3. Maintenances

As part of enabling and using the Instruments Inventory Tracking (IV) module of Oracle FLEXCUBE, there are several maintenances to be performed. These maintenances have been elaborated upon in the sections given below.


Unless specified otherwise, all maintenances specified below allow all standard mainte­nance functions – Add, Modify, Delete, Authorize, Close, Re-open, Inquiry. The mainte­nance functions also log all maintenances in the Audit Trail.

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Bank Parameters Maintenance

In the Bank Parameters Maintenances screen, under the ‘Preferences’ screen you need to specify whether inventory management and tracking should be enabled or not.

To invoke the Bank Parameters Maintenances screen, enter ‘STDBNKPM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

Allow Inventory Tracking

You can use this check box to allow/disallow inventory management and tracking. To use inventory management module, check this box.


If inventory tracking is allowed then ‘Cheque Numbering Scheme’ should be left blank/null.

For more details on Bank Parameters Maintenance, refer the corresponding section in the Core Services manual.

3.2 Issuer Code

This section contains the following topics:

3.2.1 Issuer Code Maintenance

Use the ‘Issuer Code -Detailed’ screen for maintaining instrument issuer details. This maintenance is found under the Core module.

To invoke the ‘Issuer Code Maintenance’ screen, enter ‘CSDISSCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

The details which you need to specify in the above screen are detailed below.

Issuer Code

Specifies the Issuer Code. An issuer code is an internal alphanumeric code used within the system to track stock of financial instruments. The Issuer Code, for instrument types other than passbook and cheque book, has to be in accordance with the routing mask as defined in the bank level parameters.

Issuer Description

Provide a description of the Issuer Code maintained.

3.2.2 Issuer Code Summary Screen

Use the ‘Issuer Code – Summary’ screen to query for Issuer Code Maintenance records, by specifying the following parameters:

To invoke the ‘Issuer Code - Summary’ screen, enter ‘CSSISSCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

3.3 Denomination Details

This section contains the following topics:

3.3.1 Denomination Maintenance

You can use the ‘Denomination Details’ screen for specifying various denominations supported for cash and traveller’s cheque for each currency. This function will be available under Core module maintenances.

To invoke the ‘Denomination Details’ screen, type ‘CSDDEMAN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

The details to be maintained in the above screen are explained below.

Denomination Type

Specify the Denomination Type here by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down list. The following options are available for selection:


For denominated deposit only ‘Note’ denomination type can be used.

Currency Code

Select from the adjoining list of options the currency code for which the denomination maintenance is being performed. Depending on the currency code specified, a brief currency description is displayed.

Issuer Code

Select the issuer code, for which the denomination maintenance is being performed, from the adjoining list of options. Depending on the issuer code specified, the issuer’s description is displayed.


Issuer code needs to be maintained for both cash and TC denomination type.

Under the Denomination Details section, you can specify the following details for every record added.

Denomination ID

Specify here the ID for each denomination. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination IDs.

Denomination Description

Provide a full-length description of denomination.

Denomination Value

Specify the value of denomination.

Sequence No.

Specify here the preferred sequence of denomination.


Specify whether the denominated cash is in currency notes or coins. For Traveller’s cheque, this field can accept only the ‘Note’ option.


Denomination type ‘Millionaire Certificate’ is used to facilitate MC/LMC transactions. For MC/LMC (Millionaire Certificate) transactions, you can have only one denomination with denomination type as ‘Notes’ and the currency code should be the ‘LCY code’.

3.3.2 Denomination Summary screen

Use the ‘Denomination Summary’ screen to query for Denomination Maintenance records using the following parameters:

To invoke the ‘Denomination Summary’ screen, enter ‘CSSDEMAN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

3.4 Stock Catalog Definition

This section contains the following topics:

3.4.1 Defining Stock Catalog

You can use the ‘Stock Catalog Definition’ screen for definition of the stock catalog for different types of financial instruments.

To invoke the ‘Stock Catalog Definition’ screen, enter ‘IVDSTKCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

As part of the Stock Catalog Definition, you need to specify certain details which are explained below.

Stock Catalog Code

A Stock Catalog Code identifies a particular financial instrument that is used within the bank (For example Demand Drafts drawn on the same bank in local currency). It is an internal alphanumeric code used within the system to track stock of financial instruments. This code is used internally within the software for tracking stock.

Instrument Type

You need to attach an instrument type to each stock catalog that identifies the internal type of the instrument. In the ‘Instrument Type’ field, indicate the type of Stock Catalog code that is being defined.

Certain basic instrument types are identified by Oracle FLEXCUBE and are used internally to manage the inventory. Instrument type will have the below mentioned options:


Stock Short Name

Specify here a short name to be attached to the Stock Code for easier identification.

Stock Catalog Description

This is a full-length description of the Stock Code.

Currency Code

Specify here the currency code of the instrument. The currency code specified will be a valid entry as specified in the currency master maintenance.


Specify here a valid issuer code from Oracle FLEXCUBE.

Denomination Tracking

The denomination tracking option indicates whether or not denomination details are maintained for the particular type of stock catalog. Denomination tracking is allowed only for Traveller’s Cheques.

If Denomination Tracking is set as ‘Yes’, then the denomination details for the catalog need to be defined during the catalog definition.

If the Denomination Tracking is set as ‘No’, then the denomination value will be defaulted to zero.


For Denominated Deposit, denomination tracking is set as ‘Yes’. There is a validation available at CSDDEMAN screen to allow the Type as ‘Note’ only. If the validation fails sys­tem displays the error ‘Only ‘Note’ type can be used for Denominated Deposit Certificate’.

Stock Details Section

Under the Stock Details Section, you can specify the stock details for several denomination.

Auto Serial Number

To have the system automatically set the next FROM and TO serial numbers for a specified catalog stock during the purchase order transaction, set ‘Auto Serial No’ as Yes.

If Auto Serial No is set as ‘No’, then the numbers will be blank and you will need to input the numbers manually.


Stock Type

Indicate here, where the stock is identified - at leaf level or booklet level?


For MC/LMC (Millionaire Certificate) transactions, you can have only ‘Leaves’ as stock type and denomination tracking should be set to yes. Currency code should be the LCY.


Two certificates under a the same denominated deposit cannot have the same certificate number even if the series number and stock catalogue code are different. Operations Allowed in the Stock Catalog Definition screen.

Following standard maintenance operations are possible in the ‘Stock Catalog Definition’ screen:

3.4.2 Stock Catalog Summary Screen

You can use the ‘Stock Catalog Summary’ screen to query for stock catalog records based on the following parameters:

To invoke the ‘Stock Catalog Summary’ screen, enter ‘IVSSTKCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

3.5 Stock Flow Master Definition

This section contains the following topics:

3.5.1 Defining Stock Flow Master

You can use the ‘Stockflow Master Definition’ screen to define and maintain the inventory stock flow. This maintenance must be done for each inventory branch. The stock flow master definition allows the following:

The bank may have different hierarchies, which can be defined using this inventory-branch cross-reference maintenance.

For each inventory branch, the maintenance needs to be done for all the allowed branches/operations (of which the inventory maintenances can be done from this branch). However, irrespective of this maintenance, all branches can initiate stock requests for their own branch.

For any given branch:

To invoke the ‘Stock Flow Master Definition’ screen, enter ‘IVDSTFMN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

You may need to specify the following details in the above screen.

Inventory Branch

Specify here the Inventory branch, i.e. the branch which will be maintaining the inventory for the allowed branch codes.

Branch Name

The system displays the Branch Name for the selected inventory branch.


It’s an optional field for specifying additional remarks for this maintenance which can be used to indicate the logical group name for the inventory branch.

3.5.2 Specifying Inventory Operations for Allowed Branches

You can use the ‘Allowed Branches’ tab to maintain the list of inventory operations which the inventory branch can initiate on behalf of the allowed branches.

Here you can add Branch Code – Branch Name records and maintain the following details for each.

Branch Code

Specify the Branch Code for which the inventory operations need to be maintained. The Branch Name is displayed as per your selection.

Use the following fields to define (specify by selecting Yes/No) the inventory transactions which the Inventory branch can initiate on behalf of the Allowed Branch codes.

3.5.3 Specifying Stock Details

The ‘Stock Details’ tab section allows for maintaining the reorder level, excess level and reorder quantity of the different catalog stocks (at the inventory branch level).

The above maintenance is optional and applies only to the specified inventory branch. The maintenances done here supersedes the Reorder Level, Excess Level and Reorder Quantity Maintained at the Stock Catalog Definition.

You may specify the following details for each added record in the Stock Details section:

Stock Catalog Code

Select from the adjoining list of options, the Stock Catalog whose stock details you wish to maintain/modify for the specified inventory branch.

Based on your selection the following values are populated. You may modify certain values as per your requirements:

3.5.4 Stockflow Summary screen

You can use the Stockflow Summary) screen to query for Stockflow definition records by specifying the following parameters:

To invoke the ‘Stock Flow Summary’ screen, enter ‘IVSSTFMN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

3.6 Vendor Maintenance

You may enter into contracts with a standard set of vendors who are inventory suppliers. Therefore, you need to specify the details of the vendor every time you enter into a perform a maintenance. To ease this, you can maintain the details of all the vendors with whom you deal in the ‘Vendor Maintenance’ screen. Then, when performing maintenance, you only need to indicate the Vendor ID and all the details maintained for the Vendor will automatically be picked up.

To invoke the ‘Vendor Maintenance’ screen, enter ‘XPDVNMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Toolbar and then click the adjoining arrow button.

Under the ‘Stock Details’ section, you can specify whether the vendor is an inventory supplier or not. If the vendor is an inventory supplier then you can record the list of stocks that can be serviced by the vendor.

Is Vendor an Inventory Supplier

If the maintained vendor is an inventory supplier then check this box. You can then proceed to capture the stock codes which can be serviced by this vendor.

Stock Details

Here you can maintain a list of stocks which can be serviced by this vendor/supplier. You may also include all the stocks using the single select check box.

The Stock Catalog Codes displayed will be valid codes as maintained in the stock catalog master maintenance.


The Request Stock function, explained in the Operations chapter, checks for the valid sup­plier code. The valid supplier codes are the codes maintained through this supplier codes maintenance. The Order Stock function (explained later) checks if the requested stock can be supplied by this supplier.

For more details on Vendor Maintenance, refer the Core Entities user manual.

3.7 Mandatory Batch Program Maintenance

You need to maintain the ‘IVBEODFN’ batch process in the Mandatory Batch Program Maintenance screen, so as to get the excess stock and shortage report to be recorded during EOD.

You can invoke the ‘Mandatory Batch Program Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘EIDMANPE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.