line. Once you choose restriction type as 'Allowed', you can restrict a customer(s), from using the credit under a line by highlighting the code that identifies the customer and clicking on the ‘Minus’ button". You can remove the restrictions earlier imposed on a customer i.e., (allow a restricted customer usage of the limit under a line). To allow a restricted customer usage of a line, select the customer code from the list and click on the ‘Plus’ button. Maintaining Branch Restrictions for a Line

You can restrict the usage of a credit line that you have defined to certain branches of your bank. If you choose the restriction type as 'Allowed', click on the ‘Plus’ button and select the branch code from the list to indicate that those branches of your bank can use the line.If you are choose the restriction type as 'Disallowed', click on the ‘Plus’ button and select the branch code from the list to indicate that those branches of your bank are not allowed to use the line.

Once you choose restriction type as 'Allowed', you can disallow a branch(s) from using this line by selecting code that identifies the branch and clicking on the ‘Minus’ button". You can remove the restrictions earlier imposed on a branch i.e., to allow a restricted branch usage of the limit under this line. To allow a restricted branch usage of a line, select the code that identifies the branch from the option list and click on the ‘Plus’ button. Maintaining Currency Restrictions for a Line

Just as you can restrict the limit defined for a line to specific customers, branches, and products, you can restrict it to specific currencies. Once you choose the restriction type as 'Allowed', select the currencies to which you would like to restrict application from the available option list.. The list of currency codes you choose in this field will be described in the adjacent column.

To remove a currency from the list of allowed currencies, highlight the currency code and click on the ‘Minus’ button. To add a currency to the list of allowed currencies, click on the ‘Plus’ button, and choose the currency from the option list available. Maintaining Exposure Restrictions for a Line

You can also define the types of exposures that should be allowed (or disallowed) for a line. Based on the list you maintain, the system will display an error message if a utilization request with a transaction exposure is received where the exposure for the facility is either disallowed or not maintained as part of the allowed exposures.

Indicate if the exposure codes that you are specifying should be allowed or disallowed. From the option list available, select the exposure codes. The system defaults the description of the chosen exposure codes. To remove an exposure code from the list, highlight the code and click on the ‘Minus’ button. To add to the list, click on the ‘Plus’ button, and choose the exposure code from the option list available.

While saving the record, if the exposures disallowed here are found to be linked to existing Facility Exposures or Customer Liability Exposures, the system will display an error message and will not save the details. Maintaining Product Restrictions for a Line

You can define the types of products that should be allowed or disallowed for a line. To add a product to the list of allowed products, click on the ‘Plus’ button and select the Source and Product Code from the adjoining option lists. The system defaults the description of the chosen source and product code.


To remove a product from the list of Allowed Products, select the Product Code and click on the ‘Minus’ button.


System considers both the source and the product code to validate the restriction.

2.16.10 Tenor Restrictions Button

You can define Limits based on the tenor of the contracts that utilize the limit.

Click ‘Tenor Restrictions’ button from the Facilities Maintenance screen to maintain Tenor restrictions for the limit you have specified for the Line-Liability combination.


Specify the name of the tenor.

Tenor (Days)

Specify the number of days


Specify the limit for the tenor in days.


System displays the utilization amount for the specific tenor in days, based on the utilization of the facility in 'Schedules' sub screen

Limit Date

Specify the limit date on which the limit amount is updated in the 'Limit Amount' field

Limit Amount

Specify the limit amount for the specific limit date

You need to enter details in this screen only for transactions that involve a Tenor (e.g. Loans, Money market transactions etc). Through this screen you can specify a list of Tenors and the associated limit that tenor based transactions can utilize under this line. Maintaining Tenor Restrictions for a Main Line

For a main line, you can: Maintaining Tenor Restrictions for a Sub-Line

You can define a sub-line tenor list and also define limits for each of them. To recall, a sub-line falls under the umbrella of the Main Line to which it is linked. Therefore, the maximum tenor that you define for a sub-line should not exceed the maximum tenor defined for the main line to which it is linked. The limit amount that you define for each sub-line tenor cannot be higher than the tenor limit defined for the main line to which it is linked.

Tenors and limits can be placed at both the sub-line and main line levels. But the maximum tenor of a sub-line cannot exceed the maximum tenor defined for the main line to which it is linked.


You define a Line LOANS and link it to the Liability Code CREATIVITY INC. (the Liability and the Customer Code in this case are the same). The limit set for this line - LOANS is $ 1million.

Main Line Code


You define a credit limit of $ 1 million for Creativity Inc. under this Credit Line. You also specify the tenor Restrictions for the line to be the following 30D, 60D, and 90D.

Main Line Tenor List








The loans that this customer can avail can be further classified into Short, Medium and Long Term Loans.

For our example we shall make Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term loans as sub-lines under the Main Line Loans. It is only when you link these credit lines to the Credit Line Loans that it becomes a Main line.

Sub-line Code




You can define a tenor list and have tenor based limits for both the Main Line and Sub-lines. So we shall also maintain tenor based limits for the sub-line STLOANS (as shown in the table below):

Sub-line Tenor List








You can add to the list of tenors maintained for a Main Line by specifying the Tenor restriction under the head Tenor and clicking on the ‘Plus’ button. If you want to remove a tenor restriction from the list of tenor restrictions highlight it and click on the ‘Minus’ button.

2.16.11 Source Restrictions Button

You can specify which sources are allowed or restricted to access the facility in ‘Source Restrictions’ screen. Click on ‘Source Restrictions’ button in ‘Facilities Maintenance’ screen to invoke this screen.

Restriction Type

To maintain an allowed list of liability restrictions choose the ‘Allowed’, option. To maintain a disallowed list of liability restrictions, choose the ‘Disallowed’ option.

Default value of this field will be’ Disallowed’. If you select restriction type as ‘allowed’, then you will have to input at least one record.


Specify the source from the adjoining option list.


Give a brief description about the System restriction here.

2.16.12 Mandate Button

You can maintain mandate information for specific line codes using ‘Mandate’ screen. Click ‘Mandate’ button on ‘Facility Maintenance’ screen.

You can specify the following details here:

Line Code

Specify the line code for which the mandate has to be maintained. The system displays the line code from the main screen of facility.

Serial Number

The system displays the line serial number of the line code maintained.


Collateral Type

Specify the collateral type required for validating mandate for the utilization transaction. The option list displays all valid collateral types maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

You can add more rows to the list using add button.

Min % Available

Specify the minimum percentage of the specific collateral type to be collected while processing the utilization transaction against the line code specified. The system verifies whether the mandate percentage of the line utilization amount is greater than the collateral limit contribution. If the mandate percentage is higher, the system displays an override message. You may choose to continue or cancel the maintenance.

2.16.13 Comments on Facility Button

You can add your comments on the facility maintenance using ‘Comments’ screen. To invoke this screen, click ‘Comments’ button on the ‘Facility Maintenance’ screen.

Following fields are available for capturing the comments.


The system displays the current system date.

Input by

The system displays the user ID of the user of the current session.


Type in the comments that you wish save. This is a free text field where you can type in your comments.

The comments that you maintain here will be displayed in the Credit Desktop also. For details, refer to the chapter ‘Credit Desktop’ in this user manual.

Once you have captured the above details, click ‘OK’ button to navigate to the ‘Facilities Maintenance’ screen.

2.16.14 Including Netting Amount in Facility’s Netting Contribution

You can set the available amount under a Facility to include the Netting Amount too. To enable this feature you must check the ‘Netting Required’ check box in the following levels:

Once the netting option is enabled in the above levels the Netting amount maintained as a part of Account Netting screen will be added to the available amount of the facility in facility currency. The netting amount field in the facility screen will be displayed in the Netting Contribution field for the facility in facility currency.

Account Netting

When you authorize an account netting transaction with contract type ‘AC’ and netting enabled, then the netting amount will be included in the facility in facility currency after netting has been enabled in Liability level & Facility level. Here the Netting Amount will be updated accordingly.

When you modify an Account Netting Record and un-check the Netting check box, then the system will automatically subtract the netting amount from the Available Amount and the Netting Amount for the corresponding facility

When you modify an Account Netting Record and check the Netting check box, then the system will automatically add the netting amount to the Available Amount and the Netting amount for the corresponding facility.

When an Account Netting Record is closed and authorised, the system will automatically subtract the netting amount from Available Amount and the Netting Amount for the corresponding facility.

When an Account Netting Record is re-opened and authorised, the system should automatically add the netting amount to Available Amount and the Netting Amount for the corresponding facility.


When the Netting option is un-checked and the modification is authorised, the system will automatically set the netting amount to zero and recalculate the available amount. Likewise, when the netting option is enabled, the system will update the netting amount based on all the Account Nettings which have Netting option enabled for the facility.


When the Netting option is un-checked and the modification is authorised, the system will automatically set the netting amount of all its facilities to zero and recalculate the available amount. Similarly when the netting option is enabled the system will update the netting amount based on all the Facilities and Account Nettings records, which have Netting option enabled for the liability.

2.16.15 Viewing Previous Credit Limit Changes

You can view previous changes made to the credit limit using the ‘Facilities Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘GESQYFAC’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


You can query on records based on all or any of the following criteria:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

To view any previous changes made to the credit limit, double-click the corresponding record. A detailed screen appears containing changes made.



This is a view-only screen hence you cannot make any modifications in this screen.

2.17 Track Exposure Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.17.1 Invoking Track Exposure Maintenance Screen

Maintenances for exposure tracking can be done via the ‘Track Exposure Maintenance’ screen. This screen not only allows tracking, but also allows you to define a limit for a particular exposure. This means that when the utilization exceeds the limit, you will have to provide a confirmation for process to proceed.

You can invoke the ‘Track Exposure Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDTREXP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Exposure Type

Specify the exposure type. The option list displays all valid exposure types maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

The values allowed in field exposure code depends on the exposure type you select here. The validations are as follows.

Selected exposure type

Values allowed for ‘Exposure Code’ field


Active currencies maintained in the system


Active country codes maintained in the system


Active industries maintained in ‘Sector - Industry Maintenance’ screen


Active sectors or industries maintained in ‘Sector - Industry Mainte­nance’ screen

If you select any of the above exposure types, you cannot specify an exposure code that does not belong to the selected exposure type.

For other exposure types, you need to enter a unique exposure code.

Exposure Code

Specify the Exposure Code.

If the exposure type is Currency, Country, Industry or Sector, then you need to select the appropriate exposure code from the option list. For other exposure types, you need to manually enter a unique exposure code.

The code maintained in this screen can be linked in the 'Customer to liability link Maintenance' screen if the 'Utilization type' is 'Customer’ and it can be linked in the 'Facilities Maintenance' screen if the 'Utilization type' is 'Transaction' to make exposure tracking possible. It is possible to track a customer in multiple exposures. For this multiple exposure code should be linked to the ‘Customer to liability link Maintenance' screen.


Provide a brief description of the exposure here.

Exposure Type

Specify what kind of exposure it is. The exposure types will be as maintained in the Static Maintenance screen 'Exposure Maintenance' having function id CODEXPTY.

Utilization Type

Indicate whether exposure is linked with customer or transaction.

As part of utilization, a maximum of five exposures can be linked to customer and another five exposures can be linked to a facility.


Check this box if the exposure is a revolving exposure. This implies that each time a repayment is made (revolving amount) against the exposure, the available limit for the exposure is increased by the amount of repayment. In case of non-revolving exposure, the available limit is the amount of exposure reduced by the loans already availed by the customer (if any); repayment does not increase the limit.

This can be denoted in terms of utilized amounts as follows:

For revolving exposure: New Exposure utilization = Exposure utilization – Revolving amount

For non-revolving exposure: New Exposure utilization = Exposure utilization

Exposure Currency

Specify the currency in which the Tracking of Exposure has to be maintained. Once authorized, this field will be non-amendable.

Exposure Amount

Specify the exposure limit amount which is to be maintained for each exposure tracking maintenance. A confirmation will be sought during utilization when the utilization amount crosses the exposure amount.

Block Amount

The value of the ‘Block Amount’ field in the ‘Global Exposure Block Maintenance’ screen is displayed here.


System displays utilization for the exposure here.

Exposure Effective Date

Specify the effective date after which the maintained exposure becomes valid or applicable.

Exposure Renewal Date

Specify the exposure Renewal date. This is only for information purposes.

Exposure Expiry Date

Specify the expiry date after which the maintained exposure is not applicable for tracking.


Select this check box to indicate that the exposure will be frozen and during utilization. Exposure tracking will not be allowed for such an exposure (i.e. Utilization under such exposures will not be allowed).

Exposure Rating

Specify the rating of the exposure (e.g. Sovereign rating). This is only for information purposes.


Add remarks about the track exposure maintenance, if any.

Available Amount

This is the limit amount that is considered when processing utilization requests for an exposure. It is the amount available after taking into account previous utilizations and amount block (earmark) in force for an exposure. It is calculated as shown below:

Exposure Available Amount = Exposure Limit Amount – Utilization – Exposure block amoun

Head Room Limit

The system displays the head room limit. This amount is arrived by deducting sum of effective line amounts from exposure amount. The system displays the head room limit in terms of exposure currency of the facilities linked to the exposure.


If the exposure records of type Transaction or Customer are linked to a facility or a cus­tomer, you cannot close the records.

2.17.2 Value Date Exposure Button

Value dated exposure can be specified using the Value Date Exposure screen. Click ‘Value Date Exposure’ to invoke this screen.


For each record added here you must specify the following:

2.18 Exposure Analysis

You can simulate the facilities operations such as creation, modification and renewal of facilities and analyse the impact of such operations on the exposure. To invoke ‘Exposure Analysis’ screen, type ‘GEDEXPAN’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click adjoining arrow button

Specify the following details:

Operation Type

Select the operation that you want to simulate from the drop-down list. The list displays the following facility operations.

Details are given in the below table.

Operation Type

Query Facilities

Editable Fields



Not Applica­ble

New Limit Amount

Limit Currency

Limit Expiry Date

Exposure Type

Exposure Code

Select this to simulate creation of a new facility.

Simulation fields other than the editable ones are disabled for this operation.


Based on Customer Number

New Limit Amount

Exposure Type

Exposure Code

Select this to simulate modification of an existing facility.

You can specify a customer ID and click ‘Query’ button to query all the facilities of that customer.

The system defaults the Effective Line Amount as the New Limit Amount. The system also defaults the exposure details.

You can modify the New Limit Amount and click ‘Analysis’ button to view the impact of modification on the exposure linked with the facility.

You can also add a new limit, enter the New Limit Amount and Limit currency, and link the exposures to the new limit before the analysis.


Based on Customer Number

Limit Expiry Date

Exposure Type

Exposure Code

Select this to simulate renewal of an existing facility.

You can specify a customer ID and click ‘Query’ button to query all the facilities of that customer.

Modify the Expiry Date to a later date and click ‘Analysis’ button to view the impact of the renewal operation on the exposure.

Customer Number

You can search for existing facilities based on the customer number. This is applicable only for Modify and Renew operations.

For Modify and Renew operations, you can click ‘Query’ buttons to view the facility details of the selected customer.


The system displays the name of the customer, based on the customer number you have selected for facility query.

Facility Details

For New operation, you can enter the details of the facility. For Modify and Renew operations, you can edit specific fields required for such operations.

Liability Number

The system displays the liability number. You cannot modify this.

Line Code

The system displays the line code. You cannot modify this.

Serial Number

The system displays the serial number. You cannot modify this.

Limit Amount

The system displays the limit amount. You cannot modify this.

Limit Currency

For New operation, you need to specify the limit currency.

For Modify or Renew operations, the system displays the limit currency. You cannot modify this.

Limit Expiry Date

The system displays the limit expiry date.

For Renew operation, you can modify the limit expiry date, For New and Modify operations, you cannot modify this.

New Limit Amount

For New and Modify operations, you can specify the new limit amount. For Renew operation, you cannot edit this field.

Exposure Details

Exposure Type

For New operation, you need to specify the exposure type.

For Modify and Renew operations, the system displays the exposure type. You can modify this.

Exposure Code

For New operation, you need to specify the exposure code.

For Modify and Renew operations, the system displays the exposure code. You can modify this.

Once you have specified/modified the details for simulation, click ‘Analysis’ button. The system analyses the impact of the operation on the exposure of the respective facility. You can view the details in ‘Exposure Analysis’ screen

You can view the following details of the selected facility.

You can view a bar chart that shows the exposure name, head room and head room with this limit fields. You can click an exposure name on the main table to view the following details.

2.19 Exposure Dashboard

Exposure dashboard helps you analyse the total and granted appetite of exposure codes as bar chart and pie chart. To invoke ‘Exposure Dashboard’, type ‘GEDEXDBD’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and clicking the adjoining arrow button

Exposure Type

Select the exposure type whose details you wish to analyse. The option list displays all valid exposure types. Check the boxes adjoining each exposure type to include the details of that exposure type in the dashboard.

Utilisation Type

Select the utilization type that you wish to analyse. The option list displays all valid utilisation types. Check the boxes adjoining each utilization type to include the details of that in the dashboard.

As you select the required options and tab out of the field, the system displays the following details of the exposure codes associated with the selected exposure type.

Bar Chart

The bar chart displays the total appetite and granted appetite in HO currency for each exposure code.

Pie Chart

You can view a pie chart of the total appetite in HO currency.

You can view the following details of the facilities linked with a selected exposure code and exposure type.

2.20 Account/Contract Balance Maintenance for Netting

This section contains the following topics:

2.20.1 Invoking the Account/Contract Balance for Netting screen

To pool balances across accounts/contracts for netting, account/contract balance information has to be maintained. You can perform this maintenance in the ‘Account/Contract Balance for Netting’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Account/Contract Balance for Netting’ screen by typing ‘GEDACCNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Reference Number

Specify the reference number, which is the account number or the contract reference number for which the balance has to be considered.

Contract Type

The ‘Contract Type’ field will show ‘AC’ by default for the account netting facility. In this case you must also define the facility code (Line Code) to which the netting amount is to be added.

If the account is a Term Deposit account which you wish to link as collateral to a collateral pool, then specify a Contract Type other than ‘AC’. Here you need not specify the facility code.

For more details on linking Term Deposit accounts/contracts as collaterals, refer the section ‘Collaterals Maintenance’.

Customer Number

Specify the customer number to which the Reference number belongs to.


Specify the currency based on which the balance amount of the account/contact has to be considered. Once authorized, this entry will be non-amendable.


Specify the account/contract balance amount for netting.

Value Date

Specify the date from when this account/contract is valid for netting.

Booking Date

Specify the booking date when the account/contract was created.

Expiry Date

Specify the date till when this account/contract is valid for netting.

Liability Number

Specify the liability number to which the Reference number is linked.

Line Code

Specify the line code for the account/contract.

Serial Number

System displays the Serial Number for the line chosen in the field 'Line Code'.

Netting Required

Select this check box to indicate that the netting amount defined in the 'Account/Contract Balance for Netting' screen will be updated in the 'Netting Contribution' field for the specific facility for which 'Netting Required' check box is checked. You can have the Facility to display the Netting Amount in the 'Netting Contribution' screen.

If Netting required check box is checked, system will validate whether the customer number captured in this screen and customer of the facility is same. If not system will display an configurable override message. If it is configured as exception system will allow you to proceed with exception authorization. Else if it is configured as an error, system will not allow you to proceed further.

For more details on this feature, refer the section 'Including Netting Amount in Facility’s Netting Contribution' in this User Manual.

2.21 Ear Marking Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.21.1 Invoking the Ear Marking Maintenance Screen

You can use the ‘Ear Marking Maintenance’ screen for blocking of funds for a Facility.

You can invoke the ‘Ear Marking Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDBLOCK’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Block Number

Specify the unique number which is to be assigned for every block that has been created.


Specify the branch in which the block has been created.

Liability Code

Specify the liability code for which the amount block is to be done.

Customer Number

Specify the customer for whom the amount block is to be done.

Line Code

Specify the Line code for which the amount block is to be done.

Serial Number

System displays the serial number for the line chosen in the field 'Line Code'.

Block Currency

Specify the currency based on which the Block amount for the facility has to be considered. Once authorized, this entry will be non-amendable.

Block Amount

Specify the amount to be blocked for ear marking.

Effective Date

Specify the date from when this block amount for that facility becomes effective.

Expiry Date

Specify the date till when this block amount for that facility is applicable.

Auto Block

Check this box to indicate that the system should automatically create block for the specified amount for the specified facility. This check box will be unchecked by default indicating that the block on the facility will be manual.


Add remarks about the ear marking maintenance, if any.

2.22 Global Block Exposure Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.22.1 Invoking the Global Exposure Block Maintenance Screen

You can block (earmark) a certain amount of an exposure limit using the ‘Global Block Exposure Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Global Exposure Block Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDEXPBL’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


Block Number

Specify a unique number for the block you are creating. The system will not allow you to modify it after authorization of the maintenance.


Specify the branch from which the block is being maintained. You cannot change the branch after authorization of the maintenance.

Exposure Name

Specify the exposure code for which the amount block is to be done. The adjoining option list contains all the relevant codes. Select the appropriate one.

Exposure Description

The system defaults the exposure description here.

Block Currency

Specify the currency in which the amount block is to be applied. You cannot modify this once the maintenance has been authorized.

Block Amount

Specify the amount to be earmarked. This amount is deducted from the existing utilization of an exposure before additional utilization requests are processed.


It is also updated as the ‘Block Amount’ in the ‘Track Exposure Maintenance’ screen.

Effective Date

Specify the date from which the amount block should be applied for the exposure.

Expiry Date

This is the date till which the amount block for the exposure is enforced.

Auto Block

The system automatically checks this option on the date the block on the exposure comes into force i.e. the ‘Effective Date’.

Additional Information

As part of additional information for the exposure, you can capture the following details:

Customer Number

Specify the customer number for the global exposure block maintenance.

Liability Number

Specify the liability number for the global exposure block maintenance.


Add remarks about the global block exposure maintenance, if any.

Line Code

Specify the line code for the global exposure block maintenance.

Line Serial

System displays the serial number for the line chosen in the field 'Line Code'.

2.23 Exception Queue Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.23.1 Invoking the Exception Queue Maintenance Screen

You can maintain exception queue records with their respective user roles allowed for authorization in the ‘Exception Queue Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Exception Queue Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDQUEMN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Queue Name

Specify the Queue Name.


Give a brief description of the queue here.

Queue Detail

Here you can specify multiple user roles for a Queue name. For each record you must specify the Role Name i.e. the user role allowed for authorization. System then defaults the description for the role

2.24 Exception Queue Slab Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.24.1 Invoking the Exception Queue Slab Maintenance

As a part of BEPL process for Credit Exception management, the Transaction authorizer details and breached authorizer details can be entered in the ‘Transaction Authorize Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ’Exception Queue Slab Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDTAUTH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The transaction authorizer queue first checks for authorizers maintained for that particular branch and category during a utilization transaction for that branch. If no authorizers are maintained for that branch then a default authorizer will be assigned to all branches.

The Default Authorizer details will be used for processing Credit Exception management.


Specify the branch for which the maintenance is being done.


The description for the branch chosen in the field 'Branch' is displayed here.


Specify the remarks about the Transaction Authorize Maintenance


Specify the category for which the transactions authorize maintenance is being done. Having specified the category for the liability and the facility, the transaction authorize maintenance can be done for the same category. When the Exception Txn Amount or Exception Breach Percentage gets breached for a line belonging to the same category as defined in the transaction authorize maintenance, the transaction will be available in the queue defined in the transaction authorize maintenance for the specific category

Transaction Details

Here for each record you can specify the following:

Breached Details

Here for each record you can specify the following:

2.25 Sector and Industry Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

Section 2.25.1, "Invoking the Sector and Industry Maintenance"

2.25.1 Invoking the Sector and Industry Maintenance

You can maintain sectors and industries associated each sector using ‘Sector-Industry Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘GEDSECMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Sector Code

Specify a unique code to identify the sector you are defining.


Specify a brief description of the sector.

Industry Code

Specify the industry code to be associated with the sector code. You can associate multiple industry codes with a sector code.


Specify a brief description of the industry.

Once you have captured the above details, save the maintenance.

2.26 Limits & Collaterals Parameter Details

This section contains the following topics:

2.26.1 Invoking the Global Exposure Parameter Detail

You can specify certain parameters relating to the End Of Day operations in the ‘Limits & Collaterals Parameter Details’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Global Exposure Parameter Detail’ screen by typing ‘GEDPARAM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following details are maintained here.

System Maker ID and System Checker ID

During the processing of user entries, if the maker ID and checker ID is not mentioned, then IDs specified here will be recorded.

Maximum Retry Lock Transaction

Specify the number of times authorization can be tried before the transaction is locked.

Maximum Number of Processes

Multi threading feature in LCM can be controlled by specifying the max number of processes here. In case of load balancer during End Of Day batch operations the maximum process for load sharing can be specified using this field.

Rate Type

Specify the rate type that has to be considered for all amount conversions in LCM.

Currency System

Specify the external currency system if the Bank is using a external currency system other than the one provided in LCM.

CRM System

Specify the external CRM system if the Bank is using an external CRM system other than the one provided in LCM.

Generate Customer Number

Check this box to generate the customer number automatically at the time of customer creation and customer replication from the Oracle FLEXCUBE as per the specified customer mask.

Auto CNR (Auto Closure of Non Revolving Line)

Check this box to close the non-revolving line automatically on expiry date.

Exposure Tracking

Check this check box if exposure tracking is to be enabled in the system.

Customer Mask

If you have selected ‘Generate Customer Number’ option, you need to specify the customer mask.

The customer mask will be maximum nine characters length, out of which it is mandatory to use three characters from the branch code of the customer number and the rest six can be numbers. E.g. bbbnnnnnn. If branch code is not part of customer mask, then maximum characters of number digit will be nine else it would be six characters and minimum characters of number digit would be four. E.g. nnnnnnnnn.

If the customer number is less than nine digits, then the system will left pad it with ‘0’ i.e zero.


Character ‘b’ indicates the branch code and character ‘n’ indicates number digits.

Bank Capital

Specify the amount to calculate internal lending equivalent amount

Limit Currency

The System defaults the local currency of the bank.

Central Bank Lending Limit %

Specify the percentage of central bank lending limit. Central Bank Lending Limit percentage of the bank capital is considered as limit amount allowed by the central bank. The central bank lending limit percentage should be between 0 and 100.

Internal lending Limit %

Specify the percentage of internal lending limit. The internal lending limit percentage should be between 0 and 100.


If Bank Capital is specified then Central Bank Lending Limit % and Internal Lending Limit % fields are mandatory.

Revaluate Currency Online

Indicate whether the currency revaluation should be an online or a Batch (EOD) process. Revaluation of the line amount takes place online if the parameter is set to online.

Revaluate Market Online

Indicate whether Market price revaluation should be Online or Batch. Market price based security Revaluation takes place online if the parameter is set to online.

UPD Utils

Specify whether Value date utilization updating can be Online or Batch. Value date updating takes place online if the parameter is set to online.

Block Facility on Status

Indicate whether, depending on the worst status of a liability, the EOD process should block the facility or not.

Rate Range

Specify the rate - Mid Rate, Buy rate, Sell rate - which has to be considered during all Conversion Amount calculations in LCM.

Batch Process

Indicate whether the EOD Batch Process should be set up as part of the Database Server or the Application Server. Application server is the recommended choice.

Holiday Treatment

The revaluation process for the securities, collaterals and covenants may fall on a bank holiday. You can specify which of the following actions must be taken in such cases:

The EOD process closes all the active non-revolving lines automatically when the check box ‘Auto CNR’ is checked. Example



Expiry Date














System Date - 15-Jul-2009

Next Working Day - 17-Jul-2009

On 15-Jul-2009 EOD, the system closes FACILITY1 and FACILITY3.


This process does not close the following lines:

If line is not closed due to the above exceptions then the system logs the same into an exception table ‘GETB_EXCEPTION_LOG’. If particular line is not closed on expiry date due to the above exception then same line is taken up for auto closure process on next EOD.

2.27 Facilities Amount Transfer Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.27.1 Invoking the Facilities Amount Transfer Maintenance

Transfer of full or partial limit amounts from one facility to other within or across liabilities for certain periods is possible. It is also possible to close/cancel this transfer operation before a specified End Date.

Upon manual closure/cancellation or on automatic expiry, the system will transfer the transferred amount back to the original line.

Limit transfer details can be defined through the ‘Facilities Amount Transfer Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Facilities Amount Transfer Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDTRANS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

From Liability Number and To Liability Number

Specify the ‘From Liability No’ i.e. for whom the limit amount is to be transferred

Specify the ‘To Liability No’ i.e. to whom the liability amount is allocated.

From Liability Name and To Liability Name

System will default the names of the ‘From Liability’ and ‘To Liability’ when the 'From Liability Number' and 'To Liability Number' are chosen respectively.

From Line and To Line

Specify the ‘From Line’ i.e. the Line from which the line amount is transferred.

Specify the ‘To Line’ i.e. the Line to which the line amount is transferred to for a specified period.

When configured as an override, if From line and To line details are different, the system displays an override message,” CIF of both lines are different. Do you want to proceed.?”

When configured as an error, if From line and To line details are different then the transfer will not be allowed.


From and To Facility Currencies

System will default the names of the from facility currency and to facility currency when the 'From Line' & 'To Line' are chosen respectively. For effective line transfer from one line to another, the currency of both the lines has to be the same.

From Facility Start Date and End Date

System will default the from facility start date and from facility end date when the 'From Line' is chosen. To Facility Start Date and End Date

System will default the ‘To Facility Start Date’ and ‘To Facility End Date’ when the 'To Line' is chosen.

From Facility Available Amount and To Facility Available Amount

System will default the ‘From Facility Available Amount’ and ‘To Facility Available Amount’ when the 'From Line' & 'To Line' are chosen respectively.

Effective From Date and Effective To Date

Specify the Effective From Date of transfer i.e. the date from when the transfer of limits will be effective.

Specify the Effective To Date of transfer i.e. the date till when the transfer of limits will be effective. This date must be greater than the Effective From Date


Effective From date can’t be greater than From line end date and Effective To date can’t be less than From line Start date.

Transfer Amount

Specify the transfer amount to be transferred, from the 'From Line' to the 'To Line', from the 'Effective From Date' onwards.

2.28 Force Collateral Revaluation

This section contains the following topics:

2.28.1 Invoking the Ad-Hoc Revaluation Screen

You can run the Ad-hoc revaluation process for market based collaterals using the ‘Ad Hoc Revaluation’ screen. For such collateral values to be revised, an input file containing the latest security prices must to be given to the system before using this facility.

You can invoke the ‘Ad-hoc Revaluation’ screen by typing ‘GEDADREV’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Security Id

Specify the security id for which Ad-hoc Revaluation is to be done.

Security Price

System displays the price code as maintained in the 'Securities' screen.

Click the ‘Process’ button to process the Ad-hoc Revaluation.

2.29 Multi Authorization Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

2.29.1 Invoking the Multi Authorization Maintenance Screen

Multi authorisation maintenance can be done via the ‘Multi Authorisation Maintenance’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Multi Authorization Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDDAUTH’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Whenever Utilization Transactions has been breached then the utilization transaction would require multiple authorizations. Transactions which are breached could be either authorized using BPEL process flow Credit Exception management or using UI multi Auth screen.


During implementation either the BPEL process needs to be used or the screen here needs to be used. Both can’t be used at the same time

Whenever utilization transaction has been breached this screen has to be used by the authorizer to either Accept or Reject the breached transaction. The following fields mentioned below indicate all the values that will associated with the transaction. The fields are all display fields and cannot be edited for a transaction using this screen. Only Accept or Reject for authorization of the breached transaction is allowed.

Serial No

Indicates the LCM generated unique identifier for the transaction.

Utilization Reference Number

Specifies the LCM utilization reference number.

Customer Number

Specifies the Customer Number of the utilization transaction. Customer Number entered should be valid Customer Number in LCM system.

Transaction Date

Indicates the date and time when the transaction was entered in the external system.

Utilization Amount

Indicates the Utilization Amount.

Utilization Currency

Indicates the currency of the utilization transaction. Currency code entered should be a valid currency code in LCM system.

Liability Number

Specifies the liability number of the utilization transaction. Liability Number entered should be valid Liability Number in LCM system.

Line Code

Specifies the facility code of the utilization transaction. Facility Code entered should be valid Facility Code in LCM system.

Serial Number

Specifies the facility serial number of the utilization transaction.

Facility Currency

Specifies the facility currency.

Facility utilization

Indicates the facility utilization amount.

Utilization Branch

Indicates the transaction branch.

Utilization Product

Indicates external product code of the utilization transaction. This is only if the utilization has been done from an external product

Value Date

Specifies the value date of the transaction. If value is not passed then system will default to LCM present branch date.


Indicates the product processor name from where the transaction has been originated. This field will be as part of Header section (Source Code). This is only if the utilization has been done from an external product

Utilization status

Indicates the utilization status, possible values are A-Active, R-Reverse, L- Liquated


Indicates whether the transaction is deleted or not. If the check box is selected then it is deleted.

Liability Currency

Specifies the liability currency.

Liability utilization

Indicates the liability utilization amount.

Exception Queue

Specifies the exception queue in which transaction has been parked.

Error Code

Specifies the error code of the transaction.

Error parameter

Specifies the error parameters associated to the transaction.


You can enter your remarks associated with the transaction.

2.30 Dual Authorization of Utilization Transaction

During Utilization Transaction process if the utilization amount crosses the breach amount specified, then the transaction requires dual authorization. Transactions which are breached could be either authorized using BPEL process flow Credit Exception management or using UI multi Auth screen. During implementation either the BPEL process needs to be used or the screen here needs to be used. Both can’t be used at the same time. You can specify the facility maintenance breach amount and breach percentage in LCM.

When the transaction amount inputted is more than breach amount or percentage, during utilization process LCM would flag dual authorized indicator and updates the dual authorization error code as part of response. If response from the LCM contains dual authorization error code, then Oracle FLEXCUBE logs the transaction details in dual authorization tables and processes it completely.

The authorization for the breached (dual auth) transactions will be authorized using function ID ‘GEDDAUTH’ of LCM.

Till the dual authorization happens, Oracle FLEXCUBE does not allow you to authorize the main transaction. You can also perform dual authorization using Oracle FLEXCUBE screen, but system performs certain validations to ensure that Oracle FLEXCUBE does not authorize the LCM breach transactions.


Assume that for liability ‘TATA’ line ‘TATABILL’ is created with below details.

Limit amount - 10,000.00

Collateral amount - 0.00

Breach percentage - 110 ( which is equal to 11,000)

Brach amount - 15,000

The system calculated values:

Available amount - 10,000.00

Utilized amount - 0

Assume that as part of BC, a contact line ‘TATABILL’ is linked. As part of the contact data input, when you link the line ‘TATABILL’ and press ‘Save’ button during transaction processing in LCM, if the transaction requires dual authorization then the system displays this information to the user.

Till the dual authorization error code (breached transaction) is authorized in LCM, Oracle FLEXCUBE does not allow the contact to be authorized. In case, if the breached transaction is rejected, then you have to delete the contact Information irrespective of whether the error code has been authorized or Contracts requiring multilevel authorization can be viewed using Oracle FLEXCUBE function ‘OVDAUDET.

If you delete the dual authorization contract in Oracle FLEXCUBE, then the system deletes the contract details in Oracle FLEXCUBE and LCM will delete the utilization LCM.


LCM deletes the utilization transaction if any dual authorization error is not authorized and the system updates the status as ‘Ignored’ so that this information is not shown to the user. However if the error code is authorized, then this information is ignored.

2.31 Liabilities Merger

This section contains the following topics:

2.31.1 Invoking Liability Merger Maintenance Screen

You can merge any two liabilities existing in the system into one single liability. LCM allows you to merge one liability into another. Upon merger, both liabilities will assume the same liability code. The structure of the liabilities will not change.

The merging of liabilities is done in the following two steps:

You must first maintain the details of liabilities to be merged using the ‘Liability Merger Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke the ‘Liability Merger Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘GEDMERGE in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen you must maintain the following details for merger of two liabilities.

From Liability Code

Specify using the adjoining list of options the code of the liability which is to be merged into another liability.

To Liability Code

Specify using the adjoining list of options the code of the liability into which the liability specified under ‘From Liability Code’ must be merged into.

Branch Code

System defaults the branch code as the branch from which the 'Liability Merger Maintenance' screen is launched and 'New' button is clicked.

Effective Date

Specify the date from which the merger of liabilities must take effect.


Specify the remarks about the Liability Merger Maintenance.

Once you have maintained the above merger details, you must initiate the Merger Batch Process using an Intra Day Process so as to complete the merger. During this batch process all liability IDs for all the related maintenances will be modified. These include the following maintenances:

Upon merger, all the Utilizations will to point at the new liability. The liability utilization will then be moved from the old liability to the new liability and the old liability will be closed.

You may view the following merger logs from the above screen:

2.31.2 Invoking Liability Merger Process Screen

Once you maintained the details of liabilities to be merged, you can initiate the process of merger using the ‘Liability Merger Process’ screen.

You can invoke the ‘Liability Merger Process’ screen by typing ‘GESMRGTR’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can query your records based on all or any of the following criteria:

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following details for each one of them:

Click ‘Process’ button to initiate the merger of maintained liabilities.


Merger between Liabilities that form part of a hierarchy is not allowed.

2.32 Alert Definition

This Section contains the following topics:

2.32.1 Invoking Alert Definition Screen

You can define specific alerts to be sent to the bank users. You need to define the alert codes and map the alert code to the bank user using ‘Alert Code Definition’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘ITDADMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Alert Code

Specify the alert code to be mapped to the customer or bank.


The system displays the description of the alert based on the alert code specified.

Criteria Code

Specify the selection criteria code to be used for the alert. The option list displays valid criteria codes (Rules 1 to 9 which are factory shipped) that are maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one. The description of each criteria code is explained in the following table:

Rule Code

Rule Name

Rule Description

Parameter Configured

Trigger for Alert

Alert (Message) Description


Limits Due for Expiry

Review required X days before Limit Expiry Date, where X is a con­figurable parameter

Notice Days (ITDAC­MNT Screen)

Limit Expiry Date

<FACILI­TY_ID> - Limit <LIA­B_ID> - <LINE_CODE> due for expiry


Limits where Col­lateral due for Expiry

Review required X days before Collateral Expiry Date, where X is a configur­able param­eter

Notice Days (ITDAC­MNT Screen)

Collateral Expiry Date

<COLLAT­ERAL_ID> - Collaterals <COLLAT­ERAL CODE> for Limit <LIA­BILITY ID> due for expiry


Limits where the Utilization Threshold % is breached with respect to Sanc­tioned Limit

Review required for Limit Utiliza­tion % breached with respect to Sanc­tioned Limit, where Threshold % is a con­figurable parameter

Threshold % (ITDAC­MNT Screen)

Sanctioned Limit Amount

<FACILI­TY_ID> - Sanctioned Limit for Limit <LIA­BILITY ID> - <LINE CODE> has breached the prede­fined thresh­old percentage


Limits where the Utilization Threshold % is breached with respect to Collat­eral Value

Review required for Limit Utiliza­tion % breached with respect to Collat­eral Value, where Threshold % is a con­figurable parameter

Threshold % (ITDAC­MNT Screen)

Collateral Value

<COLLAT­ERAL_ID> - Collaterals Value for Limit <LIA­BILITY ID> has breached the prede­fined thresh­old percentage


Frequency Based Limit Review

Frequency based Limit Review.

Frequency maintained in the Facili­ties Mainte­nance (GEDFA­CLT) screen.

Frequency and Next Review Date on the Facilities Mainte­nance Screen (GEDFA­CLT)

<FACILI­TY_ID> - Limit Review for Limit <LIA­BILITY ID> - <LINE CODE> is due


Documents due for Expiry

Review required when the documents are expired

Frequency, Start Month, Due date on field on the Covenant Mainte­nance Screen (GED­COVNT) and Notice Days on the Rule Criteria Code Screen. Notice days on the Cov­enant Main­tenance Screen will not be con­sidered for Alert gener­ation

Revision Date on the Covenants tab on the Collateral Mainte­nance (GED­COLLT)

<COVE­NANT_ID> - Docu­ments/ Cov­enants <COVE­NANT NAME> for Limit <LIA­BILITY ID> due for expiry


Marketable/ non-market­able securi­ties value decrease

Review required when the marketable or the non-marketable securities value is decreased

From Secu­rities Main­tenance Level

Securities Value

<SECURI­TY_ID> - Securities <SECU­RITY CODE> for  Limit <LIA­BILITY ID> value decreased


You can configure the credit desktop alerts for CIF query. If credit desktop alerts is config­ured for accounts and contracts, then it will not be displayed and operationally controlled.

Final SQL Statement

Based on the criteria code selected, the system displays the final SQL statement.

Based on the review rules maintained in the ITDACMNT screen, alerts can be defined in the ITDADMNT screen. These alerts are generated for a bank user and are generated on a daily basis as per the frequency set in the Alert Definition Screen (ITDADMNT). Based on the parameters defined in the ITDADMNT screen, when a review rule is satisfied, then an alert is triggered in the user dashboard or Credit Desktop (GEDSKTOP). In the user Dashboard, when an alert is generated, the ‘Review’ or ‘Dismiss’ buttons are displayed against the alert. You can either Review or Dismiss these alerts by clicking the relevant buttons as shown in the following screen shot.

The Review button is displayed for only Rule 1, Rule 3, and Rule 5. On clicking the ‘Review’ button the limit review process flow is initiated. For the remaining rules, besides the limit review rules, the ‘Dismiss’ button is displayed. If you click the ‘Review’ or ‘Dismiss’ buttons against any alert, then the system removes the alert from the Dashboard. If the target user at alert definition is ‘ALLROLES’, then the alert generated is available for all the users accessing the dashboard. If any user clicks the ‘Review’ or ‘Dismiss’ button, then the system removes the alert from the dashboard and the remaining users will be unable to view the same alert in the dashboard.

If a user dismisses an alert and no corrective action is taken within a day, then the alert is regenerated the next day with a new effective date that is considered to be the current date. The alerts are generated based on the ITALRM and ITPURGE batch jobs. The frequency for these alert batch jobs should be set as daily in the Alert Definition Screen. All the alerts that are reviewed, dismissed, or have expired are archived in the ITPURGE batch. This archival is an automated process which happens based on the system date (physical date) and time.


The dashboard and relevant alerts are displayed for only those users for whom the ‘Show Dashboard and Alerts’ flag is set as Yes in the Home Page

In the Credit Desktop screen, the ‘Review’ button is enabled for all facilities mapped to a liability and is not only applicable for those facilities where alerts are generated. If a facility has a CIF ID mapped to it, then the CIF ID will be listed. The ‘Dismiss’ button option is not available in the Credit Desktop. Also, all alerts are available in a report format with ‘Exception’ or ‘Warning’ stated against each alert.

For more information on Credit Desktop, refer to the section “Credit Desktop” in this User Manual.

For more information on defining Alerts refer to the section “Defining Alerts” in this User Manual.

2.32.2 Preferences Tab

You can set the preferences for alert message generation under ‘Preferences’ tab. Click ‘Preferences’ tab on ‘Alert Definition’ screen:

Under this tab, you can set the following preferences for the alert generation.

Effective From

Specify the start date of the alert message generation. Click the date button to choose a date from the calendar.

The system will generate the alerts for the users/customers from this date.

End Date

Specify the end date of the alert message generation. Click the date button to choose a date from the calendar.

The system will generate the alerts for the users/customers until this date.


Specify the frequency of the alert message generation as Daily only from the drop down list.

View Days

Specify the number of days you wish to keep the alert message in the dashboard or the portal. The user or customer can view the alert message in the dashboard or portal for the number view days maintained here. After that, the message will disappear from the dashboard or portal.

2.32.3 Target Tab

You can capture the details of the customer and bank users, who will receive the alert message. Click ‘Target’ tab

Specify the following details:

Target Type

The target type indicates the receiver of the alert message. The system displays the default value as a Bank User.

Customer No Column Position

Specify the position of the customer number column in the SQL statement. If you have selected the target type as ‘Customer’ or ‘Both’, it is mandatory to specify the customer number column position.

Bank User Type

Specify the bank user type to receive the alert message. The drop-down list displays the following user types:

Choose the appropriate one.

This is applicable only if the target type is ‘Bank User’.

Target ID

Specify the target ID. If the Bank User Type is ‘Role’, you need to specify the particular user role. If the Bank User Type is ‘User ID’, you need to specify the respective user ID.

You can choose the appropriate target ID from the option list. The alert message will be generated to the target IDs selected here.


The system displays the description of the selected target ID.

You can add more bank user types by clicking the add button. You can also delete a bank user type using delete button.

2.32.4 Message Tab

You can capture the details of the message to be sent to the customers and users under ‘Message’ tab. Click ‘Message’ tab.

You can capture the following details under this tab:


Select the mode of message delivery. You can select any one of the following options:

Choose the appropriate one. The alert message is delivered to the bank user by the mode specified here.


Specify the language of the alert message. The option list displays all valid languages that are applicable. Choose the appropriate one.


Specify a subject that is significant to the alert message to be generated.

Customer Message

Enter the message to be generated for the customer. The message may contain two types of text, viz. static and dynamic.

The static text will be generated as they are defined here. The dynamic text will vary based on the intended customer and the nature of the message.

This field is enabled only if the alert message is generated for the customer.

User Message

Enter the message to be generated for the bank user or RM. The message may contain two types of text, viz. static and variables.

The static text will be generated as they are defined here. The variable text will vary based on the intended user and the nature of the message.

This field is enabled only if the alert message is generated for the bank user.

2.32.5 Viewing Alert Definition Summary

You can view a summary of the alerts defined in Oracle FLEXCUBE using ‘Alert Definition Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘ITSADMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have set the search parameters, click ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria. Double-click a record to view the detailed screen of the record.

2.33 Alert Selection Criteria

This section contains the following topics

2.33.1 Viewing Alert Selection Criteria Screen

You can define alert selection criteria in Oracle FLEXCUBE. The system identifies the set of customers who receive the alerts based on the selection criteria.

The system generates the alerts based on the selection criteria defined in ‘Alert Selection Criteria’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘ITDACMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button

Specify the following details:

Criteria Code

Select a unique code that identifies the criterion that you are defining. To retrieve the criteria code click the F7 and F8 function keys. This code will be the unique identifier of the criterion based on which alert is generated.

The system will not allow you to modify the criteria code after saving it.


Specify a brief description of the selection criterion that you are defining.


Specify the ‘Select’ part of the selection criterion.

The criterion must be defined as an SQL statement with aliases. You need not enter the keyword ‘SELECT’.

The alias naming convention is ‘ColX’. Here, ‘X’ refers to the sequential number of the column in the ‘Select’ clause.

Examples are s1.cust_ac_no Col1 ,s1.cust_no Col2 ,s1.ccy Col3 ,s1.account_class Col4 ,s1.ACY_OPENING_BAL Col5, s2.customer_name1 Col6, s2.language Col7, s2.default_media Col8

Based on the columns defined under ‘Select’ and ‘From and Where Clause’, the system forms the final SQL statement. You need to ensure that the final SQL statement is a syntactically correct SQL statement.

From and Where Clause

Specify the remaining part of the selection criterion. You need not enter the keyword ‘From’.

Based on the columns defined under ‘Select’ and ‘From and Where Clause’, the system forms the final SQL statement. You need to ensure that the final SQL statement is a syntactically correct SQL statement.


The ‘From and Where Clause’ values and ‘Alert Criteria Code’ values are already pre-de­fined in the system as these are factory shipped values.

Final SQL Statement

The system concatenates the values defined under ‘Select’ and ‘From and Where Clause’ and displays the final SQL statement. This must be a valid SQL statement.

The system generates the alert messages based on this final SQL statement.

Once you have captured the details, save the record.

To define the criteria as SQL statement, you need to have sufficient understanding about the data model of Oracle FLEXCUBE and SQL programming language.

2.33.2 Viewing Alert Criteria Definition Summary

You can view a summary of the alert criteria maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE using ‘Alert Selection Criteria Summary’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘ITSACMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button

You can search for the records based on one or more of the following parameters:

Once you have set the search parameters, click the ‘Search’ button. The system displays the records that match the search criteria. Double-click a record to view the details.